Monday, 5 February 2018


Hate Based State Abuse/Kidnap/Assassination Threats/ Violation International Law - Snr U.S. State officials Culpable

Sign the petition re: Trump's racism
Aaron/Linda James 204 889 9134/204 588 3281; email: freedomtruths(at)tutanota(dot)com

      'LET FREEDOM RING!' M.L. King Jr..
The Hate Based Political  Debacle & Republican Party's Target of One Family that America Conceals and it's WikiLeaks Enmesh:
Aaron/Linda James 204 889 9134/ 204 588 3281;

Under the Trump Administration, Secretary Carson has suspended a recent Obama ruling until 2020 that otherwise required communities' address of patterns of segregation throughout the nation (unconstitutional) ...while Trump has openly  defended the actions of KKK and hate based speakers at Charlottesville and encouraged and incited a climate of hate and violence such to the effect of  tragic loss of life time and time again... This same treasonous visage of moral depravity repugnance and turpitude, while also responsible for the unceremonious  removal of the oversight committee particular checks and balances on, and investigation of, police misconduct and brutality, all in the name of making America "great again" - all in the name of draconian imperialist oligarchical hate based  tyranny  ...TRAVON MARTIN Florida... MICHAEL BROWN (Ferguson), JAMAR CLARK MN (murdered*** by police while handcuffed), MARCUS GOLDEN, MN...where does it end?  Walls of division, both literally, and figuratively, be it financial barrier to health care, gentrification and  marginalizing the poor, segregation in housing, education, opportunity...Where does it end?
It ends* - with new beginning in oneness* and a casting out of the hate based energy of division, entirely ......One* collective voice - one directive - a unity unbreakable, indefatigable in the face of division exclusionism, circular carte blanche state tyranny and overcoming* in solidarity - together*...
Subject: Wikileaks as tied Our* Ordeal Overlapping* - Hate Based State Abuse Violation International Law /Revealed: Same agents amongst U.S. Intelligence involved in our mutual assail.
(NOTE: Copied To Attention Julian Assange/Edward Snowden Legal Team with whom we have now spoken directly by phone in the team's entirety*,  as result of overlap of our ordeal with theirs particular same agents amongst U.S. intelligence involved in our mutual afflictions.)

Aaron /Linda James
204 889 9134; 204 588 3281
Our ordeal, (which was originally  couched in a racial profiling assault that my mother and I endured as Canadian citizens visiting the U.S. for medical reasons, and has now escalated into political debacle in the Republican party's arbitrary unlawful target of our family) is one that bridges several other ordeals of large gravity, high order magnitude and world scope, in expose of U.S. state despotism and malfeasance,  including the Assange Wikileaks ordeal (same agents of COINTEL involved by name* as detailed further in due course), and the Maher Arar CIA extraordinary torture rendition ordeal as brought before the past U.S. administration- it is for this reason that the state has focused so acutely and heavily on our family's unlawful target, oppression, and suppression of our ordeal, and through so many hideous and egregious means (involving extra-judicial persecution such as life threats, cross border kidnap attempt, and  media identity theft)  in violation of international law, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Geneva convention  and the  U.N. Declaration of Human Rights.
I have included a brief pretext* to the main body of this message which captions excerpt of our approach of NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, as result the fact his legal representation and umbrella under Freedom Press, and also encompasses Chelsea manning and Julian Assange's Iamwikileaks, which relates back to the synchronicities between the Assange ordeal and our own;

Date: 3. Jan 2018 02:12

Subject: Attention Mr. Edward Snowden: Unlawful Cointel State Persecution Seeking Assistance
Attention Mr. Edward Snowden:

1. Our ordeal is of international magnitude and scope and we (my mother and I) are targeted (in violation of international law) not only as result of speaking out against state afflictions metered our family but also as result of including in context thereof, rebroadcast of the Wikileaks files as evidence the farce of the state driven "war on terror" under which my mother and I met our assail at the hands of GOP carrier Northwest Air, as Canadians visiting the U.S. for medical reasons.

2. We observe that Iamwikileaks is member along with Chelsea Manning, under the larger umbrella of your organization and legal representation.
...We are also aware that the U.S. has assigned the same federal prosecutor to the Assange ordeal as they have to yours in their wicked fervor for retaliation against the evidence of their own* corruption and the truth*.
...Understand that our ordeal and that of Mr. Assange's overlaps in capacity our discovery of the fact that certain members of U.S. intelligence within CIA are common in the state's deploy in the target of both Mr. Assange and our family, an information we only recently discovered (as detailed further on in due course) ... I have contacted Mr. Assange through social media to apprise him of the gravity of this finding and in underscore of the fact that he indeed remains central target of the CIA /U.S./ U.K. despite any false untoward assurances that his embassy domicile is no longer  under  watch and guard.

3. Our assassination and or torture has been threatened by members of the intelligence communities as tied senior U.S. state officials as attempt at deterrent against our further disclosure upon U.S. state malfeasance particular our ordeal and that of others similar to it in the nature of state afflictions suffered. (Threats we have recorded to audiotape unbeknownst to rogue acting members of state agency during incidents of their violent approach and accost, and in part, in context our receipt of overtly criminally  threatening material sent us by agents within intelligence as copied senior U.S. state officials...

4. As result of the above said circumstances we hope it becomes clear to you that our ordeal is one of public* interest in exposing systemic mechanism of clandestine state abuses metered in the target of the individual as abuses and violation of the Geneva Convention, the U.N. declaration of human rights, the Constitution and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms... In the spirit of recognizing the merit of our ordeal in this regard we respectfully request that you not* ignore it or sweep it aside...I can assure you it   has every bit as much merit as an Assange ordeal or that of your own in its potential contribution towards the awakening of public awareness and  consciounse and we hope you will receive and acknowledge it in that stead.

5. Your  assistance in regards bringing more to the forefront and surface, the details of our ordeal, is vitally important against backdrop of the clandestine coadjute between corporate media and state in unlawfully suppressing nuances of our ordeal from reaching public spotlight, as evidenced in the utility of state driven televised identity theft I suffered through local state funded Broadcasting Corporation CBC, immediately subsequent the first of multiple attempts made upon my abduction to harm within the U.S...(as witnessed and vetted by former CBC freelance journalist Lesley Hughes.)

6. The proof* particular the facts presented is as much so unprecedented as are  the facts themselves, and include,  but are not limited to:  Washington affidavit submitted by FBI that has now made its way into our hands, in which they candidly admit to unlawful* "secret" dealings with local state agencies in solicit of my extraordinary render to the U.S. and* to extra-judicial persecution and corrupted proceedings; local court documentation and subpoenaed police records evidencing the criminal conduct and coadjute of local "law enforcement" and state with FBI and other federal U.S. alphabet agencies particular our ordeal; local journalist as first hand witness to the original kidnap attempt and subsequent  incidents of stalk harassment and state surveillance...

Once again we respectfully request of your council your advocacy and support in this affair - our struggle is your struggle is the world's struggle - for justice in a world governed by unchecked carte blanche tyranny that must be  restored to proper way of being.
Original Message:
Please spread this message to all your contacts in activism and civil/human rights ASAP* and kindly ask that they do the same;
 We are in tremendous danger as targets of unlawful state operations that threaten our very lives; Moreover: Our ordeal is of such magnitude and so iconic of the state of depravity and despotic tyranny within the U.S.  that the world* must know; (Below you will see our ordeal also overlaps with same CIA network targeting both Julian Assange (Wikileaks) and Maher Arar (Canadian CIA torture rendition victim)
Please Contact CIA Torture Rendition Targets
Please contact by phone Winnipeg Canada
011 204 889 9134 (Linda James);
011 204 588 3281 (Aaron James)
 We are  contacting you with regard a racial profiling assault my mother and I sustained in Minneapolis, MN, as Canadian travellers visiting the U.S. for medical reasons; it has now spiraled into a decade  long string of media suppression and state affliction including kidnap ploys, televised media whitewash identity theft through major media and assassination threats recorded to tape as well as those sent electronically from FBI copied senior U.S. officials including interested party John McCain*;    both U.S. and Canadian federal agencies and governance have enmeshed themselves in this  debacle.  

 After racially profiled, attacked and I (Aaron), left in a pool of blood aboard past official carrier for McCain campaign, my mother and I were placed through extra-judicial persecution in United States, and finally FBI and other U.S. bodies (CIA also) made attempts on my kidnap to torture in U.S. to try and silence our voice of protest; Central offending agent Steven Davis, sent us threatening email copied John McCain and FBI during kidnap attempts and threatened my mother's murder; We have assassination threats (taped*) from local Canadian intelligence; FBI agent Steven Davis  submitted Washington affidavit  admitting* to kidnap ploys; Agent Davis is past contact of Pres. Reagan and contact of 2012 campaign nominee Romney; Davis father is heavily tied to CIA through past CIA director Allen Dulles and Eisenhower;  Canadian government have abandoned; Media stole our identity in televised production after first kidnap attempt to conceal;

Agent Davis' affidavit before Washington, as copied before the 81st U.S. attorney general of the United States, admitted and does* admit to everything we would  ever want it to, particular the extra-judicial FBI cointel abuses metered us by the state and the international cross border collusion and coordination  between the intelligence communities targeting our family;
*It admitted openly to the fundamental breach of justice judicial corruption and malicious targeting and persecution metered us  by the U.S. Hennepin  federal courts circuit, following the racial profiling assault ;

 After leaving me bloodied on the craft, police were horrified to find my own mother had been witness, and began a massive cover up beginning with attempt to confine her to the craft and force her return to Canada from the U.S. without me;  coupled with this came conceal of names and badge numbers, falsified reports, a swift media release to suit character assassination, and collusion through the FBI and Hennepin district  federal circuit toward fundamental obstruction of justice and containment, motivated further as result the airlines' intended utility as official carrier for the 2008 U.S. Republican presidential campaign. This  obstruction included unlawful*  threats, stalk and harassment prior trial in failed attempt to prompt my compliance with plea bargain [silent listener phone calls, calls from security agencies selling "life safety programs" without numbers to allow return of calls; presence of FBI illegal within Canada outside my home;  sabotaged and intercepted registered letter legal mail;COINTEL obstruction through  taint of jury pool selection [of the 45 members of the jury pool selection 16 had direct or indirect connection to law enforcement or intelligence (including FBI and NSA); 4 of the 45 also had connection to Northwest Airlines, the airline on which the racial profiling assault took place;  the judge was a criminally charged X.U.S. marine, and prior to trial a prospective defense attorney we had spoken to warned that we had been assigned just about the most overzealous authoritarian and officious judge that there was, in the entire Hennepin federal court circuit - a judge whom would threaten my prospective future kidnap at the hands of the state barring my compliance, a threat he issued right in the middle of the court room with  mob like presumptive carte Blanche above the law impunity;

*FBI agent Davis' affidavit admitted further to the fact our "defense"  attorney Robert Jones was actually working on behalf of the prosecution in treacherous FBI COINTEL engineered conflict of interest;

*Davis' affidavit admitted  to the Winnipeg Police' unlawful coadjute and "secret dealings with the FBI and other U.S. agencies" in our ordeal toward advent my unlawful kidnap to the U.S.
All of this open admission to felony level  state malfeasance wrong doing had been used as enticement to convince me in allowing him his joiner with my legal council (against the backdrop of threats upon my mother's murder or my kidnap should we refuse - such is the determination and fervor with which U.S. federal agencies have sought to suppress and conceal investigations into  state malfeasance dealt us, here within Canada.

Threats from FBI agent Steven Davis referencing Republican Ron Paul and as copied to central offending state figure John McCain amidst abduction ploys targeting our family:

FBI agent Steven Davis' Washington Affidavit before 81st U.S. Attorney General of the United States,  admits* Police/FBI kidnap collusion and fundamental miscarriage of justice violation international law, violation Geneva Convention, U.N. Declaration of Human Rights;

Introductory Article  (
Corollary  Point Form Introduction:

CUAPB M.Gross re FBI kidnap efforts: "THE FAR REACH OF US POLICE STATE REPRESSION" "Apparently the feds have way too many agents and not enough real crime to worry about. While some agents were busy <>abusing their power against our local activists, others
were working in cahoots with the Winnipeg police department to continue the ongoing harassment of Aaron James.  Aaron...has endured multiple warrantless raids on his house, arrests, and attempts to abduct and forcibly extradite him to the US.

Kidnapping Efforts (

FBI and CIA are working steadfastly to try and conceal and suppress and have targeted my online materials for sanitation (as referenced immediately below) such, some of the sub* links within the materials referenced below, have been sabotaged.
Reference: MN CUAPB "The Far Reach of Police State Oppression:... "His websites have been repeatedly taken down, the content hijacked, his URLs redirected to racist websites, etc...."
Court Documents Folders Online
Google Docs -
Google Drive
Twitter Dialogue
 (Note***Twitter is currently CENSORING***my jimfree2 account at last check, so the twitter threads below may not work and it may be that only the first post shows - perhaps twitter would like to remove the block?)

Our ordeal as tied Julian Assange - same nest of CIA target both of us - evidence /detail in these 2 links (
[[Note - We have renewed our contact and approach of Assange in this capacity as recently as this morning - January 03/18, in underscoring the dangers at large and inherent in the overlap of our ordeals, while the following is brief excerpt of message sent him therein:
"Julian - This is an URGENT* MESSAGE and appeal for your reply: my mother and I just tried to contact you by phone at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London at 44 20 7584 1367 and emphasized the fact that we had discovered the fact that our oppressors in the state were common to yours by name*. CIA Agent Timothy Patrick White is the real identity behind "embassy cat" that stalks your profile through social media /twitter and is an extremely hostile agent of Denver CIA Counterterrorism Division whom the CIA employ in the target of our family along with his colleague agent Steven C Davis, Davis whom has many ties to senior state officials within the Republican Party involved either directly or tangentially in our state target,  including Mitt Romney, Sen. John McCain, Sen. Orrin Hatch (head of U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee under the Bush Administration) and Sen Kit Bond (torture proponent) ... (Detail and evidence thereof presented further on in due course)
Further, through our online research, we discovered that agent Reginald Angus Argue (pen name of Angus McLeod)  media mouth-peice for agent Steven Davis, had been in contact with your associate Birgitta Yonsdottir through social media, which fits further into the picture of the state's take of aim at your person and their association of your ordeal with that of ours in their choice of   utility of state operatives in our mutual target.  My mother Linda actually spoke to your associate  Birgitta over the phone for considerable length of time several years prior now, but this was prior to our more recent discovery and knowledge of the direct synchronicities between our ordeal and your own, and prior to our discovery that she had been contacted by agent Reginald Argue, as member amongst state body in the target of our family.
We tried to contact you through your twitter account to apprise you of this unlikely synchronicity and the dangers it obviously poses to both you and ourselves, but unfortunately we were not met with your reply, leaving us to assume that either our outreach did not reach you and was blocked, or you had chosen not to respond.  Regardless, although we are sure you are aware, and perhaps I state the obvious to someone of your intellect: the evidence of CIA agent Tim White's fixation upon your person (embassycat) should be sufficient warning in and of itself,  that any ill begotten assurances provided you that the U.K. no longer keeps your domicile under watch and guard, are false - they and the collective international intelligence circuits, as evidenced by the synchronicities between our ordeals, have clearly not relented even to slightest degree in their original objectives in the take of aim upon your person, and  in the same way they have not relented particular our plight and the target of our family as well.  This*** is why we so strongly make our appeal for your extension and return of communication and council - we are made stronger in the face of tyranny, by working together*.
 Julian, as of this morning, upon our call, the London Ecuadorian embassy at which you stay, made clear and were very emphatic  that regardless of our situation and the synchronicities at large between our ordeal and your own, they would not allow us our direct contact of your person by phone (at your general request particular any and all outside originating calls, we assume)  leaving my mother and I to request of them alternate means of making our contact of you, whereupon they provided the email address through which we contact you now.
If it is that you had chosen not to respond out of concern that we are not whom we say we are, (and as we endure similar circumstances we can empathize directly with such concern)  then I can only redirect your attention to the vast body of independent reports that have been written of our ordeal through NGO's  and independent journalists as referenced in the body of this message in full detail, as well as court documentation including Washington affidavit signed by FBI COINTEL sent our  attorney, which evidences fully, the unlawful state target of our persons and makes clear their utility of all manner of mechanism in violation of international law in our assail including multiple attempts made at my extraordinary render (kidnap*) to the U.S. the first attempt thereof, which was witnessed by local journalist Lesley Hughes whom also witnessed the televised* identity theft carried out upon my person shortly following the first of multiple attempts therein, in the CIA's fervent attempt to whitewash our ordeal and convince the world that I was safe and well while in fact, under siege and full frontal state assault.
Against backdrop of all of this, we respectfully renew our approach of your person to strongly  reaffirm that WE ARE* WHOM WE HAVE TOLD YOU - and request kindly of your reply in the spirit and hope that you will see our struggle as common to your own and even more importantly, as common to the struggle against state abuse and  arbitrary politicized target of the individual whom choses to expose or speak out against state crimes against democracy and humanity.
We are not hiding behind avatars or stage names and can additionally, at your request and discretion, be contacted by phone 011 (204) 889 9134 / 011 (204) 588 3281 (Linda James/Aaron James) or through other social media such as Skype or twitter etc., Skype for example,  if you wish to associate face and voice with identity. You may also contact me through signal at 011 204 588 3281 to set up a private encrypted voice or voice video call if you have security concerns over talking through the compromised Skype platform as we do, and we genuinely truely do hope in good faith, that you will not shut us out but rather extend us the  kindness of your friendship and council in this ordeal as common to your own.
Julian, in the content (of this message)  you will see our approach of Mr. Snowden and his legal team at Freedom Press, an approach we made in the spirit of also emphasizing with Mr. Snowden and company, the synchronicities between our ordeals as aforementioned, that have now made themselves so apparent. " (Since the time of this communication, over the next 48 hours we spoke with several members of the Julian Assange Wikileaks Legal team in person over the phone, in expounding on the extraordinary synchronicities between our ordeal and that of Assange, and the vast inherent dangers implicit therein. Assange Legal Team member Melinda Taylor, with whom my mother and I  spoke, was particularly concerned about the revelation of the true identity of Julian Assange's social media "fan" Embassycat, as none other than central figure within CIA. RT's review of "embassycat" had been playful and tongue and cheek in reflecting of embassy cat's presence and role, while none the wiser of the insipid nature of deception at hand and the acute dangers inherent therein; My mother Linda, explained further in addressing Ms. Taylor, of her past warnings given Assange's colleague Birgitta Yonsdottir, against travel through the U.S.,  given the Icelandic Congresswoman's safety from arbitrary detainment and harm could not be assured based on our personal knowledge of the danger at hand, and as result her association Mr. Assange.) ]]

Our ordeal as tied Arar

Prime Minister Trudeau's silence in our ordeal

Government abandon
Spot light foreign Affairs/ACLU abandon
Media censorship/suppression (media blackout CIA* controlled)
Other Independent Reports
Lesley Hughes Canadian Dimension: (
Wayne Madsen Report on racial profiling Assault and judicial tyranny:
Roche Tasse Past President International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group: Advocacy with respect our ordeal (
Original Assault: (
Northwest Air Profiling Attack Part 1:
Northwest Air Profiling Attack Part 2:
NWA Racial Profiling Assault - in depth
Same officers involved in Multiple Further Airport Attacks over next several months including the assault upon the 6 Imams
The offending airline Northwest Air, worked with NASA and FBI in craft of their racial  profiling pilot project introduced to Minneapolis' Bloomingdale Airport 6 months prior our arrival January 2006;
FBI/NASA Racial Profiling via DATA Mining Passenger Name Records
NWA Sued by ACLU re racial profiling:
NWA Racial Profiling Abuses History:
Minneapolis Systemic Racial Profiling Abuses Human Rights Watch
MPR The Color of Justice:
Lawsuit against MN Police Chief Tim Dolan re KKK threats and systemic demotions of his own officers "The suit alleges that black officers have also suffered under a racially hostile environment. It says that in 1992, black officers received a hate letter signed "KKK" through the interoffice mail."
My video  on MN Police Racism/Corruption
Extra-judicial Jim Crow Persecution Suffered
* Corrupt Jury Pool Cointel Tainted
POST (Peace officer Standards and Training ) collusion with FBI 3 days prior to hearings ...they failed   to reply to our compliant of police abuse, but happily colluded with FBI prior to hearings as aide and abetting of obstruction of justice;
Defense Working For Prosecution (Referenced also in FBI agent Davis' Washington Affidavit)
Breaches in Law at Trial
Senior District Court Judge Gladdys Kessler exposes systemic FBI corruption and taint of evidence;
Corollary examples of Jury Pool Tamper in hate based Police Brutality Assaults:
Minneapolis /Jenkins Beating:
MN based Communities United Against Police Brutality (CUAPB) "From the moment we walked into the courtroom, it was clear that the machinery of the criminal justice system has been tuned up to railroad Philander. "
MN Based Communities United Against Police Brutality's attest regarding Judicial Tyranny We have Endured: Govt to whom she sent Redacted but* see below:
Government to whom she sent the email 3 days prior kidnap un*redacted:
CUAPB "Falsifying reports and "testilying" by cops are nothing new in this town but it's rare to see it proven so starkly.
Our Analysis of Police' False Statements
MN Hennepin County Courts History of Corruption in target of people of color:
"Highest rate of over-prosecution of blacks in all of the U.S."
Corollary/Milwaukee Jude  Porter Case:   Judicial corruption Jim Crow extra-judicial tyranny
FBI attempt terror Patsy frame up just prior to kidnap, using exploit of my online materials through their embed of my name and website URL in extremist materials of their own manufacture : telling* is that referenced in these same materials is "John McCain" and "Winnipeg Police*** Exploitation Unit"
Part 1: CIA torture rendition victim Maher Arar's name appears in COINTEL manufactured extremist "Bushites" entrapment doc on pp 29 and 51
Google drive; (
...Ultimately, my* name (Aaron James) would appear in later* versions of this same document bearing aforementioned references to McCain and "Winnipeg Police Exploitation Unit"  - Winnipeg Police, the Canadian "Law Enforcement" agency used as proxy liaison for the United States' unlawful target of my person here within Canada;
Later revealed within Winnipeg Police notes subpoenaed in court proceedings investigating their criminal conduct and kidnap ploys, was the fact Winnipeg police had catalogued all* of my online materials, making obvious their utility of it's exploit in the FBI COINTEL/police/state manufactured extremist materials at large...Telling was Winnipeg Police notes reference "Aaron James builds AND MAINTAINS*** many websites" as obvious indication their enmesh in cointel efforts at their repeated sabotage and exploit, as afore-referenced by CUAPB (MN based Communities United Against Police Brutality);  ( The Far Reach of Police State Oppression / CUAPB "His websites have been repeatedly taken down, the content hijacked, his URLs redirected to racist websites, etc...."
Also revealed within same said subpoenaed police notes, was their admitted enmesh and coadjute with FBI, U.S. marshals, Interpol, parliament, and Immigration Canada (I was born* here and have lived here all my life but in Canada just like in the U.S., race and color skin clearly biases influences and dictates presumptive   rogue state abuses.)
As detailed further in due course, corollary to the evidence of Canada - U.S.  cross border government collusion and felony culpability in the assaults targeting my person evidenced within rogue acting Winnipeg Police notes, following several attempts at my kidnap (commencing October 27/07) came FBI  agent Davis' first entry on scene (Feb 05/08) complete with assassination threats metered my mother and I against his ties FBI and McCain, and threat that U.S. marshal Kelly Mutschler had been working "eagerly*" - as he put it -  with Canadian government, to see about my "delivery".
FBI agent Davis is associate of and worked closely with FBI agent and past L.A. division FBI President Ted Gunderson, in longstanding aim at my kidnap, Gunderson, responsible in his past coadjute with offending judge David S. Doty (judge overseeing trial made tribunal through which I was placed through extra-judicial persecution, as admitted and referenced in agent Davis' Washington affidavit) in the CIA extraordinary torture rendition of John Gregory Lambrose, Brazil;
Past top client of Gunderson's firm Gunderson and Associates, was F. Lee Bailey, an individual widely described as a "switchboard of CIA connections."
Within our forensics are communications between Gunderson and senator John McCain going back as early as 1987;
Gunderson was  also past close associate former U.S. president Ronald Reagan, Reagan a past Whitehouse colleague to FBI agent Davis who boasts of his frequent White House visitations thereto; Offending Judge David Doty was appointed to position as federal judge by Reagan directly;
 Reagan, an individual notorious in his  implement of Jim Crow style oppressive legislation and rampant bolster of FBI COINTEL latitude,  was also responsible for pardoning the only 2 members of FBI COINTEL ever successfully convicted of COINTEL crimes;
 As detailed in the documentary FBI Cointel's War On Black America, during the 60's/70's Civil Rights Movement, the FBI worked hand in glove with the KKK in working to prevent African American civil rights leaders from connecting with leaders in Africa and employed tactics of insurgency, subversion and infiltration, the design of past British Brigadier General Frank Henry Kitzen, as aimed at disruption in preventing any mass movements of civil and human rights resistance from developing  and gathering momentum... According to this same documentary, tactics of Cointel disruption employed against Dr. King, Malcolm X, Fred Hampton and other such leaders, by the FBI, KKK and state, included wiretap, the use of forged signatures, anonymous letters, extortion, as well as the use of violence and extralegal force including murder...   Following the FBI COINTEL assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., central offending figure, FBI agent Steven Davis' White House cohort, then U.S. president Ronald Reagan, appointed black conservative lawyer and political puppet, Samuel L. Pierce to "lead" the black civil rights  movement as false pretense new "Messiah" for the people...
FBI agent Davis' cointel accomplice past FBI LA division president Ted L.Gunderson, is author of book title "How to find anyone anywhere without leaving the home", while within the construct of agent Davis' Washington affidavit, Davis is sure to highlight the fact he is "very good at locating people."
Agent Davis' father Clyde Davis, was also heavily connected to CIA, as past head Geologist under past U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower;
Eisenhower worked hand in glove with past CIA director Allen Dulles, in coordinating the assassination of multiple foreign national leaders including attempts upon the assassination of Cuba's Fidel Castro through the use of  CIA backed Sicilian Mafia.
Through his position under Eisenhower, Davis' father Clyde, had deep association both past president Eisenhower and past U.S. president Harry S. Trueman, while by Davis' own admission, Eisenhower appointed the handling of trillions of dollars of CIA slush funds to Clyde through the Mormon Church Utah where agent Davis  boasts deep rooted connection to Senators Orrin Hatch, Kit Bond and 2012 U.S. Presidential campaign candidate Mitt Romney, for whom past Northwest Air director David A Brandon had been campaign co-chair; Orrin Hatch lobbied heavily on behalf of Leon A. Panetta  for his position as director CIA, as result Panetta's pro stance on the use of torture;
During the attempts upon my kidnap during the election year, agent Davis sent many taunts and threats through email, one such taunt, amongst them, an email indulging in Mormon doctrine based diatribes particular the Nephrites and Laminates, as based on the eugenics based Mormon notion that the broadening of facial features and darkening of skin was curse from God imparted by Noah unto his son Ham as punishment for Ham's marriage of Egyptus descendent of Cane;  During his campaign run Romney was heavily criticized for his embrace of these same eugenics based doctrines and challenged publicly  by voters outraged and incensed further by the hate based message they carried;
Agent Davis' father Clyde was also close associate CIA MKULTRA senior intelligence operative Neil A. Maxwell, through his business dealings with the Atomic Energy Commission;
Agent Davis, for his part, like his father, is heavily enmeshed within the fabric of the CIA, with personal colleague CIA senior intelligence operative James Marc Reynolds, a principle coordinator of agent Davis'  corporate mining ensconces through Davis' business outlet Kanco Corp, on which Glendon Hatch sits member on the Board of Directors, Glendon, brother to U.S. senator Orrin Hatch, past head of the Bush administration's U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee;
Agent Davis' boasts include also his past tenure as member of the CIA  torture scandal scarred U.S. department of Justice, member amongst its criminal division, 1996-2000, and direct acquaintance the Bush family, Davis claiming to have largely contributed to Jeb Bush's election over Janet Reno, on account of exposed financial fraud; that the extremist entrapment materials referenced enticement to harm against "Bushites" was yet another obvious mark pointing back to agent Davis and his entourage as authors;
George Bush Senior, past U.S. president and also in his capacity past director, CIA, was responsible for launching organization entitled, the Population Crisis Control Committee - which argued that black babies were down breading the genetic pool; FBI COINTEL Pro's War on Black America, as the documentary exposes, continued under the Bush administration where it left off under agent Davis' COINTEL enabler, past U.S. president and bigot,  Ronald Reagan;
Amongst the threats and taunts agent Davis sent me during onslaught of attempt upon my kidnap during the election year, were not only the aforesaid eugenics based Mormon doctrines associated Romney and Davis, but also emails full of Republican agitator propaganda promoting Bush and the Bush administration; as a  whole;
Past Bush administration Orrin Hatch U.S.  Senate Judiciary Committee member M.G. Oglesby was also a former Reagan Whitehouse staffer, and sat as deputy Chief of staff in the Reagan administration, as further ties Reagan Whitehouse colleague agent Steven Davis, and his Kanco Corporation board of directors member, Glendon Hatch,  Orrin Hatch's brother;
Further, M. G. Oglesby is also Chairman at corporate outfit BKSH, owned by Charlie Black, John McCain's past 2008 campaign senior financial advisor; Amongst top clientele of Black's corporate outfit BKSH, is listed Xe Services, Xe Services CEO none other than Coffer Black, past Bush administration CIA Counterterrorism Division director, and Blackwater director, as relates agent Davis FBI COINTEL the CIA, the entrapment attempted particular exploit of my online materials and the state's attempts upon my kidnap to torture;  Coffer Black was also director of the Prime Policy Group, a U.S. foreign policy advisory group instrumental in seeding the exploit and devastation metered 3rd world countries in the Bush administration's "War on Terror";
Also top client listed under Black's  corporate outlet BKSH, is Lockheed Martin, Lockheed Martin manager none other than senior CIA intelligence operative Steven Izakowitz;
Sister corporation to Lockheed is NASA. NASA's chief of external relations Patrick Templeton, is also listed BKSH & Associates senior consultant.
 The corporate ties running through McCain campaign senior executive financial advisor Charlie Black's firm, BKSH, Lockheed Martin, the CIA,  and NASA, are extremely relevant,  given  it was NASA and the FBI with which Northwest Air aligned themselves in their collective draft and foment of the CAPS  system - the C*omputer A*ssisted (Racial) P*rofiling S*ystem under which my mother and I were targeted and assailed by the state as Canadians visiting the U.S. Through CIA enabled NASA Corp. the state effected the data mining of millions of passenger name records in blatant violation of personal privacy protocols, and created a racial profiling data base based purely on statistical meta data and background;
Incumbent  with agent Davis' taunts and threats sent our family during the election year, was not only the aforestated Mormon Eugenics based doctrines and pro Bush agitator propaganda, but also paraphernalia promoting NASA;
The CAPS racial profiling mechanism was radicalized and made even more dangerous -  even more egregious hawkish and lending to overzealous police state extremism -  in the implement of former El Al Marshal and past Ben Gurion Airport  Tel Aviv Israel security head Rafi Ron's BPR program, as instilled as test pilot project in Minneapolis' Bloomingdale airport and conditioned within all TSA in the 6 months prior our arrival; A program based on its Israeli model, Israel a state in which the open use of visual racial and religious profiling is common practice and goes unchallenged, as detailed in the Wayne Madsen Report written particular our ordeal, by past NSA U.S. intelligence operative Wayne Madsen;

Is this a statement against Judaism or Jewish people? Absolutely not, for we cannot trade one form of racism and discrimination for another in solving the world's dilemmas or our mandate becomes a self defeating one antithetical to the goal  of harmonious coexistence and peace; We must  be clear to distinguish between faith religion and state and not blur the lines between them as they are entirely unique and different entities unto themselves;

...As such in reflecting of the racial profiling assault we endured under the Israeli based profiling doctrines, we must be clear this is reflective not of an abhorrition  of the Israeli people but of her state;

The Israeli Palestinian conflict casts fault and blame that can be found to some degree or another, particular unprovoked acts of hostility, within both opposing parties, simply on the basic principle that to call it a war of faiths is misnomer ~ every doctrine be it Judaist Muslim Christian Buddhist Taoist Hindu or otherwise, is based on the principle unifying concept of harmonious coexistence such that any war or strife between two opposing groups on the basis of faith or religion becomes anathema and oxymoron to the ideological foundations on which those same faiths are built, and  the righteousness of battle is fundamentally reduced to that of secular  war between man rather than that attributed to war between faiths;

That said, it has been the general consensus of the international communities, including the U.N., that the state of Israel has been by far, the greater aggressor in this chronic war of states; As reflected in U.NM representative Richard Goldstein's long report, although both sides had engaged in open acts of violence, acts committed by the state of Israel, which had been militarily supplied in large part by the United States, had been much more violent to the point they constituted "War Crimes";

In fact the U.N. would have front row seat by which to draw such conclusions in witness of Israel's bombing of U.N. shelters in the Gaza Strip - shelters by which the U.N. had intended the provision of rations food and shelter  for refugees of war;

When humanitarian based U.S. carrier 'The Freedom Flotilla' approached the banks of  Gaza laden down with rations clothing and other basic utilities for the Gaza refugees, they were ultimately fired upon by Israeli Mossad, killing many on board; Amongst those on board with the crew had been past African American Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney;  After Israeli troops boarded and commandeered their vessel, KcKinney and the rest of the surviving crew, were placed within an Israeli prison cell where they were held for a considerable length of time before released;  In a letter entitled " Letter From An Israeli Prison" McKinney wrote of her experience as political prisoner; One of the first observations she made within her letter was the startling observation she made in looking about her fellow inmates across a disproportionately  sea of black faces and realizing that almost without exception all were people of color and many of African American ethnicity - Somalis, those from Yemen - people whom had come looking for the promised land and finding only jail and long-term captivity instead ~ such as to attest and exemplify the aforesaid use of open racial visual and religious profiling and targeting  within the mandate of Israel's state platform, as reflected in the aforestated Wayne Madsen report, concerning the  racially hostile demographics and circumstances by which my mother and I met our assail as Canadians visiting the United States;

Doing the research we discovered that against the corporate and political ties of the offending airline with the Republican Party and the McCain campaign,  the implement of such an unconstitutional and human rights violating racial profiling  program and design, was, ultimately resultant of John McCain and his past campaign co-chair former Northwest Airlines CEO Fred Malick's mutual deep rooted ties to the state of Israel, Malick a member of the Israeli Friendship Society and McCain a staunch AIPAC supporter;

However, much more disturbing is the deeper seated reasoning behind Malick and McCain's affinity to AIPAC, which has very little to do with proper Jewish values or heritage and everything to do with capitol gain, corporate racketeering and profit through the international organized crime syndicate the mafia and the CIA:

The financial backing of John McCain's political career was built on the pillars of organized crime; this of course lends greatly in explaining the incessant unlawful mob like extra-judicial state based persecution life threats stalk and harassment we continue to endure as a family to present day here within Canada as attest the long arm reach of the U.S. based International organized crime syndicate through the CIA FBI COINTEL and state as surrounds John  McCain and the Republican Party as a whole;
John McCain ows the financial backing of his political career, to the Anheizer Busch Beer fortune passed down from Edgar M. Bronfman, Mafia organized crime syndicate "boss man" and past president of the Jewish World Congress until his scandal scarred resignation in 2008 over issues of fraud and breach of trust;
John McCain's wife Cindy McCain's father, Jim Hensley, was  henchman for Arizona state organized crime syndicate leader Kempar Marley; Marley was a large man in Arizona but a small figure on the front of the international world organized crime syndicate, and worked under world organized crime syndicate Mafia boss man Edgar Bronfman;
Marley took the wrap on behalf of Bronfman,  for a number of murders committed by the organized crime syndicate's  Arizona branch attributed to Bronfman, and served a number of years in prison as result; for his services Bronfman rewarded Marley by passing down to him the Anheizer Busch Beer fortune inheritance; this same inheritance later made its way into the hands of Kempar Marley's henchman Jim Hensley, father to Cindy McCain, and ultimately financed the political backing of John McCain's political career;
Kempar Marley's attorney William Rienquest , whom had done his best to defend the Mafia backed henchman Marley, would go on to become the U.S. Supreme Court Justice until his passing in 2006, such is iconic example of the utterly  depravity and  criminal state of the scandal scarred U.S. department of Justice as a whole in which my mother and I faced no end of hate based extra-judicial persecution as Canadian visitors to the U.S.
Revelation of these Mafia based connections extending McCain,  was heavily suppressed as result of the fact that that Arizona's major publication of the time, the Arizona Phoenix, had been founded by Eugene Pullium, colleague to Kempar Marley and John McCain's business colleague Charles Keating, with whom McCain was involved in a 128 million dollar corporate  fraud called the Keating  5 scandal involving 5 senior U.S. senators, breach of the direct investment rule and unlawful access of people's personal segregated funds through Keating's oversight of the Lincoln bank;
Eugene Pullium was also  grandfather to Dan Quayle, past vice president to McCain campaign proponent George W. Bush;
Peter Brewton's book title and  documentary, "The CIA Mafia and George W. Bush" outlines in vivid detail the close ties lineage and enmesh of the Mafioso world organized crime syndicate, the CIA and senior members of state within the United States going back many decades into the country's history;
Following the second world war, as the cold War with the Soviet Union began, the U.S. Office of Strategic Services or O.S.S., recruited military backing and allied power globally from as many factions as it could in order to fortify itself as much as possible; moral integrity amongst its choice of recruitment was of no importance whatsoever - the only criteria, a  staunch opposition to the red; as such, the O.S.S. scraped the bottom of the barrel and recruited organizations and factions of the most unscrupulous sordid variety - thugs gangsters and madmen including the Mafioso organized crime syndicate's most notorious world front leaders of the day;  also annexed and engulfed into the O.S.S.'S domain was the notorious Nazi Ghelan organization, and many of Nazi Gsrmany's leading scientists engineers, scholars and theologists of the day; ultimately, through the O.S.S.'s annex of the world organized crime syndicate and Nazi Germany's elite, the O.S.S. saw its structural metamorphosis and the CIA was born, ultimately base and platform for  past CIA director George Bush senior whom later went on to become past president of the  United States;
Revelation of the sordid ties between John McCain, the Mafia, CIA and senior state officials, also largely extends into the corporate and political ensconces involving offending FBI agent Steven Davis, and McCain campaign flagship Northwest Air on which my mother and I met our assail in the U.S.:
Revealed is the fact that past Delta/ Northwest Airlines director Richard Karl Goeltz, acquired title and deed to Seagrams Music Industry (CFO and EVP) from none other than  past Seagrams CEO, world mafioso organized crime syndicate leader and past JWC President  Edgar Bronfman;
Past Northwest Air CEO and McCain campaign co-chair Fred Malick, for his part, was also Nixon's former  speech writer, while Nixon, past infamous  FBI director Edgar J Hoover and Mafioso boss man Bebee Reboso are seen gathered over social engagement in the oval office in still shot image;
Offending FBI agent Steven Davis, for his part, freely admits to the CIA and Mafioso entangled corruptions of the Mormon Church Utah, home to his state accomplices Senators Hatch Bond and Romney, for whom past Northwest Air director David A Brandon had been 2012 Romney campaign co-chair as aforementioned;
in fact Davis goes so far as to yield  candid admission to CIA money laundering through the Mormon Mafia as extension of the sordid affairs kindred with his base of operations;
As detailed further on in due course, agent Davis' personal associate Ben Fulford an individual with self admitted deep enmesh with CIA, whom Davis references in his threatening email sent our family copied FBI and McCain amidst attempts on my kidnap, is in turn personal friend and COINTEL accomplice to David Rockefeller, with exhaustive articles on Fulford pointing to the ties between the Fulford and Rockefeller family extending back hundreds of years; Fulford and David Rockefeller, are seen acting together as accomplices in raw corporate cointel production video footage;   furthermore, according Davis, the CIA enabled Mormon Church Utah, (home to agent   Davis' state  colleagues Romney, pro CIA torture proponent Senator Kit  Bond and Bush proponent senator Orrin Hatch)  at which his father Clyde Davis was senior member, originally had ownership under the Rockefeller family;
As revealed through our research and contact of other circles,   Rockefellor- cohort-CIA-enabled-Benjamin-Fulford met amicably with central offending COINTEL  figure  Steven C. Davis and Davis' media spokesman Reginald Argue, in Vancouver British Columbia, Canada, as of early January 2008, near the beginning of the John McCain 2008  Republican presidential  campaign, and under the umbrella of the Ron Paul Society. This meeting took place only several weeks subsequent the United States' first of multiple unlawful attempts upon my extraordinary render and kidnap to harm in attempt to silence our voice of protest by unlawful violent and clandestine means... Concordantly, one will note that agent Davis references his allegiance Ron Paul amidst his threatening email communication  sent our family as copied McCain later on March 04/2008 of that same year, during onslaught of full frontal U.S. state assault and attempts upon my abduction to harm.
Offending Airline Northwest Airlines (now under acquisition Delta) is principle beneficiary under David Rockefeller's corporate banking outlet JP Morgan, while Delta Airlines CEO Richard A. Anderson, sits Atlanta Branch Director of the Federal Reserve Bank, against backdrop  David Rockefeller's status New York federal reserve trustee;
Back when Northwest Airlines was still called Northwest Airways, Northwest Air acquired its Detroit Michigan Route from Ford  Transport, a subsidiary affiliate of Ford Motor Company, Ford Motors, like Northwest Air, also listed in corporate financial officer and director interlock under Rockefeller's JP Morgan Bank...
Keeping to mind Benjamin Fulford's past status as elitist Forbes magazine columnist in Japan, Forbes* Cauthen Williams and Capitol Hill Tax Partners, are 2 amongst several major lobby firms having Northwest Air, Delta Air (Northwest's acquirer) and Ford Motors, amongst their top clientele, while the later of the two, Capitol Hill Tax Partners, was also a significant financial contributor to the John McCain presidential campaign.
Past Northwest Air director David A Brandon, is not only past 2012 campaign co-chair for Romney, but also senior trustee of  Rockefeller tainted Ford Foundation;

The Ford Foundation was instrumental in setting up the Rockefeller Commission which tasked itself with the attack and dismantle of the Church Pike U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee hearings investigating FBI and CIA abuses tied to politically based international assassination rings and abuses against the citizen;
Past original CIA director Allen Dulles was key member of the Rockefeller Foundation, as was past U.S. secretary of state, CIA director Allen Dulles' brother, John Foster Dulles;
Senior member on the Rockefeller Commission was FBI agent Davis' Whitehouse and COINTEL accomplice, past U.S. president Ronald Reagan, while key members on the Ford Foundation's advisory board was yet to be U.S. secretary of state Donald Rumsfeld, who would lead the U.S. through the CIA engineered eugenics based war crime and violation of international law, known as  George W Bush's so called "War on Terror"  and the War in Iraq- nothing more than an  oil and resource exploit through the IMF the U.N. and the World Bank, the later of which (World Bank)  is in corporate lock merger with Rockefeller's JP Morgan through multi-billion dollar contract with U.S. military cable supplier Warner cable, Douglas A Warner sitting Chair of Rockefeller corporate outlet JP Morgan;
Keeping to mind Rockkefeller's status New York Federal reserve trustee, and offending airline Delta/Northwest Air CEO Richard A Anderson's  status, Rockefeller corporate interlock Ford Foundation trustee and Atlanta Branch Federal Reserve Director,  past Bush administration New York Federal Reserve Director Alan Greenspan is recorded in  televised interview in his candid statement and admission, "I regret to inform you but the Iraq War was largely about oil."
As of 1998 Onscom (Office of National Security Commission)  had investigated  Iraq and provided report confirming that it housed no weapons of mass destruction;
Regardless, past Rockefeller tainted  Ford Foundation advisor and   Bush administration U.S. secretary of state Donald Rumsfeld, whom as seen in raw captioned footage, had personally amicably met with Saddam Hussein to conduct business on many occasions, insisted weapons of mass destruction in Iraq were yet to be found (they never were) and insisted he knew where they were - on the West Bank ~ a lie and one used to suit a genocidal war of attrition that the Bush administration had decided would be waged well in advance;
 Televised press conference footage of past CIA director and US president Bush Senior captions his infamous words, "our presence in Iraq long pre-dates that of Saddam Hussein's"
In 1921  Britain placed  a compliant puppet King Faisal in Iraq in order to ensure the steady flow of Oil to U.N., an entity largely controlled by Britain and the United States; in 1941 an uprising of  the Iraqi people against British U.S. oligarchical    oppression was ultimately crushed by the CIA - it was a "major victory for the CIA" said past CIA director George Tennet; the CIA would now need to find a new leader for Iraq ~ one suited to task as equally diabolical and ruthless as was the CIA itself - they would find that man in B'Ath party leader Saddam Hussein, propped up into power and position and militarily fueled and backed by the international intelligence communities themselves;
Far from the Bush administrations' exploitive attest to the presence of Weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, the only weapons found were low grade weapons~  those that FBI agent Steven Davis' Whitehouse cronies past U.S. presidents Ronald Reagan and George W Bush, had personally provided Saddam Hussein of their own accord, including biological weapons with which Saddam gassed his people;
"Saddam Hussein - He was no saint - no aggregarian  reformer" said past CIA director George Tennet in televised production ; He was a real "SOB" implied Tennet - but what he fails to state is that Saddam was their* "SOB"* - their hoodlum, a product of none other than the central intelligence agency itself;
Despite it uncontested Saddam's unsavory character,  the U.S. was far from having  the position of moral high ground regarding Hussein and inflicted more carnage on the people of Iraq within a short span of time during Bush's so called freedom mission,  than had Saddam Hussein in all his years, through the United States'  deliberate target of heavily civilian populated regions such as Falujah, and  the use of cancer causing depleted uranium weaponry  as means of sadistical  psychological warfare meant to bring about the effect of  military demoralization;
One of the worst corporate  offenders amongst the military industrial complex, in the assault, was Raytheon Missiles Systems, Raytheon director Barbara M. Barett,  also trustee of the infamous Ayn Rand Foundation that contributed much to the great  depression of the 1930's, and spawned such notorious military contracting  corporate outlets as Ayn Rand prodigy Larry Ellison's  Oracle (Oracle CTO, EVP Larry Ellison, Ellison listed by Forbes as of August 2017 as the 5th wealthiest person in America and the 7th in the world).
Raytheon Missiles' Barbara Barett is also member listed on the U.S. Defense Business Board, an advisory board for the U.S. department of defense;
Also listed on the board of defense, is  offending Northwest Airlines past corporate director Dennis Hightower, and former U.S. Secretary of State, Madelaine Albrecht, Albrecht infamous in her words "I think the price was worth it" while referencing the genocidal casualty of the corporate exploit driven war in Iraq;
Also member of the U.S. department of Defense, is Delta (Northwest Airlines acquirer) executive Vice President  Vicki B. Escarra, Escarra also listed contractor with the infamous Division 9, a CIA enabled  member of the U.S. intelligence community, it's director Letita A. Long, Deputy Director for the Defense Intelligence Agency;
The prevalence of military industrial complex presence within the interlaced corporate  political bodies and intelligence agencies  surrounding offending carrier Northwest Airlines (on which my mother and I sustained  original assault)  is staggering to fundamentally disturbing degree;

With respect the Iraqi gun ship massacre reported by Wikileaks Assange /Chelsea Manning understand that the Apache gun  ship was a joint product of Boeing and G.E. ;   CIA enabled Ben Fulford's father was past CEO of G.E. while Rockefeller J.P. Morgan Chair Douglas Warner is on the board of advisors (explaining much of the history between the Fulford and Rockefeller family)  Boeing in turn, like the now defunct Air America,  is notorious for its utility in extraordinary CIA torture rendition effected through the CIA; extension of this came the CIA's war crime  use of torture imposed on the people of Iraq,  with the Red Cross  reports, and those from respected U.S. general Anthony Taguba, confirming the presence of  CIA torture cells in Abu Ghraib -
 and other central housings in Iraq, as corollary  other centres of CIA abuses such as the CIA torture cells discovered in Vilnius, Milan Italy,  Bagram and Kandahar,  the later two as relates the Afghan War;

Like his corporate chain affiliate Northwest Air,  Time Warner CEO Douglas Warner's CIA entangle extends well into the ranks of the mafia based world organized crime syndicate as well;  The Mafia/CIA based Bronfman family inherited Warner music from Douglas A. Warner's Time Warner, as corollary McCain's inheritance of the financial backing for his political career through the Anheizer Busch Beer fortune passed down through the Bronfmans.
It was Time Magazine, corporate affiliate to  Rockefeller JP Morgan Bank chairman Douglas A Warner's corporate housings, Warner Cable and Time Warner,  that was responsible for placing Canadian CIA Bush administration extraordinary torture rendition victim Maher Arar's name on the top 10 terror list, after approaching him under false auspice of advocacy,  promising favorable article turned character assassination hit piece; clearly the synchronicity of my name and online materials of protest,  later surfacing maliciously embedded within same   COINTEL contrived terror patsy oriented extremist materials in which Maher  Arar's  name had originally been found, documents later traced back to agent Davis and wide base entourage COINTEL circuit surrounding him,  is a matter of course;
  A lesson that seems lost on  the state despite the struggles of the 60's civil rights movement;  Despite I am a  person of color - I  am a free man,  and am not their property* to be arbitrarily " "delivered"  - as Davis put it - abused, tortured, violated or encumbered in any other way -  particularly in the absence of any lawful warrant for extradition;
Agent Davis' affidavit  references both U.S. marshal Kelly Mutschler and FBI agent Marc Rensch, in context these unlawful kidnap tactics; the fact that these same names were found referenced in Winnipeg Police notes subpoenaed in court proceedings only  well after Davis had constructed his Washington affidavit, reveals further Davis'  personal enmesh and privy to inside information on our ordeal;

 Clearly aided and abetted by both Canadian and U.S. federal agencies and state, as evidenced within same said police documents and  court materials, this police state collusion was in essence, the FBI's unscrupulous attempt at building false-pretense case for extradition by which to silence our online voice of protest , which failed in light of my discovery of these materials online and proper formal disclaimer against association with them;
 Roche Tasse past President  of International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group, vets my disclaimer against ownership of the material; I had told him it put me in great danger. Police 1st attempted my kidnap only 4 weeks later and during raid of my home, police had stolen  the document printout of Roche Tasse's vet of my disclaimer against association with the materials; ;
( ... These documents were created by cointel after my contact with the Arar family in the months prior my kidnap by police and FBI.  The author - Johnny America, is a COINTEL accomplice  of local CSIS op. agent Harry Held, who dealt us assassination threats against further disclosure, citing allegiance Harper and state (caught on tape* in our forensics)
Monia Mazigh and Aaron James discuss racial profiling abuses - CBC
The state's many attempts upon my kidnap in attempt to silence our voices of protest;
 The Winnipeg Police here within Winnipeg Manitoba Canada , coordinated with and acted as proxy liaison for FBI's unlawful cross snatch and grab efforts targeting my person locally under false color of law without warrant or charges; Then Winnipeg Police Chief Keith McCaskill, was also President Northwest Chapter of Associates FBI in his duplicitous conflict of interest role as a member of Canadian "Law enforcement" acting on behalf politically motivated rogue U.S. COINTEL/state interests in target of a Canadian citizen.

***It is sheer and utter irony as I watch and contemplate proceedings set against America's favorite villain in Donald Trump,  remaining fully cognizant that past FBI director  Robert Meuller, the man propped up into position in attend to Trump's proper prosecution, was also the FBI director in power and position during FBI tainted Winnipeg Police chief Keith McCaskill's tenure and unlawful coordination with FBI and other U.S. agencies in the United States'  shamelessly unlawful despotic and politically motivated solicit of my cross border kidnap to harm in violation of international law...and so one villain in capacity past FBI director Robert Mueller, placed into power and position to serve up the destruction of yet another - villain versus villain...yet another example of the old adage holding true to form: evil* ultimately destroys - itself*...

Or so we are led to beleive; Treason fills the air and America needs its public hanging ~ someone has to take the fall in the widespread outcry for justice and democratic process...But where are we to look for the pillars of democracy in that which has become the land of despotism deception, and depravity in its place? Let us not so quickly forget - it was none other than justice appointee past FBI director Robert Meuller's good friend, James Commie, who willfully jettisoned Clinton's campaign at the very last moment with the untimely regurgitation of the Clinton Emails, but failed to provide pre-election mention or disclosure of the brewing Russiagate scandal under Trump in act of transparent partisan aligned conflict of interest; As it was the Clinton emails issue which had already been closed and dismissed revealed no significant acts of state digressions, but the same could not be said of the political debacle surrounding Russiagate in Trump; By glaring intellectual conundrum the media would now have us placate to the question of possible bias on the part of Mueller against Donald Trump, who'se good friend Commie essentially ensured the pave of way for Trump's path to the presidency?

 As it was with the Neuremburgh trials of Nazi Germany's sympathizers, the world would place its faith in a hidden mockery of justice never knowing of the fundamental conflict of interest under General Draper whom had led the hearings while none other than one of Nazi Germany's greatest U.S. assets within the war; it was Draper whom had handled the Theissen account by which CIA funds had been provisioned for the third Reich's fuel and backing going into war; No doubt, Mueller in his false pretense postured stage theatre, will surely find his men to hang as the public must be pacified and appeased with the illusion of justice and order ~ but never those most central to the layers of collusion at deception hand and certainly #neverTrump himself*..
The scourge of Donald Trump must be cleansed - this cannot be contested... ...However, as we watch the Republican party slowly begin to self implode as it claws and eats at itself like disease- exposes its own hideous underbelly of malfeasance - stabs itself repeatedly in the back one toward the other over and again - it is yet disturbing to witness the fact that very most often,  "justice" in the land of despotic depravity, comes about only in the form of villain versus villain, internal power struggle between the so called "elites" of America's deep state, and so very often for all of the wrong reasons...but does the end justify the means? Unfortunately these kinds of transformations are never lasting and until the cancerous source affliction is uprooted the serpent Trump once removed and in remission would ultimately  only grow new head of different form and name and yet carrying the same devastating destructive energies as its forbearer...
...Back to the matter of FBI's unlawful clandestine cross border long arm reach and proxy liaison into Canada,  through rogue local acting police and state; FBI tainted local Winnipeg Police chief Keith McCaskill was also a member on the Board of  Canadian Intelligence, as suited him further to his role in coadjute with FBI, Canadian government and Canadian federal agencies revealed enmeshed  in the attempts upon my kidnap, as evidenced within Winnipeg Police notes and FBI agent Davis' Washington affidavit;
Keith McCaskill Past President Northwest Chapter Associates FBI - detail on his role in FBI Kidnap:
The prospect  of collusion in cross border kidnap is nothing new to the Winnipeg Police force; As exposed by Injusticebusters, under past Winnipeg Police officers Theissen and Schinkle, Winnipeger Monique Turenne was kidnapped from her home by Winnipeg Police who presented at her door under false pretenses, without notice to her family or attorney, both of whom learned about her clandestine snatch and grab transport to a South Florida prison only days later;
We would soon discover even greater evidence of Winnipeg Police' enmesh with foreign U.S. agencies, as corollary the damning evidence found within their notes subpoenaed in court; Following police' raid of my home and initial synchronous attempt upon my kidnap,  it was discovered that many items of both physical and intellectual property were missing and had been thieved from my home by police; highly revealing was the fact that amongst the missing intellectual property was also a forensics printout of the COINTEL contrived extremist entrapment materials referencing John McCain and Winnipeg Police "Exploitation Unit" ;  interesting was the fact Winnipeg Police gave no admission to having the document in their possession;
It was ultimately revealed that through exploit of unlawful armed  raid of my home, Winnipeg Police had  secretly sent this same physical and intellectual property to the FBI and Minneapolis Police in the U.S., and from what our attorney surmised, as an attempt to craft retroactive case and argument for extradition in the wake of failed attempt at entrapment and failed attempt at  kidnap; Upon our attorney's present at Winnipeg  Police headquarters Dec 21 and 26rh 2007, to tend to the aspect of my stolen belongings, an officer 'out of the loop' candidly admitted the fact my possessions were not available as result the fact they had been sent to the U.S. Winnipeg Police, desperate to conceal the evidence of their politically tainted cross border kidnap Debacle,  later stated they would not confirm or deny that their officer had made this statement, but that if he had, he was simply in "error"; the officer had been reading directly off of his computer screen while looking at a file particular my name;
As our attorney surmised, and as recorded in minutes of court proceedings,  like the COINTEL state crafted terror patsy extremist materials in exploit of my name and website url's through their retroactive embed in same materials, this sending of my unlawfully thieved physical and intellectual property to the U.S., had been extension of aim at suiting building retroactive case and  argument for my extradition in wake of failed kidnap efforts;
Ironically, 2 officers amongst  the Winnipeg Police officers involved in the unlawful raid of my home and attempt upon my kidnap, surfaced in the news months later, as of February 2008; officers Peter James Sushnyk and Jess Zebrun, parties culpable in attempt upon my kidnap, had been  charged in unrelated case of illegal entry into a dwelling and theft of property;
Immediately following 1st kidnap attempt through Police of October 27/07, as of October 03/07, CBC television stole my identity with whitewash televised publication of a false Aaron James, (White and not person of color, as to conceal inflammatory aspect of the racial profiling abuses) who gave similar narration of being assaulted aboard same airline at same airport and on approximately the same  date (Jan 18 2006)...Police later confirmed there had been no such 2nd Aaron James, and when Journalist Lesley Hughes (whose' son had witnessed the identity theft)  went to cross examine him following this revelation, his family told her he had simply disappeared; Cointel operation as coordinated through FBI Police and state, was obvious;
It was intended that I simply vanish from the face of the earth with the public not the wiser, on account of the televised identity theft that  occurred and a false Aaron James in usurp of my name, who downplayed the circumstances and assured the world through the public stage, that he was fine and in no danger to speak of;
The unassuming CBC reporter who unwittingly aired the televised cointel enabled false feigned identity theft report, Gosia Sawicka, stated she had simply looked my name up in the phone book at the instruction of her supervisors at the CBC, who were doing reports on airport abuses at that time;  state agency would have noted my number was unlisted; the false Aaron James had been planted in the phone book revealing the plot to kidnap and then media whitewash, had been strategized  months in advance by the state;  disturbing however, is the fact that CBC journalist Janet Stewart had been present in providing coverage of CIA extraordinary torture rendition Maher Arar's wife Monia Mazigh's presentation at the University of Winnipeg of Feb 24/07 where I had spoken out about the nuances of our ordeal as well, much to the notice of all in attendance; that the CBC would have erred in mistaken identity and use of a false Aaron James, despite their familiarity with our ordeal as  raised to their attention only months prior, raises serious concerns; Gosia Sawicka, for her part, was merely a reporter and so removed from any prospective higher order enmesh, yet the role of those within CBC whom had instructed her upon her actions, remains unclear;
Even as the false Aaron James televised in identity theft usurp of my name, did his best to convince the world that all was well and he was out of harm's way, I, the real Aaron James, having only narrowly escaped kidnap to harm, now sat trapped on a cold barren basement floor of a semi abandoned rat infested building without heat or light in the middle of minus 30 degree Winnipeg winter, black out bags over the windows to prevent incidental discovery by the state; this was to be the make shift safe house that certain members of the activist community had provided me at that time;  I would ultimately be transferred and relocated from one safe-house to the next multiple times over the course of the 2008 election year, against the backdrop of  police' further snatch and grab attempts that took place throughout the course of the year...
Winnipeg Police notes subpoenaed in court revealed even further their utility of McCain campaign lobbyist and Winnipeg Police coadjutor Rudy Guliani's so dubbed Crimestat cyber surveillance system, as more so cyber stalking mechanism  by which they coordinated and plotted further multiple attempts upon my kidnap;

Police notes subpoenaed reference their scrutiny of my online materials following their first failed attempt on my kidnap, and their finding of a post in which I articulated the fact I had been forced into safe-house and undisclosed location;  same said notes revealed their repeat trespass upon my premises in the weeks following the first kidnap attempt assault, and their presence at my mother's home near midnight, come January 08 2008, banging on doors and frightening neighbours;
Crimestat cyber-stalking system coadjutor, McCain campaign lobbyist  Rudy Guliani's hate based bigotry and notoriety, precedes him, in his failed attempt to prevent the  million youth marches of 1998 and 1999 that were launched in the spirit of protest against racial profiling oppression that has now made its presence so much more prevalent and emboldened under the United States' current leadership in Trump.
Police were desperate to carry out a successful kidnap prior to the advent of hearings scheduled to commence February 13/08 that year, as related their unlawful conduct,  in which they had every reason to fear the evidence of their illegal cross border collusion, felony violation of international law,  and Republican party motivated political debacle, would come to the surface; in fact these very same hearings in investigation of police are referenced in FBI agent Davis' Washington affidavit, for the specific purpose of suiting agent  Davis' warning to the FBI and U.S. Department of Justice that they ought act quickly to secure my unlawful render, in order to suppress/conceal  the evidence at hand through obstruction of hearings in my kidnap; agent Davis' Washing affidavit is transparent in outlining the U.S. department of Justice' intent upon interference obstruction and containment particular these same hearings, with agent Davis' personal admit to having contacted Minister of Justice David Chomiak and judge Doty's intent on contact of the Manitoba Law Courts;
Through the original threats from FBI and Northwest Air officials received 2007 in the months prior kidnap,   the aforestated threatening email sent us via agent Davis copied FBI and John McCain,  and death threats received from agent Davis and many operatives amongst his circle, post kidnap attempt, amidst the course of this heinous despotic persecution ( some of which are recorded to tape)  it was impressed upon us that the Republican party had taken exception to our public online protests against McCain campaign flagship Northwest Air, in the wake of the racial profiling assault we sustained as Canadians visiting the U.S. for medical reasons,  and considered it deleterious threat to the outcome of their political campaign;
 The Winnipeg Police have earned a notoriety for their abusive target of marginalized disadvantaged or underrepresented ethnic groups within the city, blacks and natives in particular, so much so that it spawned advent of the Native Justice Inquiry in the wake of Winnipeg Police'  murder of Island Lake Tribal Council leader JJ Harper, whose nephew Craig McDougal would ultimately also suffer the very same fate;
Evidence of chronic  systemic institutionalized Winnipeg Police racial profiling predation was rampant within detail of the Manitoba Human Rights Commission's reports by Diana Scarth and Jerry Woods,  on police abuses released 2007 and 2009;
Horrific chronicles of kidnap, starlight tours, rapings  tasings, and  brutality - recounts of being  taken beyond the city limits beaten and abused and then forced to walk back to the city in winter conditions without proper clothing: these were just some of the scandalous accounts  of unbridled police state brutality and abuse that flooded their office, from which resource much of the  reports were drafted; the reports reflected a longstanding well placed distrust and apprehension of police amongst the city's black and native communities as a whole;
Reports surfaced  of a Winnipeg Police force so menacing and "out of control" that a well respected local journalist of good repute (Gordan Sinclair) whom had reported on and written articles on such abuses, felt afraid for his own safety within his home with constant Police trespass harassment and intimidation tactics metered against him as detergent against further disclosures;
More recently the epidemic of murdered or missing aboriginal youth across Canada, has raised concerns about the role of policing communities in this affair, either through negligence or direct culpability and involvement;
The enmesh of FBI agent Steven Davis, the CIA, Northwest Air, John McCain, the Republican Party, Cross border state governance,  Winnipeg Police, City Hall and the  aforementioned Terror Patsy ploy  targeting my person:
(In brief*)
The state's exploit of my online materials of protest( against all abuses suffered through unlawful state malfeasance) was a joint project coordinated  between  local Winnipeg Police, City Hall (here within Winnipeg), McCain campaign lobbyist Rudy Guliani, FBI, CIA, offending airline Northwest Airlines, and the Republican Party as a whole;
After putting up online disclosure of abuses  suffered, we began getting threats through our YouTube and blogger accounts from self identifying agents of FBI and Northwest Air, immediately thereafter, beginning January 2007 (abuses still ongoing at present day as detailed in due course) ...The threats warned we were "pissing people off and creating enemies" and threatened further  of intervention through both ISP and Police;
We discovered article on referencing an online cyber tracking utility employed by Northwest Air, that carried ominous threatening overtones in context its reference to involving the utility of ISP and even law enforcement, in the shuttering of "rogue dissident" websites, as extension of its PR service on behalf of Northwest Air;
Corollary to this, much later on, during John McCain's campaign, headlines captioned "McCain plays terror card" and "McCain threatens Political Free Speech - Bloggers not Safe" ...The latter of the two referred to legislation McCain was pushing entitled the "Enemy Belligerents Act" which attempted to criminalize online dissent, and afford the state the leverage for retaliatory measures  including indefinite detainment and confinement - utterly unconstitutional in nature -( but yet no more so unconstitutional than article we discovered online subsequent the state's first attempt on my kidnap, in which is referenced senior Bush attorney Alun Q Jones' argument before a British Court that the U.S.'S kidnap of foreign nationals was "legal process";)
In the months prior the state's first attempt at my kidnap, and coming synchronous with the onset of threats received from FBI and   Northwest Air online, as of Jan 29 2007 McCain campaign lobbyist Rudy Guliani went out of his way in coming to my home town of Winnipeg Manitoba Canada, for the pointed task of working with the Winnipeg Police and city hall's then-Mayor  Sam Katz, in foment and engineer of " Crimestat", the Winnipeg Police' online cyber tracking utility, which ultimately saw the rogue acting Winnipeg Police' catalog of all of my online materials for their exploit toward my framing entrapment and kidnap;
  although we only discovered the online COINTEL contrived  extremist entrapment  materials as of Sept 28/07,  within 4 weeks of Winnipeg Police' 1st (of many) attempt on my kidnap, we noticed that the materials were dated Feb 13/07, only 2 weeks following McCain campaign lobbyist Guliani's coadjute with Winnipeg Police in crafting their cyber tracking exploit "crimestat", which as aforementioned, was exposed culpable transparent to day, in context the references " John McCain" and "Winnipeg Police Exploitation Unit" found     within these materials, against backdrop of the evidence of Winnipeg Police' catalog of all of my online materials and collusion with U.S. federal state bodies as revealed both within Winnipeg Police notes and offending FBI agent Steven Davis' affidavit before Washington's 81st U.S. attorney general Michael Mukasey;
 A second set of these same COINTEL contrived materials was found to be dated mid March 2007, only weeks following CBC radio's coverage of Maher Arar's wife Monia Mazigh's appearance and presentation here within Winnipeg Feb 24/07 while on her Canada wide tour in  vet of the Canadian government's role in her husband's kidnap to torture in the U.S.;   Guliani was given accolades for his role in "Counterterrorism" as yet further glaring evidence pointing to his enmesh in this debacle.
The enmesh of city hall with McCain campaign lobbyist Rudy Guliani and Police, is proven beyond any shadow of doubt against the backdrop of state collusion and hostile  intent revealed on the part of city hall councilman Harvey Smith, Winnipeg Manitoba:
 ...My mother and I  had approached city councilman Harvey Smith's office in early 2008 in  seek of intervention amidst Winnipeg  Police' multiple unlawful attempts at my kidnap to the U.S.
  Smith purported to be the only city councilor to stand up to the hate based abuses of the Winnipeg Police, and had proposed a bi-law to make mandatory that police wear their name tags on their shoulders rather than on their caps, in wake of reports of rogue acting officers removing their caps before committing violent assaults;
The motion came after a slew of ethnic hate based murders committed by Winnipeg Police that saw the deaths of 3 youths including Mathew Dumas and Craig McDougal, murdered over the course of only several weeks, McDougal as aforementioned, nephew to past Island Lake Tribal Council leader JJ Harper, who's murder by police had sparked the Native Justice Inquiry;  The shootings sparked anger incense and outrage in the communities, while Chief Henderson asked that the Winnipeg Police stop going on "shooting sprees".
Ultimately city councilman Harvey Smith's proposed bi-law for  mandatory shoulder placement of police  name tags, was vetoed and rejected by his fellow city councilors Jennifer Gerbasi, Gordon Steeves, and Ron Howard;
by all external appearances*, councilor Smith had made legitimate attempt at securing police accountability, but failed; However councilor Smith was in fact, nothing more than controlled corrupted opposition with the same objectives as his false pretense opponents in city hall - police state carte blanche impunity;
Upon our approach of his office early January 2008 in wake of commence of many police executed assaults and attempts on my kidnap, councilor Smith postured advocacy by providing us with a token letter in which he attested to the state of Winnipeg Police institutionalized corruption and abuses; However Harvey's conflict of interest and false pretense agenda  would soon make itself apparent as further underscore of the enmesh of city hall with McCain campaign lobbyist Guliani FBI and police;
During my mother and I's first session with councilor Smith, he postured empathy and pledged assurances of his assistance in our seek of intervention accountability and redress; However, once Harvey left the room, his assistant Vincent told us that councilor Smith could not assist us or he would lose his position at city hall;
We ignored this overt attempt at constructive dismissal, and pursued our correspondence with councilor Smith regardless;
With court hearings in investigation and probe of police misconduct underway, Winnipeg Police executed a barrage of assaults in attempt upon my kidnap, occuring consecutively and in rapid succession July 05, 09, and 10th of 2008, the first of which, as of July 05 th, manifested in Winnipeg Police' presence in mass outside my apartment door and with three police cars and one black window tinted ghost car in the back lane as intended for my stealth kidnap transport to the U.S.
Through heavy infiltration of the activist communities,  police had learned that I was no longer staying within the safe-houses that had been provided me, as result of a false sense of security in thinking their attempts upon my kidnap would cease; With the election year still ongoing I soon realized such further attempts upon my harm, (as directed and inspired through foreign  U.S. political interests aimed at containment ) could be expected and were assured;
As of the incident of July 05/08, I had alerted family to the presence of police,  and my  mother rushed to the scene by taxi, to find the group of rogue acting  police nestled like vultures in the back lane; one of them exclaimed, "and there she is!", recognizing my mother as concerned party to their illegal activities; ultimately the police fled the scene like rogue bandits in the night, as attest the criminal illegitimate nature of their presence;  It was only the very day prior, that I  had updated and enhanced tremendously, a website on which I had compiled a vast amount of information relating to cases of Winnipeg Police abuses and malfeasance; the synchronicity of these events made all too evident the role of their rogue operating  "Crimestat" cyber stalking mechanisms,  in the assault that came immediately thereafter the next day;
In the wake of these three consecutive  attempts upon my kidnap, our attorney Adam Masiowsky, arranged for an emergency meeting to be held July 16/08 at city hall, between he, city councilor Harvey Smith, Winnipeg Police Chief McCaskill, and my mother in order to bring about transparency and accountability in police' unlawful conduct; ( I was to remain absent for obvious  reason of keeping my location undisclosed to rogue operating police.)
The evidence of City councilor Smith's false pretense advocacy and deception, would grow in his  aid and abet of  the Winnipeg police chief in duck and dodge tactics  and circumvent of the meeting entirely as meant to suit obstruction;
Immediately  prior to the scheduled date of meeting, Harvey contacted us and claimed that the meeting between he and Winnipeg Police had taken place in our absence - that Chief McCaskill had supposedly sent an underlying, Cam Baldwin, in his place, whom, according councilor Smith, presented before him at city hall without notice,  leaving Smith no time to contact family or our attorney;  a very convenient and highly suspect anecdote to say the least;
This was not McCaskill's first dodge and duck of our attorney;  several months prior, as of Jan 09 2008 in the early months following police' first attempt upon my kidnap, and only weeks prior commence of hearings (Feb  13/08) which police had tried to squash through snatch and grab, Winnipeg Police Chief McCaskill had returned refused,  a freedom of information act (FOIA) request sent him through our attorney;
Upon scrutiny of the document we noticed it was adorned with a logo of the American bald eagle, which read "Winnipeg Police - a U.S. accredited agency" The layers of cross border state  collusion were obvious;
This refusal on transparency came only two days prior to our receipt of a communication from Winnipeg Police' community outreach coordinator Alan Brolly and rogue acting Winnipeg police division 11  Inspector Boyd Campbell (overseeing the division responsible for administer to repeat attempts upon my kidnap); their letter informed us that local Minister of Justice David Chomiak, to whom my mother and I had appealed for assistance and intervention, had done us the treacherous disservice of deflecting and  deferring to their authority and oversight in the matter, instead;
In FBI agent Steven Davis' affidavit before Washington was revealed not only his candid attest to  Winnipeg  Police'  secret dealings with FBI and other  U.S. agencies in their unlawful snatch and grab tactics but, also, agent Steven Davis' personal contact of local Minister of Justice David Chomiak, as well;
Against the evidence of mounting cross border state collusion and the  repeat dodge and duck tactics of the FBI tainted Winnipeg Police Chief, as aided and abetted by city hall, as of July 31/08 our attorney wrote a letter of warning addressed all Sergeants of the Winnipeg Police, including chief McCaskill, advising that should they be successful in carrying out an abduction of my person, all would face criminal charges; his letter referenced the case of British citizen Gavin Tollman, the U.S.'S attempt at his extraordinary rendition from England, and senior U.S. Bush  attorney Alun Q Jones' argue before a British court, that U.S. kidnap of foreign nationals was in fact, "legal process" according U.S. law - (despite violation of all international law, the Geneva Convention, the U.N Declaration of Human Rights, and the Canadian charter) - an attest to the despotic lawless nature of the United States as a whole;  Interestingly enough, FBI agent Davis' Washington affidavit had indeed been copied both to the attention FBI and to the attorney Tollman's* Office (allusion Gavin Tollman)  as transparent indication of the intent;
Our attorney's  letter of warning was returned in a letter from the Winnipeg Police' legal department dated August 13/08, in which they denied any and all culpability or wrong doing; Telling of still deeper layers of collusion was the stark synchronicity of a letter returned us from LERA - the Law Enforcement Review Agency, also dated August 13/08, and in answer to our appeal for intervention and assistance against backdrop of police ' ongoing unlawful actions; the letter of appeal for assistance was returned refused*.
Despite our  attorney's words of warning still further attempts upon my kidnap would ensue throughout the remaining course of the election year, with the next one coming as early as August 31/08, with witnesses to the assault recorded in video footage particular their attest to the presence of rogue acting Winnipeg Police gathered in mass outside my home shining flashlights on my windows in attempt to penetrate through the blackout bags I had placed over all of them - my  home reduced to no more than morbid prison on account the ongoing heinous war of attrition waged by the state;
As will be detailed further in due course, toward the end of the 2008 election year, with Winnipeg Police  in contempt of court for failure in ordered return of all property seized, and political sensitivities at their peak with elections coming near to close,  several ill inspired FBI cointel engineered synchronicities played out;
Harassing correspondence from FBI agent Steven Davis and a number of his cointel accomplices, was received through email come October 1st and second, complete with harassing invasive call ins from an agent of CIA within Davis' circle, agent Hartwell, whom had called into radio broadcast interviews of which I had been guest;  Agent Hartwell was trained under past LA division FBI President Ted Gunderson, Gunderson as accomplice agent Davis, and accomplice offending Judge David S. Doty in the CIA extraordinary torture rendition of John Gregory Lambrose Brazil, as aforementioned;
(Agent Hartwell had also called into emergency interviews my mother and I had conducted immediately following police' first attempt on my kidnap back in late December 2007, with intent to Harass and invoke intimidation, emphasizing I had done the best thing I could in going public, because if I remained silent, they, the CIA would surely "get" me; Republic Broadcasting station owner and show host John Stadtmiller, whom had conducted the interview, and as evidenced on tape, had  wantonly arranged for Hartwell's intrusion ["I'm trying to get someone to call into the line... "]  was later revealed close contact of Hartwell, and chimed in with veiled threat of his own, articulating, "Aaron you have become a political target - and Aaron - I can assure you - they want you dead*." )
Days later, FBI and state shuttered my website, as of October 06, 3 days subsequent Winnipeg Police' default on deadline for court ordered return of all property seized; this had been the same website exploited through city hall Mayor Katz Winnipeg Police and McCain campaign lobbyist Rudy Guliani's unscrupulous  COINTEL cyber stalking mechanism "Crimestat", and its sabotage rang true to the aforesaid threats of Northwest Airlines and Winnipeg Police cyber tracking mechanisms, in their prospective " shuttering of (so called)  rogue dissident sites" ;   Within 48 hours upon our check we discovered FBI had removed my name from, where they had placed it under category "major felony crimes "  despite no such finding or conviction, as COINTEL character assassination venue;  Regardless, we had archived the finding of my name on their website and have it within our forensics keepings as further evidence;
As of October 10 2008, Winnipeg Police effected their last attempt upon my kidnap of the election year, on behalf of state,  seizing to advantage opportunity presenting in the destruction of our online materials and silence of our voice to the world;
Synchronous with this attempt, was a posting placed on AboveTopSecret. com, also dated October 10/08, in which the author threatened his privy to the fact that the CIA were attempting to sanitize all evidence of state malfeasance or involvement particular our ordeal, prior to coming back to effect assassination*; We traced the offensive posting back to FBI agent Steven Davis' accomplice, CIA asset and Denver CIA "Counterterrorism Task Force' operative agent Tim White, associate agent Hartwell and having also trained under agent Davis' accomplice, past LA FBI division President Ted Gunderson; agent White is an individual amongst a vast  swath of COINTEL  state figures tied agent Davis, as detailed further in due course;
Come early  2009, with Winnipeg police still having failed in their return of belongings thieved and sent to the U.S. and intermittent harassment ongoing, we renewed our contact of city councilor Harvey Smith, in unabated seek of  accountability  justice and redress;
Come July 2009 city hall concocted yet another tactic at constructive dismissal: city hall councillor Harvey Smith's assistant Kyle, screened a call I placed into Harvey's office and presented  wantonly non factual fallacious  account  of supposed by-law put into effect earlier that year, preventing city councilors from assisting those outside their immediate ward;   conspicuous was Kyle's  emphasize on the fact that the fictitious bi-law had supposedly been passed by all city councilors at city hall including the Mayor, Sam Katz; it had been Sam Katz with whom Winnipeg Police and McCain campaign lobbyist Rudy Guliani had convened at city hall, in foment of the so called "Crimestat" cyber surveillance mechanism by which my online materials had been exploited and by which clandestine stalk of my person was coordinated following police' first attempt on my abduction to the U.S.
 Acutely non-trusting of city hall to this point already,  I had taped the call, as did I tape a subsequent call to Smith's office days later (from a different line as to avoid his screening), in which he denied the existence of any such bi-law entirely and reassured of his commitment in pursuing justice on our behalf;
As detailed further on ahead in due course, come May 31 2010, my mother and I were approached by an individual by the name of David MacDonald, an officer of Winnipeg's 17 Wing military base, whom claimed to have level 3 security clearance the second highest available in the country; he candidly released restricted classified* information to our persons, in his threatening advise  that CSIS, Canada's secret intelligence service, had opened up a high security level class M file on my name and that we could expect unprecedented degrees of monitor surveillance and harassment to come; We later discovered MacDonald's deep rooted enmesh with RCMP through observation and  video tape  of his car interior which was laced with RCMP paraphernalia complete with set of handcuffs for measure;  RCMP had been involved in collusion with Canadian and U.S. officials in the CIA extraordinary torture rendition of Maher Arar;
 Indeed the extra-judicial harassment of which he had forecasted and threatened would soon be forthcoming and the first such occurrence taking place June 09/10 only 9 days later in our stalk and harass by an individual making evident his ties to MacDonald through the course of threatening approach, a self identifying agent of JTF (Canada's military Joint Task Force) whom circled menacingly while  boasting of his 2nd degree black belt in Jiu Jitsu and Tae Kwando; My mother and I had been discussing the role of Canada's JTF in aide and abetting of CIA torture of Afghan detainees in Bagram and Kandahar only the day before, on our (wiretapped)  phone lines, and this was his way of making his privy to our conversation known in threatening manner designed at suppression through intimidation.
Almost immediately following thereafter, journalist Lesley Hughes, my mother and I, were stalked and harassed at a 2nd Cup  coffee shop in our area, while meeting to discuss strategy for entry of our story into main stream corporate media (which had already done much to that point in aide and abet of state, to censor and suppress detail of our ordeal, including but not limited to the aforestated identity theft through the CBC following onset of kidnap ploys targeting my person; ) The agent, whom entered the shop sporting audio gear, made a b-line for our table, sat directly opposite it, and made obvious his wanton persistent attempts at scrutiny of our materials to the point that Ms. Hughes took steps to actively conceal them from him; as detailed further on, his enmesh with other operatives central to our ordeal and affliction, would later be revealed;
 This harassment persists to present day and has cascaded and escalated into our receipt of multiple threats upon our assassination or my kidnap to torture coming from vast network of interconnected operatives of Canadian and U.S. intelligence, many such threats as caught to tape during subsequent encounters;
Come September 13th 2010, against backdrop of ongoing harassment,  I renewed my  contact of councilor Smith, with an aim at pressing him further on his commitment particular our redress, despite acutely aware of the mounting evidence of his conflict of interest with the state;  His voice was withdrawn and monotone and I soon realized I had entered upon a monologue discussion with an inattentive ambivalent audience in councilor Smith; soon came the click on the line and the line went dead; calling Smith's line back immediately thereafter, there was no answer; calling  city hall's general line immediately subsequent that,  I was told that councilor Smith was simply unavailable - tell tale was the fact that staff refused to advise as to whether or not Smith was still in his office and were overtly non descriptive and dismissive;
I called his office the very next day from a different line and he picked up the phone; Smith feigned ignorance as to what had occurred, suggesting the phone call must have been dropped unexpectedly; during the course of conversation, I prodded  further of councilor Smith concerning Winnipeg Police Chief  McCaskill, in my advise of the ongoing state abuses at hand; Smith volunteered claim that he had ostensibly met with the Winnipeg Police Chief in February 2009 (in our absence I silently noted) and that at that time, Winnipeg Police  Chief Keith McCaskill had denied having any knowledge of our ordeal or my name, outside of the context of the request for meeting; I had recorded the call; this flew on the face of the glaring fact of FBI tainted Winnipeg Police Chief Keith McCaskill's refused return of a freedom of information act request submitted him through our attorney, in a letter hand crafted by the Winnipeg Police Chief and then Northwest Chapter of Associates FBI President Keith McCaskill himself, complete with his personal hand written signature on the document;  the  document's reason for refusal of the FOIA had stated "refused on account of ongoing investigation," so called investigation  which was transparent code for international kidnap ploy and political debacle;  I had informed councilor Smith I was taping the call, for the explicit purpose of getting his attest to the fact that Winnipeg Police Chief McCaskill had denied having any knowledge of our ordeal; By careful design,  I did not reveal to Smith any detail of McCaskill's hand written signature on  police documents particular our ordeal; City councilor Harvey Smith was only too happy to accomodate false feigned  attest to his witness of McCaskill's feigned ignorance and disassociation particular  our ordeal and unaware that in doing so, he was inadvertently implicating the Winnipeg Police Chief and incriminating him even further, a fact of which Harvey would soon become aware,  as starkly evidenced in the clandestine predatorial response from city hall and police manifesting shortly thereafter and the entrapment with which the state tried to ensnare me in yet another attempt upon my kidnap to the U.S.;
Agent Ashoke Salwan is a covert undercover operative in standing with the Winnipeg Police force and the Canadian Secret Intelligence Service, and aided and abetted the state in enumerate attempts upon my entrapment or kidnap to the U.S. through the utility of his infiltration into the activist circle we had assigned to task of our protection;  He is also amongst agents of COINTEL we have recorded to tape on their administer of assassination threats directed our persons;
Salwan was present at the old semi abandoned basement  safe-house at which I stayed immediately following police' first attempt on my kidnap, between the months of November and December 2007; His discovery of the location of this safe-house and visitation thereof was followed by police' storm of the building  immediately the very next day; I escaped only because of foresight to bring supplies   by which to mask and alter my appearance if necessary (wig etc.)
Salwan was also accomplice in multiple entrapment schemes, including his repeat attempt at gift of weapons,  which he assured me I would need if having any hope in preventing Winnipeg Police' kidnap of my person to torture; I refused all such offers without exception on principle;
During the course of subsequent attempts upon my kidnap during the election year, he repeatedly offered my accommodation at a safe-house of his own personal keeping where he assured me I would be safe and out of harm's way;
He also attempted to ensnare me as member of his so called Sovereign movement, a group we would later discover upon our investigation, that FBI had formally associated with terrorism as of early 2009, as stated on their website;  it was clear to us by that time and later attested by others amongst the activist circle we silently  knew to be infiltrators, that many pockets of resistance and movements in activism, are no more than honey traps the craft and foment of none other than the COINTEL circuits themselves - the Sovereign movement was no exception to this rule;
As of October 08 2010, agent Ashok Salwan presented at our door, nearly 1 month subsequent my talks with the unassuming councillor Smith in his  inadvertent implication of the police chief against Smith's attested confirmation of the cheif's false feigned ignorance particular our ordeal; Transparent to the collusion at hand came the synchronicity that  Salwan introduced discussion by relating the fact that he had been looking for me and trying to reach me ~ for about a month*, dating almost precisely back to the  time frame of my last talks with councilor Smith and city  hall;
Ashok bore a gnarled piece of paper in his hand containing FBI tainted Winnipeg Police Chief Keith McCaskill's personal hand written signature, claiming to have spoken directly with the police chief,  and waved it about theatrically, stating coyly, "look at this - a signature from Winnipeg Police Chief Keith McCaskill"; this reeked heavily of the well known adage, " come onto my web said the spider to the fly". This was agent Salwan's attempt at enticing me into a meeting with the police chief,  under agent Salwan's cloak and cover false pretense intent on challenge of the police chief with regard police state abuses particularly targeting  black and native communities in the city; He postured further with absurd suggestion that he would have me present as his " body guard' an insult to the intelligence given it was I whom had been primary target of Winnipeg Police' abduction ploys longstanding - a fact of which he was of course all too well aware,  in this yet another snatch and grab plot at my kidnap as coordinated by FBI entangled Winnipeg Police Chief Keith McCaskill through the COINTEL, and as always, with an aim at containment and suppression as related the culpability of Canadian intelligence and Police in politically driven Republican party coordinated cross border target of my person.
During this  same encounter, Ashoke also presented me with a list of officers names and badge numbers which he coined a "hit list" in propositioning me to assignment particular their murder; He would deputize me a free sovereign, and make such actions legal in this way, he argued, asking me candidly if I would be willing to carry them out ; we had caught a number of the intelligence agents in his circle, in their clandestine tape record of conversation and video tape of my apartment interior; in fact ironically one such agent in particular, agent Steven Sawatsky, (also culpable in delivery of assassination threats metered our persons), could be clearly seen carrying a large cassette recording device showing plain through his white plastic shirt, as caught in my candid audio video record of his person; Concordantly, it was clear agent Salwan was recording me now, in his attempt at entrapment particular the aforestated "hit list" of his design; speaking deliberately, and stiltedly, Salwan probed, "could you be a shadow in the night? Could you kill indiscriminately without hesitation and  without consciounse?" It was either me or them he enticed further - one of the two would not survive;  Sensing clearly the multiple layers of entrapment at hand, I dismissed agent Salwan with advise I was not interested in meeting with McCaskill directly under any circumstances;
In the wake of yet another failed attempt at kidnap or entrapment through Police, city hall's reaction would soon manifest shortly thereafter, in our receipt of a call from the office of city councilor Harvey Smith in capacity his staff assistant Sam  Hurley; As of December 16, 2010, only 2 months subsequent their lure at entrapment through agent Salwan,  Hurley contacted my mother and I under false pretenses suggesting that city hall was conducting an investigation of Winnipeg Police abuses and wanted to collect all of my information that I had on Police malfeasance particular our ordeal and many  others; In fact, there was no such investigation underway, while  clearly evident were the Winnipeg Police' sensitivities to their vulnerability in context not only our ordeal but a vast conglomeration of evidence I had compiled on specific cases of Winnipeg Police malfeasance and posted online, having updated it and added to it significantly as of July 04 2008, this action, as aforementioned, having come only one day prior the aforestated kidnap attempt of July 05 2008 with manifest of multiple cruisers and ghost car in my back lane and police' swarm of the hallway outside my apartment door in mass like thugs;
Hurley's interest in acquisition of all of our information reeked heavily of directive they had obviously given agent Salwan to that same* and all the while, Salwan having asked me for compilation of all my information countless times in past, to the point  of well placed  suspicion;
A number of events particular our ongoing accost by the state, took place between the time frame of  cityhall's  approach of our family December 2010, and my next encounter with city councilor Smith of January 07, 2013 in which his life threatening remarks, as a direct representative of state, and as caught to tape, made his deep enmesh transparent; given those interim events prior our next contact with city hall, were a direct extension of subterfuge and harassment related city hall in context their enmesh with police and state toward our harm, those events are briefly* summarized here for proper chronological context (and explored in greater detail later on in due course);
City Hall's approach of Dec 16/10, was followed closely in the weeks to come, by yet another incident of state stalk surveillance and harassing intimidation tactic metered journalist Lesley Hughes my mother and I, while meeting at the 2nd Cup on January 31/2011 in continued discussion particular strategy on merge  of our ordeal into the fabric of main stream corporate media;  there is vast body of evidence of wiretap of our lines, (including independent witness attests to all tell tale signs)  which is the means by which the state has coordinated harassment of our family and associates  at places of public meeting time and time again after eavesdrop of plans made for time and location over the phone;
Several (4) individuals later identified as state operatives, were already* present in the shop in advance of our arrival for meeting on this occasion, and were visibly seen to be scrutinizing us and then actively following us about the coffee shop when we responded by changing tables; a leading agent amongst them by the name of agent Mason Honeyborne, finally approached and presented as U.S. marine, (having worn military  attire and head piece to  suit the role) while in fact no more than covert undercover operative of Winnipeg Police Force and Canadian intelligence (CSIS) as was later revealed; his reference to U.S. marine had been aimed at intimidation tactic against the fact judge David S. Doty, presenting at trial made tribunal in which I suffered extra-judicial persecution in the U.S.,(as referenced and admitted in FBI agent Davis' Washington affidavit)  had been  X U.S. marine (with past criminal charges against him in oversee of an IBM case despite holding significant shares in the corporation) and had unlawfully* threatened my future prospective kidnap at the hands of U.S. marshals and state (without* any legal leverage at extradition by which to have levied any such threats and during the course of proceedings - while alluding to his past aforementioned role in the CIA extraordinary torture rendition of John Gregory Lambrose Brazil);
Come June 06 2011, only several months later, my mother and I were stalked in the park and approached  by an individual presenting with the name "Louis Alberto Rodriguez Gonzalez", a sickly COINTEL inspired play on the name Alberto Gonzales, senior U.S. Bush attorney and attorney general, fired in the wake of the scandal scarred U.S. department of Justice exposed in its sanction and use of torture;  Louis gave fantastical theatrical account of having been snatched off the grounds of the 17 Wing military base after protesting the JTF's role in the  Afghan war, making transparent his association agent David MacDonald, 17 Wing base military officer and RCMP undercover whom had first approached and threatened of the Canadian Secret Intelligence Service take of aim at our family; after making a point of noting the similarities in our appearance, " Louis" gave further fantastical account of being followed by black helicopters and police, as means of passive non direct intimidation tactic;
Only 4 days later, as of June 10/11, an agent of Canada's Secret Intelligence by the name of Harry Held, approached us immediately outside our home pointing up at us from outside our window on the front lawn;  Agent Held (as detailed further in due course)  would ultimately  be revealed to be direct accomplice of screen name Johnny Wizard (Aka Johnny America) the author of the extremist state cointel contrived materials by which city Hall, Mayor Katz, FBI,  and Winnipeg Police, in association McCain campaign lobbyist Rudy Guliani, had so clearly engineered my entrapment through their collective online cyber stalking project, "Crimestat". Agent Held, whom would ultimately levi assassination threats against our further online disclosure, of his own accord, amidst subsequent encounters, introduced himself with over intrusive query and probe particular my background, while making clear his longstanding scrutiny of our online materials;
The subterfuge and synchronicities in timeline of occurrences described thus far, make transparent the cointel collusion amongst agents David MacDonald, agent " Gonzalez" and agent Harry Held;  While as revealed in subsequent occurence, City Hall and rogue acting police' original  COINTEL aide and abetter, agent Ashok Salwan, agent Harry Held, and both of the agents whom had accosted and harassed my mother, journalist Lesley Hughes and I, at public places of meeting, would all ultimately be shown to be in  tight knit close circle association with one another as COINTEL coadjutors and accomplices in their collective mob style state target of our family; as caught to tape, during subsequent encounter involving agent Held's delivery of assassination threat, agent Held would ultimately admit and more so boast, of his association with  both agent Honeyborne, and the original agent whom had accosted Ms Hughes my mother and I at meeting, while Ashok would ultimately admit his association agent Honeyborne in association life threat metered at our door only 9 days subsequent that (also as caught to tape.)
Come encounter with agent Held on Nov 29/11,  Held referenced his close association with CIA operative in his keeping, agent Hartwell, same said agent whom had manifested stalking and intruding upon emergency patriot radio station interviews my mother and I had conducted immediately following the state's first attempt on my kidnap, as stated prior, Hartwell having trained under agent Davis' and offending judge David Doty's COINTEL kidnap coadjutor past FBI L.A. division President Ted Gunderson;  Referencing his association Hartwell, agent Held coyly stated, "the CIA can come up into Canada and kill ~ on sight*";

(This summary is incomplete - Targeting is still occurring at present day with incessant war of attrition in further  occurrences of stalk/life threat/surveillance and suppression tactics in effect in the target of our family through the intelligence circuits -   still working on it's enormous detail but sent as is for now -
...although more detail will be provided in subsequent compilation - as for city councilor Harvey Smith, jumping ahead back to January 2013 (and I am leaving alot out for the moment, in doing so) ...I had arranged for a meeting with him at city hall to discuss the ongoing abuse...Harvey is an old forgetful man and had forgotten to put the phone on hold such that  in the background could be heard his rage filled words of conspire and plot against our harm as he spoke with his colleagues in office at city hall while I secretly recorded the call to tape in its entirety  without his knowledge:  Harvey addressing staff with regard the meeting in question and quote "Kev can I talk to you ... get me my calendar...they're gonna play this time and I want you present ...and they need to be f*cked!!! So we're CLEAR!!"...(recorded*)...Needless to say, I cancelled the meeting but provided no indicating as to why...City Hall is located kitty corner to the headquarters for the Winnipeg Police, the agency responsible for execute of multiple unlawful attempts upon my extraordinary render (kidnap*) to harm in the U.S. on behalf of the Republican Party and U.S. partisan  intelligence...
 Much*** more to come...please viral - the world must know...)
Linda James 204 889 9134
Aaron James
Our ordeal as tied Julian Assange - same nest of CIA target both of us - evidence /detail in these 2 links

Media censorship/suppression (media blackout CIA* controlled)

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