Tuesday, 13 March 2018
Aaron/Linda James txt to 204 588 3281/ ph 2048899134 The information you are about to view is currently being censored through international media circuits but is nonetheless, entirely genuine and authentic, vetted against the attest of Washington Affidavit, independent journalist, and multiple NGO's (as detailed in the link provided at the bottom)
...This ordeal is also one of LIFE threatening nature and we are the recipients of state induced assassination threats against our further disclosure (both verbally as recorded* to tape, and as sent us through electronic communications copied senior state officials), a state which has already to date, employed exhaustive violent and unlawful means by which to attempt to silence our voices of disclosure, including but not limited to attempted kidnap, threats and intimidation, televised identity theft, and chronic hack sabotage shutter and exploit of our online materials (as attested by NGO, independent journalist, court documents and other notary public records).
Malcolm X, a devout prodigy of Elijah Muhammad, had been both an activist and a scholar while amongst his studies were the chronicles of Marcus Garvey, the Jamaican icon of black liberation that would go on to shape much of the foundations on which the Nation of Islam was built;
"By any and all means necessary"(Malcolm X)
... Dr King and Malcolm had been two of the most sought after public speakers of their time, yet they had only formally met on one occasion; Regardless, the unity of black resistance they cultivated made them serious threat to state designs that wished maintenance of the status quo - that being, the Apartheid suppression of people of color across America;
As chronicled in documentary, FBI's War on Black America, during the 60's civil rights movement, FBI KKK and Police, worked hand in glove by which to prevent black activists in America from joining with correspondent black leaders in Africa. COINTEL adopted the strategies of British Brigadier Frank Henry Kitzen, which employed the utility of infiltration submergence insurgency, extortion, extralegal force and violence including murder, by which to disrupt and prevent any mass movements from gathering momentum;
It is clear not much has changed where this is concerned as it stands today - scandals outstanding such as lawsuit against MN Police including citation of black police officers' receipt of KKK based threats through their interdepartmental emails, threats issued black Minneapolis MN congressman Michael Harris, signed " MN KKK Police", and the more recent Trump era revelation of California Police' concealed empathy and collaboration with violent white nationalist Neo Nazi demonstrators, in their collective take of aim at anti-racist protesters, as documents reveal;
When we go back into our history and realize the origins of today's police forces stem from the operations of slave-catchers of the old south, the chronic association of so called 'law enforcement' with acts of violent hate based lawless despotism, becomes self explanatory, in their example as institution fundamentally illegitimate* in both function and foundation.
Travon Martin, Michael Brown (Ferguson), Jamar Clark (murdered by MN Police while handcuffed); Eric Garner - choked to death by NYPD...Where does it end?
After FBI COINTEL's assassination of Malcolm X on Feb 21/1966 came Martin Luther King's same fate at the hands of state COINTEL designs only 2 years later as of April 04/1968; Following Dr King's murder Reagan had him replaced by Black conservative lawyer Samuel L. Peirce as the new (false pretense ) Messiah for the people in the movement;
Our family is central international target of the state's unlawful accosts and central antagonist and perpetrator in our target is past Reagan Whitehouse associate FBI COINTEL operative Steven C. Davis;
The Church Pike Senate Judiciary Committee hearings into investigation of COINTEL crimes were ultimately crushed by the Rockefeller Commission, an enterprise representing the interests of none other than the very agencies being investigated in capacity the FBI COINTEL NSA, and CIA in and of themselves ; A key figure on the board of the Rockefeller Commission was none other than Ronald Reagan, an individual whom not only saw to drastic increase in latitude of COINTEL operations, but also one, in Ronald Reagan, whom was responsible for the dismissal of the only 2 successful prosecutions of COINTEL crimes in America's history - crimes such as those of the murder of Malcolm X and Dr. King;
1.We are the only people in the world who can say we have legal document copied before attorney general of the U.S. that is the FBI & state's signed confession of their unlawful attempt upon our cross border kidnap to harm following racial profiling assault we sustained as foreign nationals visiting their country.
2.We are the only people in the world who can show our receipt of life threatening communication sent us by U.S. intelligence copied senior U.S. officials including past presidential candidate nominees; (In addition to this we have audio recordings of their issue of assassination threats delivered face to face at our home* and during incidents of violent accost in public settings through their stalk and surveillance mechanisms.)
3.We are the only people in the world whom can say our ordeal is tied directly* to the Wikileaks Julian Assange ordeal in the synchronicity discovered of multiple active members of U.S. intelligence common to our mutual assail, and that we have spoken to the Wikileaks legal team directly in that regard. (Specifically, the true identity of Embassycat - Assange's online twitter stalker, is in fact that of CIA Denver Colorado Counterterrorism op Timothy Patrick White, a central antagonist figure in the state's unlawful target of our family through international intelligence) Aggravating factor is our rebroadcast of the Wikileaks files subsequent the CIA driven sabotage of Julian's domain names, using the raw server numbers associated them, and the state's audio-recorded* assassination threats against our further disclosure thereto;
4.We are the only people in the world as common citizens, whom are able to prove an identity theft committed against them by a major television broadcasting corporation as tied the actions of the international intelligence communities - one that was effected immediately subsequent their first of multiple attempts upon my kidnap to the U.S. as means by which to whitewash our ordeal;
The evidence of these state abuses is vetted not only through the aforestated Washington affidavit, threatening electronic communications, independent journalist witness and audiotape records, but also through court documents and police notes records subpoenaed from Police which they had attempted to withhold* - records that reveal the enmesh of local acting Winnipeg Manitoba Canada Police with Canadian government, Interpol and multiple U.S. state and federal agencies including U.S. marshals, FBI, Minneapolis Police - in collective target of my person and our family with aim at my extraordinary render (kidnap) cross border from Canada to the U.S. These records are explicit in making these objectives clear.
Local police notes subpoenaed also evidenced the fact that as extension of their unlawful enmesh, they had catalogued and recorded all of our online materials we had written in protest of the original racial profiling assault. Additionally, they had exploited some of these materials to their personal advantage by retroactively placing some of the URL's particular our materials, in the leading section of extremist Jihadist documents of their own manufacture - documents that have subsequently been traced back to association local acting CSIS operative Harry Held, an individual amongst local acting members of state who's assassination threats we have recorded to audiotape. The presence of tongue and cheek captions such as "Winnipeg Police Exploitation Unit" and coy references to John McCain, in the content of the offending constructs, made the partisan state COINTEL collusion obvious and transparent.
Where my name was found present within these same COINTEL constructs, we discovered earlier versions of these same documents where the name of CIA extraordinary torture rendition victim Canadian citizen Maher Arar's name had been present instead. We had contact with the Arar family in the months prior the state's multiple attempts upon my kidnap, during his wife Monia's Canada wide tour in discussion of the kidnap of her husband Maher. Speaking further to the CIA Arar extra-ordinary torture rendition synchronicity: Following the original assault the Canadian Consular office failed in their lawful obligation by which to provide visitation and well being check - instead I was cast to the vices of tyranny with Consular representative Estelle Aranud Battahdier's whimsically indifferent words of disbandon issued me by phone, "Let us know if they torture you or force you to commit indecent acts yet we will not be involved - this is a U.S. affair"; COROLLARY to this we have the audio recordings of rogue acting local agents amongst Canadian intelligence in their threats that I will ultimately be " kidnapped tortured and terrorized" in their black site prisons abroad, while police notes subpoenaed in court reveal the culpable enmesh of Canadian officials and agencies in the affair (as was the case with the CIA extraordinary torture rendition particular Maher Arar.)
As reflected in the minutes of court proceedings, Police had not only constructed these 'terror patsy' documents but had also sent belongings of mine - both physical and intellectual property - to the United States - and unlawfully so, as extension of their warrantless raid upon my home concurrent with their first of multiple attempts upon my cross border kidnap to the U.S. Our attorney properly remarked that these spurious and unlawful tactics were reflective of their efforts at leverage of false evidence and argument for my rendition where kidnap had failed!
5. The motivation for this unprecedented degree of unlawful state abuse is one of containment* ~ by any means they feel necessary and at all cost ~ because of the fact that the airline on which my mother and I were racially profiled and viciously assailed as Canadian Foreign Nationals visiting the U.S. was to be official campaign carrier for Republican Presidential campaign nominee John McCain in his bid for Presidency within the 2008 presidential elections; Northwest Air was principle campaign lobbyist and financial contributor while past Northwest CEO Fred Malick was to be McCain's campaign co-chair.
One of the central offending agents - FBI agent Steven Davis - sent us threatening correspondence amidst the aforestated multiple attempts upon my kidnap, that he copied to the attention of John McCain FBI and other interested state bodies involved in clandestine coadjute particular my kidnap to the U.S. Davis' father was senior geologist under past president Eisenhower and heavily connected to through the CIA therein, while agent Davis is past close Whitehouse associate associate to past president Ronald Reagan (photographs of agent Davis seen alongside Reagan in the oval office during any one of his many visitations thereto, are available online as are the details of agent Davis' boasted direct* ties and ensconces with any number of today's most world renown U.S. political figures including 2012 Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney (for whom past Northwest Air director David A Brandon was campaign co-chair*), past U.S. attorney general John Ashcroft, pro-torture Senator Kit Bond and Bush administration U.S. Senate Judiciary President Orrin Hatch - who's brother Glendon Hatch is a senior acting board of directors member serving offending FBI agent Davis' multimillion dollar Kanco Corporation mining outlets.
Both agent Davis and his father Clyde, have vast connections through both the FBI and the CIA, and through the later, into the sordid ranks of international organized crime syndicate and it's deadly operations.
Not only did agent Davis send us threatening communications copied McCain and other interested rogue acting state bodies but he also threatened my kidnap and my mother's assassination against our continued disclosure, by way of phone call made Feb 05/2008 in the weeks subsequent the state's first of multiple attempts upon my kidnap to the U.S., and he did so against reference to his standing within FBI and his "good friendship" and association Romney and John McCain*.
My mother Linda James, has been responsible for thwarting many of the violences international intelligence have attempted against me; She was onboard the aircraft at the time of the original racial profiling assault and resisted airport police' unlawful attempt to confine her to the aircraft and force her return to Canada without me, whereupon I would have otherwise been subject to much greater abuses as a Canadian in a foreign country without the presence of family as witness. Linda was also responsible for thwart of a number of U.S. intelligence' subsequent attempts upon my cross border kidnap to harm, through her rushed attendance to my home in confront of rogue acting Winnipeg Manitoba Canada Police through whom these U.S. agencies have been operating by proxy, whereupon police have habitually fled the scene for fear of incrimination. She has also contributed to some of the online materials of which we have published, materials that were met with threats sent our YouTube and blogger accounts from self identifying agents of FBI COINTEL and offending airline Northwest Air, promising violent retaliation. As result of the obstacle my mother has represented in blockade of the COINTEL's violent unlawful aims, she too has been targeted and harassed, including harassing calls she received at work, erasure of emails, and assassination threat against her coming from multiple local coordinating operatives within Canadian Intelligence, one such threat coming from rogue operative threatening a colleague of his - a U.S. marine sniper* he was sure to point - had taken photographs of the backs of both of our heads. (We have this encounter recorded to tape.)
My mother was unable to attend to her mother across the country in hospital in the weeks before her passing as result of the ongoing attempts upon my kidnap to harm in the U.S., fearing that upon her return she would discover she had lost both her mother and her son. This year the stress of the ongoing unchecked abuses has taken its toll and my mother has lost 15 pounds, now weighing only 84 lbs. The COINTEL are to be seen as nothing less than monsters fundamentally devoid of humanity in every sense of meaning.
Agent Davis further added insult atop injury, through his send our family of racist eugenics based doctrines, during the state's numerous assaults upon our family, documents, that placated to his Mormon diatribes concerning the Nephrites and Laminates, doctrines that argued the darkening of skin and broadening of facial features was curse of Noah unto his son Ham in retaliation for his marriage to Egyptus descendant of Kane. It is through the Mormon Church Utah, that agent Davis meets his acquaintance with a number of the leading white nationalist figures amongst the United States senior state officials of this day, including Senator Orrin Hatch, torture proponent Sen. Kit Bond, and Mormon leader Mitt Romney, the later of whom (Romney) was metered heavy criticism during his 2012 presidential campaign, confronted by members of the voting public outraged at the eugenics diatribes of his Mormon doctrines and the hate based message they carried.
The threats stalk surveillance and targeting has been chronic and lasting and persists to present day. Our ordeal is universally* unique across the world - our suffering has been just as singularly horrific. That* is why an outlet of good acting conscience must see it vital the broadcast of our ordeal because what they, the CIA, feel they can accomplish in the target of one - the CIA will hone* and perfect* in their utility by which to target others*.
A media blackout is currently in effect as referenced in journalist Lesley Hughes' article on our ordeal entitled "The Media Gag" "All media of any significant influence are CIA controlled" (CIA director William Colby) (Colby was close associate CIA DeCamp, whom is in turn past colleague FBI Gunderson, Gunderson whom worked with agent Davis and CIA operative Tim White in attempt at my unlawful cross border extraordinary render from Canada into the U.S. through the operations of international intelligence. )
It is our hope this will help you to see the compelling qualities and urgency of our ordeal with clarity. For the betterment of not only our family - but moreover, the world* - It must not be concealed. It is our respectful request that those of you whom read of this and whom feel compelled to lend of yourselves in the overcoming of Apartheid and hate based state driven oppression in America, kindly assist us in spreading our message far and wide - resounding - across the face of America, for all asunder to hear and through as many channels as there are available by which to do so - our struggle is yours - is that same struggle common to all of us. Aaron & Linda James, freedomtruths(at) tutanota(dot)com Further detail can be found at http://state-abuse.blogspot.ca/2018/01/volume-one.html
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