Tuesday, 13 March 2018
Aaron/Linda James txt to 204 588 3281/ ph 2048899134 The information you are about to view is currently being censored through international media circuits but is nonetheless, entirely genuine and authentic, vetted against the attest of Washington Affidavit, independent journalist, and multiple NGO's (as detailed in the link provided at the bottom)
...This ordeal is also one of LIFE threatening nature and we are the recipients of state induced assassination threats against our further disclosure (both verbally as recorded* to tape, and as sent us through electronic communications copied senior state officials), a state which has already to date, employed exhaustive violent and unlawful means by which to attempt to silence our voices of disclosure, including but not limited to attempted kidnap, threats and intimidation, televised identity theft, and chronic hack sabotage shutter and exploit of our online materials (as attested by NGO, independent journalist, court documents and other notary public records).
Malcolm X, a devout prodigy of Elijah Muhammad, had been both an activist and a scholar while amongst his studies were the chronicles of Marcus Garvey, the Jamaican icon of black liberation that would go on to shape much of the foundations on which the Nation of Islam was built;
"By any and all means necessary"(Malcolm X)
... Dr King and Malcolm had been two of the most sought after public speakers of their time, yet they had only formally met on one occasion; Regardless, the unity of black resistance they cultivated made them serious threat to state designs that wished maintenance of the status quo - that being, the Apartheid suppression of people of color across America;
As chronicled in documentary, FBI's War on Black America, during the 60's civil rights movement, FBI KKK and Police, worked hand in glove by which to prevent black activists in America from joining with correspondent black leaders in Africa. COINTEL adopted the strategies of British Brigadier Frank Henry Kitzen, which employed the utility of infiltration submergence insurgency, extortion, extralegal force and violence including murder, by which to disrupt and prevent any mass movements from gathering momentum;
It is clear not much has changed where this is concerned as it stands today - scandals outstanding such as lawsuit against MN Police including citation of black police officers' receipt of KKK based threats through their interdepartmental emails, threats issued black Minneapolis MN congressman Michael Harris, signed " MN KKK Police", and the more recent Trump era revelation of California Police' concealed empathy and collaboration with violent white nationalist Neo Nazi demonstrators, in their collective take of aim at anti-racist protesters, as documents reveal;
When we go back into our history and realize the origins of today's police forces stem from the operations of slave-catchers of the old south, the chronic association of so called 'law enforcement' with acts of violent hate based lawless despotism, becomes self explanatory, in their example as institution fundamentally illegitimate* in both function and foundation.
Travon Martin, Michael Brown (Ferguson), Jamar Clark (murdered by MN Police while handcuffed); Eric Garner - choked to death by NYPD...Where does it end?
After FBI COINTEL's assassination of Malcolm X on Feb 21/1966 came Martin Luther King's same fate at the hands of state COINTEL designs only 2 years later as of April 04/1968; Following Dr King's murder Reagan had him replaced by Black conservative lawyer Samuel L. Peirce as the new (false pretense ) Messiah for the people in the movement;
Our family is central international target of the state's unlawful accosts and central antagonist and perpetrator in our target is past Reagan Whitehouse associate FBI COINTEL operative Steven C. Davis;
The Church Pike Senate Judiciary Committee hearings into investigation of COINTEL crimes were ultimately crushed by the Rockefeller Commission, an enterprise representing the interests of none other than the very agencies being investigated in capacity the FBI COINTEL NSA, and CIA in and of themselves ; A key figure on the board of the Rockefeller Commission was none other than Ronald Reagan, an individual whom not only saw to drastic increase in latitude of COINTEL operations, but also one, in Ronald Reagan, whom was responsible for the dismissal of the only 2 successful prosecutions of COINTEL crimes in America's history - crimes such as those of the murder of Malcolm X and Dr. King;
1.We are the only people in the world who can say we have legal document copied before attorney general of the U.S. that is the FBI & state's signed confession of their unlawful attempt upon our cross border kidnap to harm following racial profiling assault we sustained as foreign nationals visiting their country.
2.We are the only people in the world who can show our receipt of life threatening communication sent us by U.S. intelligence copied senior U.S. officials including past presidential candidate nominees; (In addition to this we have audio recordings of their issue of assassination threats delivered face to face at our home* and during incidents of violent accost in public settings through their stalk and surveillance mechanisms.)
3.We are the only people in the world whom can say our ordeal is tied directly* to the Wikileaks Julian Assange ordeal in the synchronicity discovered of multiple active members of U.S. intelligence common to our mutual assail, and that we have spoken to the Wikileaks legal team directly in that regard. (Specifically, the true identity of Embassycat - Assange's online twitter stalker, is in fact that of CIA Denver Colorado Counterterrorism op Timothy Patrick White, a central antagonist figure in the state's unlawful target of our family through international intelligence) Aggravating factor is our rebroadcast of the Wikileaks files subsequent the CIA driven sabotage of Julian's domain names, using the raw server numbers associated them, and the state's audio-recorded* assassination threats against our further disclosure thereto;
4.We are the only people in the world as common citizens, whom are able to prove an identity theft committed against them by a major television broadcasting corporation as tied the actions of the international intelligence communities - one that was effected immediately subsequent their first of multiple attempts upon my kidnap to the U.S. as means by which to whitewash our ordeal;
The evidence of these state abuses is vetted not only through the aforestated Washington affidavit, threatening electronic communications, independent journalist witness and audiotape records, but also through court documents and police notes records subpoenaed from Police which they had attempted to withhold* - records that reveal the enmesh of local acting Winnipeg Manitoba Canada Police with Canadian government, Interpol and multiple U.S. state and federal agencies including U.S. marshals, FBI, Minneapolis Police - in collective target of my person and our family with aim at my extraordinary render (kidnap) cross border from Canada to the U.S. These records are explicit in making these objectives clear.
Local police notes subpoenaed also evidenced the fact that as extension of their unlawful enmesh, they had catalogued and recorded all of our online materials we had written in protest of the original racial profiling assault. Additionally, they had exploited some of these materials to their personal advantage by retroactively placing some of the URL's particular our materials, in the leading section of extremist Jihadist documents of their own manufacture - documents that have subsequently been traced back to association local acting CSIS operative Harry Held, an individual amongst local acting members of state who's assassination threats we have recorded to audiotape. The presence of tongue and cheek captions such as "Winnipeg Police Exploitation Unit" and coy references to John McCain, in the content of the offending constructs, made the partisan state COINTEL collusion obvious and transparent.
Where my name was found present within these same COINTEL constructs, we discovered earlier versions of these same documents where the name of CIA extraordinary torture rendition victim Canadian citizen Maher Arar's name had been present instead. We had contact with the Arar family in the months prior the state's multiple attempts upon my kidnap, during his wife Monia's Canada wide tour in discussion of the kidnap of her husband Maher. Speaking further to the CIA Arar extra-ordinary torture rendition synchronicity: Following the original assault the Canadian Consular office failed in their lawful obligation by which to provide visitation and well being check - instead I was cast to the vices of tyranny with Consular representative Estelle Aranud Battahdier's whimsically indifferent words of disbandon issued me by phone, "Let us know if they torture you or force you to commit indecent acts yet we will not be involved - this is a U.S. affair"; COROLLARY to this we have the audio recordings of rogue acting local agents amongst Canadian intelligence in their threats that I will ultimately be " kidnapped tortured and terrorized" in their black site prisons abroad, while police notes subpoenaed in court reveal the culpable enmesh of Canadian officials and agencies in the affair (as was the case with the CIA extraordinary torture rendition particular Maher Arar.)
As reflected in the minutes of court proceedings, Police had not only constructed these 'terror patsy' documents but had also sent belongings of mine - both physical and intellectual property - to the United States - and unlawfully so, as extension of their warrantless raid upon my home concurrent with their first of multiple attempts upon my cross border kidnap to the U.S. Our attorney properly remarked that these spurious and unlawful tactics were reflective of their efforts at leverage of false evidence and argument for my rendition where kidnap had failed!
5. The motivation for this unprecedented degree of unlawful state abuse is one of containment* ~ by any means they feel necessary and at all cost ~ because of the fact that the airline on which my mother and I were racially profiled and viciously assailed as Canadian Foreign Nationals visiting the U.S. was to be official campaign carrier for Republican Presidential campaign nominee John McCain in his bid for Presidency within the 2008 presidential elections; Northwest Air was principle campaign lobbyist and financial contributor while past Northwest CEO Fred Malick was to be McCain's campaign co-chair.
One of the central offending agents - FBI agent Steven Davis - sent us threatening correspondence amidst the aforestated multiple attempts upon my kidnap, that he copied to the attention of John McCain FBI and other interested state bodies involved in clandestine coadjute particular my kidnap to the U.S. Davis' father was senior geologist under past president Eisenhower and heavily connected to through the CIA therein, while agent Davis is past close Whitehouse associate associate to past president Ronald Reagan (photographs of agent Davis seen alongside Reagan in the oval office during any one of his many visitations thereto, are available online as are the details of agent Davis' boasted direct* ties and ensconces with any number of today's most world renown U.S. political figures including 2012 Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney (for whom past Northwest Air director David A Brandon was campaign co-chair*), past U.S. attorney general John Ashcroft, pro-torture Senator Kit Bond and Bush administration U.S. Senate Judiciary President Orrin Hatch - who's brother Glendon Hatch is a senior acting board of directors member serving offending FBI agent Davis' multimillion dollar Kanco Corporation mining outlets.
Both agent Davis and his father Clyde, have vast connections through both the FBI and the CIA, and through the later, into the sordid ranks of international organized crime syndicate and it's deadly operations.
Not only did agent Davis send us threatening communications copied McCain and other interested rogue acting state bodies but he also threatened my kidnap and my mother's assassination against our continued disclosure, by way of phone call made Feb 05/2008 in the weeks subsequent the state's first of multiple attempts upon my kidnap to the U.S., and he did so against reference to his standing within FBI and his "good friendship" and association Romney and John McCain*.
My mother Linda James, has been responsible for thwarting many of the violences international intelligence have attempted against me; She was onboard the aircraft at the time of the original racial profiling assault and resisted airport police' unlawful attempt to confine her to the aircraft and force her return to Canada without me, whereupon I would have otherwise been subject to much greater abuses as a Canadian in a foreign country without the presence of family as witness. Linda was also responsible for thwart of a number of U.S. intelligence' subsequent attempts upon my cross border kidnap to harm, through her rushed attendance to my home in confront of rogue acting Winnipeg Manitoba Canada Police through whom these U.S. agencies have been operating by proxy, whereupon police have habitually fled the scene for fear of incrimination. She has also contributed to some of the online materials of which we have published, materials that were met with threats sent our YouTube and blogger accounts from self identifying agents of FBI COINTEL and offending airline Northwest Air, promising violent retaliation. As result of the obstacle my mother has represented in blockade of the COINTEL's violent unlawful aims, she too has been targeted and harassed, including harassing calls she received at work, erasure of emails, and assassination threat against her coming from multiple local coordinating operatives within Canadian Intelligence, one such threat coming from rogue operative threatening a colleague of his - a U.S. marine sniper* he was sure to point - had taken photographs of the backs of both of our heads. (We have this encounter recorded to tape.)
My mother was unable to attend to her mother across the country in hospital in the weeks before her passing as result of the ongoing attempts upon my kidnap to harm in the U.S., fearing that upon her return she would discover she had lost both her mother and her son. This year the stress of the ongoing unchecked abuses has taken its toll and my mother has lost 15 pounds, now weighing only 84 lbs. The COINTEL are to be seen as nothing less than monsters fundamentally devoid of humanity in every sense of meaning.
Agent Davis further added insult atop injury, through his send our family of racist eugenics based doctrines, during the state's numerous assaults upon our family, documents, that placated to his Mormon diatribes concerning the Nephrites and Laminates, doctrines that argued the darkening of skin and broadening of facial features was curse of Noah unto his son Ham in retaliation for his marriage to Egyptus descendant of Kane. It is through the Mormon Church Utah, that agent Davis meets his acquaintance with a number of the leading white nationalist figures amongst the United States senior state officials of this day, including Senator Orrin Hatch, torture proponent Sen. Kit Bond, and Mormon leader Mitt Romney, the later of whom (Romney) was metered heavy criticism during his 2012 presidential campaign, confronted by members of the voting public outraged at the eugenics diatribes of his Mormon doctrines and the hate based message they carried.
The threats stalk surveillance and targeting has been chronic and lasting and persists to present day. Our ordeal is universally* unique across the world - our suffering has been just as singularly horrific. That* is why an outlet of good acting conscience must see it vital the broadcast of our ordeal because what they, the CIA, feel they can accomplish in the target of one - the CIA will hone* and perfect* in their utility by which to target others*.
A media blackout is currently in effect as referenced in journalist Lesley Hughes' article on our ordeal entitled "The Media Gag" "All media of any significant influence are CIA controlled" (CIA director William Colby) (Colby was close associate CIA DeCamp, whom is in turn past colleague FBI Gunderson, Gunderson whom worked with agent Davis and CIA operative Tim White in attempt at my unlawful cross border extraordinary render from Canada into the U.S. through the operations of international intelligence. )
It is our hope this will help you to see the compelling qualities and urgency of our ordeal with clarity. For the betterment of not only our family - but moreover, the world* - It must not be concealed. It is our respectful request that those of you whom read of this and whom feel compelled to lend of yourselves in the overcoming of Apartheid and hate based state driven oppression in America, kindly assist us in spreading our message far and wide - resounding - across the face of America, for all asunder to hear and through as many channels as there are available by which to do so - our struggle is yours - is that same struggle common to all of us. Aaron & Linda James, freedomtruths(at) tutanota(dot)com Further detail can be found at http://state-abuse.blogspot.ca/2018/01/volume-one.html
Monday, 26 February 2018
The information you are about to view is currently being censored through international media circuits but is nonetheless, entirely genuine and authentic, vetted against the attest of Washington Affidavit, independent journalist, and multiple NGO's (as detailed in the link provided at the bottom)
My mother and I are Canadian citizens and as people of color we were subject to a racial profiling assault while visiting the U.S. for medical reasons.
The offending airline and all TSA at the airport in question (Northwest Air/ Bloomingdale Airport MN Minnesota) had just undergone an intensive 6 month racial profiling program instilled under past El Al Marshal and Tel-Aviv Airport security head Rafi Ron, CEO of Israeli based Gandin Security and U.S. based New Age Security Solutions; His program (BPR) was heavily criticized by a number of civil and human rights organizations including the ACLU, for its instill of training keys that would cause TSA to fall back on racial profiling practices;
As detailed in due course, we would also later discover that senior members of Northwest Airlines' corporate body were heavily tied to both the Israeli Friendship Society and the U.S. military* academy and that Northwest Air was also heavily tied to the Republican Party of the United States through its past CEO's and senior executive staff.
The racial profiling assault that would follow would leave me in a pool* of my own blood in the middle of the isle; Several further assaults would take place over the next several months involving Northwest Air and or TSA/Airport Police at MN Bloomingdale Airport, including the assault upon the 6 Imams and the 12 Indians in flight from Amsterdam; Officer Wingate, one of the officers involved in the assault upon our persons, was also involved in the assault upon the 6 Imams and yet another assault shortly thereafter targeting 135 lb grandfather and native MN Minnesota violinist David Orsack;
My mother was falsely and arbitrarily (spuriously*) accused of suspicious bag while on board the aircraft despite we had not been flagged while making our way through security gates - the overzealous extremist mentality and instability, of the offending F/A who set the wheels of hate based injustices into motion, would ultimately be reflected in her choice of words while on stand in attempt at defense of her position : & quote "We are trained TO KILL before we are killed"
Following a gamut of onslaught of extra-judicial abuses subsequent the assault (trial made more so tribunal, included - in which of the 45 jurors selected 16 had direct or indirect connection to U.S. intelligence law enforcement or military and 4 of them connection to offending Northwest Air) we placed our voice of protest online only to receive life threatening response from self identifying agents of FBI* and state, threatening horrific violence to come against our further disclosure - horrific violence that has now manifested in the United States' central take of aim and target of our family complete with clandestine coadjute with local Canadian rogue acting "law enforcement" and members of state in solicit of my unlawful extraordinary render (kidnap*) in violation of international law - for which we have the FBI's unprecedented self signed confession in affidavit before the 81st U.S. attorney general Michael Mukasey (Links to documents/evidence provided further below at bottom)
We have also been metered assassination* threats communicated us from self identifying agents of FBI both electronically, (as copied senior U.S. state officials including interested party Sen John McCain*) and verbally, through direct violent accost on our premises (as recorded* to audiotape* in full); Amongst these threats are those from local offending Canadian Secret Intelligence Service (CSIS) operative Steven Sawatsky,
& Quote: "I'd just like to take all those Palestinians and beat them into mush with my baseball bat... I could hurt you in such a way and to the point you'd remember it for the rest of your life - upside down dead in a dumpster" ... his choice of words was targeting my online exposé of the Israeli based racial profiling platform under which we, as persons of color, had met our assail;
Some vital points of fact making our ordeal one that is extraordinary in nature and must not be concealed or overlooked in the public interest:
1.We are the only people in the world who can say we have legal document copied before attorney general of the U.S. that is the FBI & state's signed confession of their unlawful attempt upon our cross border kidnap to harm following racial profiling assault we sustained as foreign nationals visiting their country.
2.We are the only people in the world who can show our receipt of life threatening communication sent us by U.S. intelligence copied senior U.S. officials including past presidential candidate nominees; (In addition to this we have audio recordings of their issue of assassination threats delivered face to face at our home* and during incidents of violent accost in public settings through their stalk and surveillance mechanisms.)
3.We are the only people in the world whom can say our ordeal is tied directly* to the Wikileaks Julian Assange ordeal in the synchronicity discovered of multiple active members of U.S. intelligence common to our mutual assail, and that we have spoken to the Wikileaks legal team directly in that regard. (Specifically our research has revealed that CIA Denver Colorado "Counterterrorism" operative Timothy Patrick White - a central perpetrator in our arbitrary unlawful hate based state assail - is the identity behind Julian Assange's online social media stalker Embassycat, while agent White's associate Reg Argue, another offending COINTEL antagonist in our ordeal, had made his contact of Assange's associate Icelandic Congresswoman Birgitta Yonsdottir through social media (Facebook) in the months subsequent our family's direct contact of Ms Yonsdottir in warning her against the dangers of travel through the U.S. by which to conduct her affairs in light of her advocacy extended Assange.
4.We are the only people in the world as common citizens, whom are able to prove an identity theft committed against them by a major television broadcasting corporation as tied the actions of the international intelligence communities - one that was effected immediately subsequent their first of multiple attempts upon my kidnap to the U.S. as means by which to whitewash our ordeal;
The evidence of these state abuses is vetted not only through the aforestated Washington affidavit, threatening electronic communications, independent journalist witness and audiotape records, but also through court documents and police notes records subpoenaed from Police which they had attempted to withhold* - records that reveal the enmesh of local acting Winnipeg Manitoba Canada Police with Canadian government, Interpol and multiple U.S. state and federal agencies including U.S. marshals, FBI, Minneapolis Police - in collective target of my person and our family with aim at my extraordinary render (kidnap) cross border from Canada to the U.S. These records are explicit in making these objectives clear.
Local police notes subpoenaed also evidenced the fact that as extension of their unlawful enmesh, they had catalogued and recorded all of our online materials we had written in protest of the original racial profiling assault. Additionally, they had exploited some of these materials to their personal advantage by retroactively placing some of the URL's particular our materials, in the leading section of extremist Jihadist documents of their own manufacture - documents that have subsequently been traced back to association local acting CSIS operative Harry Held, an individual amongst local acting members of state who's assassination threats we have recorded to audiotape. The presence of tongue and cheek captions such as "Winnipeg Police Exploitation Unit" and coy references to John McCain, in the content of the offending constructs, made the partisan state COINTEL collusion obvious and transparent. Where my name was found present within these same COINTEL constructs, we discovered earlier versions of these same documents where the name of CIA extraordinary torture rendition victim Canadian citizen Maher Arar's name had been present instead.
We had contact with the Arar family in the months prior the state's multiple attempts upon my kidnap, during his wife Monia's Canada wide tour in discussion of the kidnap of her husband Maher. Speaking further to the CIA Arar extra-ordinary torture rendition synchronicity: Following the original assault the Canadian Consular office failed in their lawful obligation by which to provide visitation and well being check - instead I was cast to the vices of tyranny with Consular representative Estelle Aranud Battahdier's whimsically indifferent words of disbandon issued me by phone, "Let us know if they torture you or force you to commit indecent acts yet we will not be involved - this is a U.S. affair"; COROLLARY to this we have the audio recordings of rogue acting local agents amongst Canadian intelligence in their threats that I will ultimately be " kidnapped tortured and terrorized" in their black site prisons abroad, while police notes subpoenaed in court reveal the culpable enmesh of Canadian officials and agencies in the affair (as was the case with the CIA extraordinary torture rendition particular Maher Arar.)
As reflected in the minutes of court proceedings, Police had not only constructed these 'terror patsy' documents but had also sent belongings of mine - both physical and intellectual property - to the United States - and unlawfully so, as extension of their warrantless raid upon my home concurrent with their first of multiple attempts upon my cross border kidnap to the U.S. Our attorney properly remarked that these spurious and unlawful tactics were reflective of their efforts at leverage of false evidence and argument for my rendition where kidnap had failed!
5. The motivation for this unprecedented degree of unlawful state abuse is because of the fact that the airline on which my mother and I were racially profiled and viciously assailed as Canadian Foreign Nationals visiting the U.S. was to be official campaign carrier for Republican Presidential campaign nominee John McCain in his bid for Presidency within the 2008 presidential elections; Northwest Air was principle campaign lobbyist and financial contributor while past Northwest CEO Fred Malick was to be McCain's campaign co-chair. ***Our research revealed John McCain's campaign cochair Fred Malick - past Northwest Airlines CEO - as a member of the Israeli* Friendship Society and also active on the board of visitors members with the U.S. military* academy (speaking to the U.S. armed backing of Israel in its ongoing war efforts targeting the people of Palestine) ...while for his part, McCain is active supporter of AIPAC. Worse still, a number of Northwest Airlines past and present directors are connected to a vast assort of U.S. military industrial complex affiliate War Crimes instigators including but not limited to: The U.S. Defense Business Board, Raytheon Missles Systems, Rand Corporation, and the infamous division 9; Offending airline Northwest Air, is now subsidiary of its acquirer Delta Air, Delta a utility and training ground for the training of the U.S.'s Special 'Elite' Delta military forces... John McCain and Charlie Black had been widely exposed in their stealth ensconce with the CIA backed Iraqi National Congress, by which to topple Iraq for exploit of its oil and mineral resources; The Iraqi Good News psyops was a CIA driven corporate media public relations pysops by which to sell the war through the use of false propaganda, and was passed down from the CIA through the Pentagon into the hands of the Lincoln Group, from where it fell into the hands of Senator McCain's senior financial advisor Charlie Black, senior executive staff member of BKSH, BKSH, a corporate holding with top clientele including Coffer Black's Xe Services - Coffer Black none other than past Bush administration Blackwater and CIA Counterterrorism Division director.
...All of this of course speaks much further to the so called "Counterterrorism" training operations being conducted between Israeli and U.S. military/intelligence as utility for the arbitrary ill-contrived target of the Palestinian people.
In discussion of the overzealous militarization and aggression of the state of Israel and the egregious presence of Israeli forces in occupied Palestine, we must be careful to make clear the distinction between faith religion and state, such that we do not fall to equate of Jewish faith and doctrine with the policies of it's principal state; A founding principle of all recognized faiths, be they Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Taoist, Muslim, or Judaism, is the need for harmonious* coexistence: It is unfortunate that in it's spurious hate based policies and oppressive war-like mandates, the state of Israel, appears to have deviated and fallen far away from the mark of the basic ideology of it's state's chosen faith.
Statements from the international communities and regulating bodies particular international law, have made quite clear the violation of international law inherent within Israel's occupation of the West Bank, the spurious building of settlements within occupied regions bh which to displace the Palestinian people from their land, and the mass deportations and genocidal killings of their people; In assess of military conflict between Israel and Palestine, U.N. Council representive Richard Goldstein's long report, made clear that the actions of Israeli militancy had been so virulent violent and severe, that they had constituted nothing less than war crimes.
In fact, the United Nations, would come to these conclusions quite handily as the targets and first hand witnesses of this same wayward militarized Israeli aggression, of their own accord:
When U.S. backed Israeli forces weren't otherwise occupied in the U.S. state sanctioned chronic bombings of Lebanon, they shamelessly engaged themselves in the war crime category bombings of U.N. shelters in the Gaza strip, killing both U.N. respite workers, and refugees of war - women children alike;
The hate based racial hostility and overzealous militarized aggression metered the Palestinian people, is exemplified further in the multiple incidents of Israeli military violence and assaults metered peace going vessels in their attempts to deliver food rations and clothing to the Gaza refugees... Greenparty member and past Congresswoman African American Cynthia McKinney, was a member on board one of those very vessels, the U.S. Freedom Flotilla, which was fired upon by Israeli military forces while attempting the delivery of food rations to refugees within the Gaza strip, an assault that injured and killed several members of the crew; Once boarded, McKinney and other members of her crew were placed inside Israeli military detention cells; In a letter McKinney dubbed "Letter From an Israeli Prison" McKinney reflected of her experience; As McKinney looked upon her fellow cell-mates a deeply disturbing epiphany quickly presented - all of them, McKinney noticed, were people of color - a sea of black faces: Palestinians, refugees of war, people from Somalia, Yemen, whom like the prophets, had come to Israel seeking the promised land, but found only jail and confinement and abuse in its place; Coming of age is not a pre-requisite for this same kind of ill-contrived treatment within the eyes of Israeli military mandate; Israel is the only country to place children through military tribunals and has done so through its efforts in militarized occupation of Palestine.
Speaking further to the U.S. Israeli political enmesh, and particularly as concerns our ordeal as targets of the state: Multiple independent sources have revealed even more disturbing revelation underscoring reason and rationale for McCain's deep AIPIC engendered ensconces: Research and evidence finds that the financing of John McCain's political career came from his Wife Cindy McCain's inheritance of the Anheizer Busch Beer fortune which was passed down by past Jewish World Congress Leader Edgar H. Bronfman: according to these papers, Bronfman, while head of the JWC until his scandal scarred resignation over fraud in 2008, had also been a leading figure in the World organized crime syndicate with the Mafia*. (Please note: This is not a statement against Jews or Judaism but rather a reflection on the false pretense criminality of an organization feigning and falsely posturing in the representation of true Jewish values.) According to the researched articles, Bronfman had been involved in a number of crime syndicate related murders in Arizona, but Arizona state madia 'boss-man' Kempar Marley, whom worked under and was subordinate to Bronfman, took the wrap for the murders and was later rewarded by Bronfman following Marley's prison term, with Bronfman's passing down of the Anheizer Busch Beer fortune which was ultimately passed down to Jim Hensley, father to Cindy McCain and acting Arizona state henchman under Marley. Publication of these details was heavily suppressed as result of the crime syndicate's control over local media: Arizona Phoenix founder Eugene Pullium was not only a close friend of Marley, but was also a close friend to Charles Keating the man notorious for organizing the Keating 5 scandal and theft in excess of over 190 million dollars of segregated funds, a scandal involving 5 Senior U.S. state senators including John McCain; Eugene Pullium was also grandfather to Dan Quayle, Vice President George W. Bush. William Rehnquist had been the U.S. attorney whom had defended Marley, and would go on to become Supreme Court Justice of the United States - A scandal-scarred system of injustice* exposed in ensconce within the ranks of hate based torture overseas and arbitrary despotic police-state driven target of its own citizens at home;
One of the central offending agents in our family's state driven assail- FBI agent Steven Davis - sent us threatening correspondence amidst the aforestated multiple attempts upon my kidnap, that he copied to the attention of John McCain FBI and other interested state bodies involved in clandestine coadjute particular my kidnap to the U.S.;
Davis' father was senior geologist under past president Eisenhower and heavily connected to through the CIA therein, while agent Davis is past close Whitehouse associate to past president Ronald Reagan (photographs of agent Davis seen alongside Reagan in the oval office during any one of his many visitations thereto, are available online as are the details of agent Davis' boasted direct* ties and ensconces with any number of today's most world renown U.S. political figures including 2012 Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney (for whom past Northwest Air director David A Brandon was campaign co-chair*), past U.S. attorney general John Ashcroft, pro-torture Senator Kit Bond and Bush administration U.S. Senate Judiciary President Orrin Hatch - who's brother Glendon Hatch is a senior acting board of directors member serving offending FBI agent Davis' multimillion dollar Kanco Corporation mining outlets. Amongst agent Davis' other online boasts are his deeply entrenched connections to the Rothschilds family, wherein Davis boasts that his father Clyde was business associate to Robert Vincent D'Olivera, 2nd wealthiest Rothschild of his time. Both agent Davis and his father Clyde, have vast connections through both the FBI and the CIA, and through the later, into the sordid ranks of the international organized crime syndicate and it's deadly operations. Not only did agent Davis send us threatening communications copied McCain and other interested rogue acting state bodies but he also threatened my kidnap and my mother's assassination by way of phone call made Feb 05/2008 in the weeks subsequent the state's first of multiple attempts upon my kidnap to the U.S., and he did so against reference to his standing within FBI and his "good friendship" and association Romney and John McCain*.
Davis threatened further that U.S. Marshal Kelly Mutschler had been "working eagerly with the Canadian government to see about my 'delivery' (unlawful kidnap/extraordinary render) to the U.S." COROLLARY to that, the names U.S. Marshal Mutschler and FBI agent Rensch appear within the construct of rogue acting Police notes subpoenaed in court, evidencing their FBI COINTEL enmesh particular my abduction to harm.
The fact these same names - Mutschler and Rensch - appear within the construct of agent Davis' Washington affidavit, dating months in advance of disclosure particular the aforementioned police notes, evidences agent Davis' insider* knowledge as a person complicit in the crimes against democracy enacted upon our family.
The illegitimate criminal underpinnings and organized crime syndicate associations of some of the most central state bodies names and state figures in our ordeal, make clear the motive and opportunity by which our family has suffered longstanding at the hands of hate based U.S. state driven barbarianism and DESPOTISM in violation of international law;
In pursuing remedy we have had past contact with a prominent Canadian Legal clinic through attorney Colin Brown - he attempted to send us an information regarding legal council, through registered* letter mail, but we had spoken of his intent to do so over compromised wire-tapped lines and 2 days later, it arrived parched* looted* and the contents removed, in a sealed plastic envelope from Canada Post labelled "we apologize for this incident" (federal* offense in and of itself, was this the stark evidence of yet another blatant example of the international intelligence community's many facets of obstruction of justice and violation international law) Colin Brown was quick to register his concern over the overt degree of COINTEL obstruction and the inherent dangers this represented.
The threats stalk surveillance and targeting has been chronic and lasting and persists to present day. Our ordeal is universally* unique across the world - our suffering has been just as singularly horrific. That* is why any media outlet or NGO of good acting conscience must see it vital the broadcast of our ordeals because what they, the CIA, feel they can accomplish in the target of one - the CIA will hone* and perfect* in their utility by which to target others*. (First they came...)
A media blackout is currently in effect as referenced in journalist Lesley Hughes' article on our ordeal entitled "The Media Gag" "All media of any significant influence are CIA controlled" (CIA director William Colby) Perhaps this will help you to see the compelling qualities and urgency of our ordeal with greater clarity. For the betterment of not only our family - but moreover, the world* - It must not be concealed.
Much greater in depth detail can be found at http://state-abuse.blogspot.ca/2018/01/volume-one.html
Links to evidentiary documents regarding our ordeal can be found online at: http://state-abuse.blogspot.com/2018/02/coles-notes-links.html#links
Sunday, 25 February 2018
Odd Activity Log
Aaron/Linda James 204 889 9134/txt to 204 588 3281 (Note this is a Coles notes version of a much larger narrative found at http://state-abuse.blogspot.CA/2018/01/volume-one.html
*Corroborating Links particular this document, are presented collectively at the bottom
"All media of any significant influence are CIA controlled" (CIA past director William Colby)
The information you are about to view is currently being censored through international media circuits but is nonetheless, entirely genuine and authentic, vetted against the attest of Washington Affidavit, independent journalist, and multiple NGO's (as detailed in the link provided at the bottom) ...This ordeal is also one of LIFE threatening nature.
As such those who are willing and able are compelled to republish this message through all forms of social media available them in bringing forth the voice of truth past the barriers and obstacle of state despotism imposed occlusion censorahip and suppression.
1.We are the only people in the world who can say we have legal document copied before attorney general of the U.S. that is the FBI & state's signed confession of their unlawful attempt upon our cross border kidnap to harm following racial profiling assault we sustained as foreign nationals visiting their country.
2.We are the only people in the world who can show our receipt of life threatening communication sent us by U.S. intelligence copied senior U.S. officials including past presidential candidate nominees; (In addition to this we have audio recordings of their issue of assassination threats delivered face to face at our home* and during incidents of violent accost in public settings through their stalk and surveillance mechanisms.)
3.We are the only people in the world whom can say our ordeal is tied directly* to the Wikileaks Julian Assange ordeal in the synchronicity discovered of multiple active members of U.S. intelligence common to our mutual assail, and that we have spoken to the Wikileaks legal team directly in that regard.
4.We are the only people in the world as common citizens, whom are able to prove an identity theft committed against them by a major television broadcasting corporation as tied the actions of the international intelligence communities - one that was effected immediately subsequent their first of multiple attempts upon my kidnap to the U.S. as means by which to whitewash our ordeal;
The evidence of these state abuses is vetted not only through the aforestated Washington affidavit, threatening electronic communications, independent journalist witness and audiotape records, but also through court documents and police notes records subpoenaed from Police which they had attempted to withhold* - records that reveal the enmesh of local acting Winnipeg Manitoba Canada Police with Canadian government, Interpol and multiple U.S. state and federal agencies including U.S. marshals, FBI, Minneapolis Police - in collective target of my person and our family with aim at my extraordinary render (kidnap) cross border from Canada to the U.S. These records are explicit in making these objectives clear.
The Winnipeg Police were acting under then Winnipeg Police Cheif Keith McCaskill, in his duplicituous role as President* of the Northwest Chapter of Associates FBI, constituting innate criminal* conflict of interest in his utility thereof in the target of a CANADIAN* citizen while representative of CANADIAN 'Law' enforcement! McCaskill was also active on the board of Canadian National Intelligence to suit further his henieous unlawful and clandestine target of our family. Accomplice to agent* McCaskill? None other than FBI PERPETRATOR ROBERT MEULLER whom was acting FBI director at the time. (Beleive me when I tell you - Mueller has no interest in impeaching Trump - he is good* friend to James Commey - the person first and foremost responsible for getting Trump into office to begin with through timely sabotage of the Democratic campaign in sensationalist tabloid style regurgitatiok of the already closed-case Clinton emails issue; (I am personally no fan of Clinton given she and her husband's contribution to the mass incarceration of people of color under Bill's oversee and tenure - but I do* recognize fundamental breach sabotage and obstruction of the democratic electoral process when I see it - and this particular sabotage suited the racist CIA and FBI COINTEL designs to a tee - in bringing in the icon of bigoted hate based despotic moral depravity in one Donald Trump...
Mueller will go after Trump's minions like Paul Manifort - Mueller will charge members of Russian Intelligence whom are far and away oversees and out of reach - Jared Kushner will have get his perfunctory slap on the wrist security clearance access to classified records removed- Meuller will put on a brilliant show of stage theatre in placating to and pacifying a weary angry public seeking justice - and the theatrical fanfare illusion* of Mueller's justice will be served unto many - but like a wantonly poor litigous marksman by design - never unto Trump - ... #NeverTrump.
"there are literally countless legal reasons for the successful impeachment and guilty verdict in the impending trial of the forty-fifth President of the United States. Trump is an admitted sex criminal , with any number of open complaints against him that he hasn't yet admitted to (or bragged about) on tape. He has repeatedly worked to violate the civil rights of transgender soldiers , foreign-born permanent residents, and legal immigrants (to say nothing for the human rights of undocumented persons ). Donald Trump continues to profit from dealings with foreign governments, an apparently too overt of a violation of the emoluments clause of the US Constitution to matter to, I don't know, anyone. Then, on what we might find out to be in two or three dozen cases, Donald Trump and his immediate staff have committed various forms of obstruction of justice and/or perjury, including, though certainly not exclusively, the firing of controversial former FBI Director James Comey for his (ostensible***) pursuit of the then fledgling Russia election interference/Trump campaign investigation.
Make no mistake - 'all the world's a stage' and what you see before you in past FBI director (and kidnap coadjutor) Robert Meuller's so called investigative committee is nothing less than Broadway performance to suit those unacquainted with their FBI COINTEL history ; As revealed in documentary title 'FBI COINTEL's War on Black America' during the height of the civil rights movement FBI Police and KKK worked hand in glove in suppress of the movement with aim at preventing black activists from connecting with black leaders in Africa - using the tactics of British Brigadier General Frank Henry Kitzen, FBI COINTEL employed the tactics of infiltration, subvergance and insurgency and the use of extralegal force and violence including murder* by which to keep the status quo. The CIA was also heavily involved in aid of the FBI thereto, utilizing infiltration of the movement through agents of note such as CIA special operations officer Everet Ross. With Trump's placate to and provision of platform for Neo Nazi
White Supremacist uprisings - with recent incident and documented revelation of coadjute and collusion between California Police and violent White Nationalist protestors in advances agsinst anti-racist protestors - clearly very little has changed at present day and the FBI and CIA have acheived exactly* what they sought in Trump's rise to position of power.
For those uninformed: The FBI and CIA have a long history of partisan allegiance to the Republican party - in the case point example of Commey's obstruction of the constitutional electoral process, it clearly shows, as it does within the harrowing detail of our unlawful cross border partisan U.S. intelligence and state affliction as detailed in due course.
To partisan presidential election medler and sabateur FBI Cointel asset James Commey and his very good friend - central kidnap coadjutor antagonist past FBI director Robert Mueller - mission accomplished - Trump is in - but your designs are transparent to scrutiny of the informed*.
Returning to the expungent matters particular our ordeal:
Local police notes subpoenaed also evidenced the fact that as extension of their unlawful enmesh, they had catalogued and recorded all of our online materials we had written in protest of the original racial profiling assault. Additionally, they had exploited some of these materials to their personal advantage by retroactively placing some of the URL's particular our materials, in the leading section of extremist Jihadist documents of their own manufacture - documents that have subsequently been traced back to association local acting CSIS operative Harry Held, an individual amongst local acting members of state who's assassination threats we have recorded to audiotape. The presence of tongue and cheek captions such as "Winnipeg Police Exploitation Unit" and coy references to John McCain, in the content of the offending constructs, made the partisan state COINTEL collusion obvious and transparent.
Where my name was found present within these same COINTEL constructs, we discovered earlier versions of these same documents where the name of CIA extraordinary torture rendition victim Canadian citizen Maher Arar's name had been present instead. We had contact with the Arar family in the months prior the state's multiple attempts upon my kidnap, during his wife Monia's Canada wide tour in discussion of the kidnap of her husband Maher.
Speaking further to the CIA Arar extra-ordinary torture rendition synchronicity: Following the original assault the Canadian Consular office failed in their lawful obligation by which to provide visitation and well being check - instead I was cast to the vices of tyranny with Consular representative Estelle Aranud Battahdier's whimsically indifferent words of disbandon issued me by phone, "Let us know if they torture you or force you to commit indecent acts yet we will not be involved - this is a U.S. affair"; COROLLARY to this we have the audio recordings of rogue acting local agents amongst Canadian intelligence in their threats that I will ultimately be " kidnapped tortured and terrorized" in their black site prisons abroad, while police notes subpoenaed in court reveal the culpable enmesh of Canadian officials and agencies in the affair (as was the case with the CIA extraordinary torture rendition particular Maher Arar.)
As reflected in the minutes of court proceedings, Police had not only constructed these 'terror patsy' documents but had also sent belongings of mine - both physical and intellectual property - to the United States - and unlawfully so, as extension of their warrantless raid upon my home concurrent with their first of multiple attempts upon my cross border kidnap to the U.S. Our attorney properly remarked that these spurious and unlawful tactics were reflective of their efforts at leverage of false evidence and argument for my rendition where kidnap had failed!
5. The motivation for this unprecedented degree of unlawful state abuse is because of the fact that the airline on which my mother and I were racially profiled and viciously assailed as Canadian Foreign Nationals visiting the U.S. was to be official campaign carrier for Republican Presidential campaign nominee John McCain in his bid for Presidency within the 2008 presidential elections; Northwest Air was principle campaign lobbyist and financial contributor while past Northwest CEO Fred Malick was to be McCain's campaign co-chair.
Perhaps never moreso does the partisan alliance of FBI Cointel and CIA reveal itself as by example of our ordeal, and the Republican Party's use of overtly partisan members of U.S. intelligence in their send of assassination threats copied senior U.S. Republican figures of state during onslought of the many attempts upon my abduction that occurred during the John McCain presidential campaign and election year;
One of the central offending agents - FBI agent Steven Davis - sent us threatening correspondence amidst the aforestated multiple attempts upon my kidnap, that he copied to the attention of Republican*Sen. John McCain FBI and other interested state bodies involved in clandestine coadjute particular my kidnap to the U.S. Davis' father was senior geologist under past Republican* president Eisenhower and heavily connected to through the CIA therein, while agent Davis is past close Whitehouse associate to past Republican* president Ronald Reagan (photographs of agent Davis seen alongside Reagan in the oval office during any one of his many visitations thereto, are available online as are the details of agent Davis' boasted direct* ties and ensconces with any number of today's most world renown U.S. political figures including 2012 Presidential Republican* Candidate Mitt Romney (for whom past Northwest Air director David A Brandon was campaign co-chair*), past U.S. attorney general John Ashcroft, pro-torture Republican* Senator Kit Bond and past Bush administration U.S. Senate Judiciary President Republican* Sen Orrin Hatch - who's brother Glendon Hatch is a senior acting board of directors member serving offending FBI agent Davis' multimillion dollar Kanko Corporation mining outlets.
Both agent Davis and his father Clyde, have vast connections through both the FBI and the CIA, and through the later, into the sordid ranks of international organized crime syndicate and it's deadly operations.
Not only did agent Davis send us threatening communications copied McCain and other interested rogue acting state bodies but he also threatened my kidnap and my mother's assassination by way of phone call made Feb 05/2008 in the weeks subsequent the state's first of multiple attempts upon my kidnap to the U.S., and he did so against reference to his standing within FBI and his "good friendship" and association Romney and John McCain*.
Davis threatened further that U.S. Marshal Kelly Mutschler had been "working eagerly with the Canadian government to see about my 'delivery' (unlawful kidnap/extraordinary render) to the U.S." COROLLARY to that, the names U.S. Marshal Mutschler and FBI agent Rensch appear within the construct of rogue acting Police notes subpoenaed in court, evidencing their FBI COINTEL enmesh particular my abduction to harm. The fact these same names - Mutschler and Rensch - appear within the construct of agent Davis' Washington affidavit, dating months in advance of disclosure particular the aforementioned police notes, evidences agent Davis' insider* knowledge as a person complicit in the crimes against democracy enacted upon our family.
The threats stalk surveillance and targeting has been chronic and lasting and persists to present day.
Our ordeal is universally* unique across the world - our suffering has been just as singularly horrific. That* is why a media outlet of good acting conscience must see it vital the broadcast of our ordeals because what they, the CIA, feel they can accomplish in the target of one - the CIA will hone* and perfect* in their utility by which to target others*. (First they came...)
A media blackout is currently in effect as referenced in journalist Lesley Hughes' article on our ordeal entitled "The Media Gag" "All media of any significant influence are CIA controlled" (CIA director William Colby)
Perhaps this will help you to see the compelling qualities and urgency of our ordeal with greater clarity. For the betterment of not only our family - but moreover, the world* - It must not be concealed.
Further detail can be found at http://state-abuse.blogspot.ca/2018/01/volume-one.html
FBI agent Steven Davis' Washington Affidavit before 81st U.S. Attorney General of the United States, admits* Police/FBI kidnap collusion and fundamental miscarriage of justice violation international law, violation Geneva Convention, U.N. Declaration of Human Rights;
The wording of agent Davis' Washington affidavit, while extremely damaging to the FBI, in revealing their crimes and violations of international law committed in context our family's extrajudicial target, is also deliberately clouded with multiple layers of deception as designed to distort and conceal certain aspects of state malfeasance; As example, within construct of his Washington submission, while Davis admits fully to the clandestine joiner between Canadian and U.S. intelligence, in seeking my unlawful render to the U.S., Davis is careful to insert fabricated suggestion of the presence of lawful warrant for extradition when in fact, as evidenced through local court documentation and proceedings here within Canada, no such warrent existed and the actions of the state remain entirely unlawful in every context. Telling and transparent to the greater gravity of truth at hand, is the fact that within the construct of agent Davis' affidavit, and as completely contrary to his aforesaid false pretense posturing on the legality of state actions in context warrent, Davis states explicitly, the fact that U.S. Marshals and FBI grossly overstepped and violated the boundaries of the law in the pursuit of a Canadian having visited the U.S. for medical reasons.
CUAPB M.Gross re FBI kidnap efforts: "THE FAR REACH OF US POLICE STATE REPRESSION" "Apparently the feds have way too many agents and not enough real crime to worry about. While some agents were busy <http://www.truth-out.org/raids-activists-may-indicate-fbi-abuse-power64028>abusing their power against our local activists, others were working in cahoots with the Winnipeg police department to continue the ongoing harassment of Aaron James. Aaron...has endured multiple warrantless raids on his house, arrests, and attempts to abduct and forcibly extradite him to the US. Http://Groups.Yahoo.Com/Group/Stop-polabuse/Message/22121
Threatening email correspondence from offending figure FBI agent Steven Davis, particular the state's intended longterm take of aim upon our family toward advent my kidnap to the U.S.: said communication references Republican Ron Paul and is copied to central offending state figure Arizona state senator John McCain ( a communication sent amidst onslaught of multiple unlawful state executed abduction ploys targeting our family during the 2008 John McCain presidential campaign.)
Introductory Article (http://bit.ly/2x92Clh)
(Copy) http://policecollusionusacanada07.blogspot.ca/?m=0
Corollary Point Form Introduction: http://canadauscrossborderattack.blogspot.com/#pointformsummary. (http://bit.ly/2w2nhro)
Kidnapping Efforts (http://bit.ly/2ha8IhB)
FBI and CIA are working steadfastly to try and conceal and suppress and have targeted my online materials for sanitation (as referenced immediately below) ...as such, some of the sub* links within the materials referenced below, have been sabotaged.
Reference: MN CUAPB "The Far Reach of Police State Oppression:... "His websites have been repeatedly taken down, the content hijacked, his URLs redirected to racist websites, etc...."http://groups.yahoo.com/group/stop-polabuse/message/22121
Court Documents Folders Online
Google Docs - http://bit.ly/hkCWkn
Google Drive http://bit.ly/2hkMg1l
Scribd https://www.scribd.com/user/7847758/John-983
Twitter Dialogue
Our ordeal as tied Julian Assange Wikileaks ordeal: same nest of CIA target both of us - detail in these 2 links
https://twitter.com/jimfree22/status/913566688041406464 (http://bit.ly/2gSSplS)
Our ordeal as tied Arar http://bit.ly/2fumUxM
Prime Minister Trudeau's silence in our ordeal http://bit.ly/2hAAAvw
Government abandon
Spot light foreign Affairs/ACLU abandon http://bit.ly/2xTRqrs
Media censorship/suppression (media blackout CIA* controlled) http://bit.ly/2yXnWy4
Other Independent Reports:
Lesley Hughes Canadian Dimension: http://canadiandimensionmagnwaattack.blogspot.ca/?m=0 (http://bit.ly/2f3gxkV)
The hardcopy Snapshot contained in the article above is illegible. As such, proof* of authenticity of Lesley's article on our ordeal is provided in forensics from Highbeam Media Research archive as follows:
Lesley Hughes Canadian Dimension Article Partial Archive at Highbeam Research: (snapshot forensics)
Snapshot View#1 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1NqJCCd-8z9NRKQygQlssoMp0dggFZrLC
Snapshot View#2 with URL: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1oYuMPWypiRIKvL-fWMopYvoz57W8G6ow
Lesley Hughes Rabble.ca Article PDF Archive:
Forensics original snapshot #1 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1oYuMPWypiRIKvL-fWMopYvoz57W8G6ow
Forensics original snapshot #2 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Gmy9RUawaLKcpeFJ1m0ftRHWVuVieN2_
Wayne Madsen Report on racial profiling Assault and judicial tyranny, by X-NSA past state operative Wayne Madsen http://waynemadsenreportnwaattack.blogspot.com/
Roche Tasse Past President International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group: Advocacy with respect our ordeal http://rochtasse-iclmgbehindus.blogspot.com/ (http://bit.ly/2y8cGKy)
Original Assault: http://mothereyewitnessnwaattack.blogspot.com/ (http://bit.ly/2xe2suD)
Northwest Air Profiling Attack Part 1: http://youtu.be/9gSw-NlUfwE
Northwest Air Profiling Attack Part 2: http://youtu.be/0DC8R3TbnI8
NWA Racial Profiling Assault - in depth http://northwest-delta-air-racial-profiling.blogspot.ca/?m=0
Same officers involved in Multiple Further Airport Attacks over next several months including the assault upon the 6 Imams http://bradwingatebrutality.blogspot.ca/?m=0
The offending airline Northwest Air, worked with NASA and FBI in craft of their racial profiling pilot project introduced to Minneapolis' Bloomingdale Airport 6 months prior our arrival January 2006;
FBI/NASA Racial Profiling via DATA Mining Passenger Name Records https://epic.org/privacy/airtravel/nasa/
NWA Sued by ACLU re racial profiling: https://web.archive.org/web/20091029010849/http://www.aclu.org/racialjustice/racialprofiling/25583res20020604.html
NWA Racial Profiling Abuses History: http://nwaracialpersecution.blogspot.ca/?m=0
Minneapolis Systemic Racial Profiling Abuses Human Rights Watch http://shielded-from-justice-racism.blogspot.ca/?m=0
MPR The Color of Justice: http://news.minnesota.publicradio.org/features/200111/12_newsroom_colorofjustice/
Lawsuit against MN Police Chief Tim Dolan re KKK threats and systemic demotions of his own officers "The suit alleges that black officers have also suffered under a racially hostile environment. It says that in 1992, black officers received a hate letter signed "KKK" through the interoffice mail." https://www.mprnews.org/story/2007/12/03/copslawsuit
My video on MN Police Racism/Corruption http://youtu.be/qKe-YB7KjYg
Extra-judicial Jim Crow Persecution Suffered
* Corrupt Jury Pool Cointel Tainted
POST (Peace officer Standards and Training ) collusion with FBI 3 days prior to hearings ...they failed to reply to our compliant of police abuse, but happily colluded with FBI prior to hearings as aide and abetting of obstruction of justice;
Defense Working For Prosecution (Referenced also in FBI agent Davis' Washington Affidavit) http://defenseattorneyconspirestoaideprosecu.blogspot.ca/?m=0
Breaches in Law at Trial http://breachesinlawattrial.blogspot.ca/2006/10/?m=1
Senior District Court Judge Gladdys Kessler exposes systemic FBI corruption and taint of evidence;
Corollary examples of Jury Pool Tamper in hate based Police Brutality Assaults:
Minneapolis /Jenkins Beating:
MN based Communities United Against Police Brutality (CUAPB) "From the moment we walked into the courtroom, it was clear that the machinery of the criminal justice system has been tuned up to railroad Philander. " http://www.cuapb.org/12_30_2003_newsletter
MN Based Communities United Against Police Brutality's attest regarding Judicial Tyranny We have Endured: https://web.archive.org/web/20100305070709/http://www.cuapb.org/AaronJamesStatement.asp Govt to whom she sent Redacted but* see below:
Government to whom she sent the email 3 days prior kidnap un*redacted: http://advocacymgrosscuapb.blogspot.ca/?m=1
CUAPB "Falsifying reports and "testilying" by cops are nothing new in this town but it's rare to see it proven so starkly.
Our Analysis of Police' False Statements http://policeliesuncovered07.blogspot.ca/?m=0
MN Hennepin County Courts History of Corruption in target of people of color: "Highest rate of over-prosecution of blacks in all of the U.S." http://www.cuapb.org/12_9_2006_newsletter
Duplicate link: http://imchennepincountyjudiciarycorruption.blogspot.ca/?m=1
Corollary Example: Judicial corruption Jim Crow extra-judicial tyranny:
Milwaukee Jude Porter Case:
FBI attempt terror Patsy frame up just prior to kidnap, using exploit of my online materials through their embed of my name and website URL in extremist materials of their own manufacture : telling* is that referenced in these same materials is "John McCain" and "Winnipeg Police*** Exploitation Unit"
Part 1: CIA torture rendition victim Maher Arar's name appears in COINTEL manufactured extremist "Bushites" entrapment doc on pp 29 and 51
Google drive copy: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxWsLhhcRQRkaUdJZ2lLZm5WVmc; (http://bit.ly/2fCmB4t)
Part 2: ...Ultimately, my* name (Aaron James) would appear in later* versions of this same document bearing aforementioned references to McCain and "Winnipeg Police Exploitation Unit" - Winnipeg Police, the Canadian "Law Enforcement" agency used as proxy liaison for the United States' unlawful target of my person here within Canada;
Later revealed within Winnipeg Police notes subpoenaed in court proceedings investigating their criminal conduct and kidnap ploys, was the fact Winnipeg police had catalogued all* of my online materials, making obvious their utility of it's exploit in the FBI COINTEL/police/state manufactured extremist materials at large...Telling was Winnipeg Police notes reference "Aaron James builds AND MAINTAINS*** many websites" as obvious indication their enmesh in cointel efforts at their repeated sabotage and exploit, as afore-referenced by CUAPB (MN based Communities United Against Police Brutality);
( The Far Reach of Police State Oppression / CUAPB "His websites have been repeatedly taken down, the content hijacked, his URLs redirected to racist websites, etc...." http://groups.yahoo.com/group/stop-polabuse/message/22121
Odd/Ominous Activity Log online
by which to track and update odd occurrences in real time as they occur as deterrent against further state abuse
FBI agent Steven Davis' Washington Affidavit before 81st U.S. Attorney General of the United States, admits* Police/FBI kidnap collusion and fundamental miscarriage of justice violation international law, violation Geneva Convention, U.N. Declaration of Human Rights;
The wording of agent Davis' Washington affidavit, while extremely damaging to the FBI, in revealing their crimes and violations of international law committed in context our family's extrajudicial target, is also deliberately clouded with multiple layers of deception as designed to distort and conceal certain aspects of state malfeasance; As example, within construct of his Washington submission, while Davis admits fully to the clandestine joiner between Canadian and U.S. intelligence, in seeking my unlawful render to the U.S., Davis is careful to insert fabricated suggestion of the presence of lawful warrant for extradition when in fact, as evidenced through local court documentation and proceedings here within Canada, no such warrent existed and the actions of the state remain entirely unlawful in every context. Telling and transparent to the greater gravity of truth at hand, is the fact that within the construct of agent Davis' affidavit, and as completely contrary to his aforesaid false pretense posturing on the legality of state actions in context warrent, Davis states explicitly, the fact that U.S. Marshals and FBI grossly overstepped and violated the boundaries of the law in the pursuit of a Canadian having visited the U.S. for medical reasons.
CUAPB M.Gross re FBI kidnap efforts: "THE FAR REACH OF US POLICE STATE REPRESSION" "Apparently the feds have way too many agents and not enough real crime to worry about. While some agents were busy <http://www.truth-out.org/raids-activists-may-indicate-fbi-abuse-power64028>abusing their power against our local activists, others were working in cahoots with the Winnipeg police department to continue the ongoing harassment of Aaron James. Aaron...has endured multiple warrantless raids on his house, arrests, and attempts to abduct and forcibly extradite him to the US. Http://Groups.Yahoo.Com/Group/Stop-polabuse/Message/22121
Threatening email correspondence from offending figure FBI agent Steven Davis, particular the state's intended longterm take of aim upon our family toward advent my kidnap to the U.S.: said communication references Republican Ron Paul and is copied to central offending state figure Arizona state senator John McCain ( a communication sent amidst onslaught of multiple unlawful state executed abduction ploys targeting our family during the 2008 John McCain presidential campaign.)
Introductory Article (http://bit.ly/2x92Clh)
(Copy) http://policecollusionusacanada07.blogspot.ca/?m=0
Corollary Point Form Introduction: http://canadauscrossborderattack.blogspot.com/#pointformsummary. (http://bit.ly/2w2nhro)
Kidnapping Efforts (http://bit.ly/2ha8IhB)
FBI and CIA are working steadfastly to try and conceal and suppress and have targeted my online materials for sanitation (as referenced immediately below) ...as such, some of the sub* links within the materials referenced below, have been sabotaged.
Reference: MN CUAPB "The Far Reach of Police State Oppression:... "His websites have been repeatedly taken down, the content hijacked, his URLs redirected to racist websites, etc...."http://groups.yahoo.com/group/stop-polabuse/message/22121
Court Documents Folders Online
Google Docs - http://bit.ly/hkCWkn
Google Drive http://bit.ly/2hkMg1l
Scribd https://www.scribd.com/user/7847758/John-983
Twitter Dialogue
Our ordeal as tied Julian Assange Wikileaks ordeal: same nest of CIA target both of us - detail in these 2 links
https://twitter.com/jimfree22/status/913566688041406464 (http://bit.ly/2gSSplS)
Our ordeal as tied Arar http://bit.ly/2fumUxM
Prime Minister Trudeau's silence in our ordeal http://bit.ly/2hAAAvw
Government abandon
Spot light foreign Affairs/ACLU abandon http://bit.ly/2xTRqrs
Media censorship/suppression (media blackout CIA* controlled) http://bit.ly/2yXnWy4
Other Independent Reports:
Lesley Hughes Canadian Dimension: http://canadiandimensionmagnwaattack.blogspot.ca/?m=0 (http://bit.ly/2f3gxkV)
The hardcopy Snapshot contained in the article above is illegible. As such, proof* of authenticity of Lesley's article on our ordeal is provided in forensics from Highbeam Media Research archive as follows:
Lesley Hughes Canadian Dimension Article Partial Archive at Highbeam Research: (snapshot forensics)
Snapshot View#1 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1NqJCCd-8z9NRKQygQlssoMp0dggFZrLC
Snapshot View#2 with URL: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1oYuMPWypiRIKvL-fWMopYvoz57W8G6ow
Lesley Hughes Rabble.ca Article PDF Archive:
Forensics original snapshot #1 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1oYuMPWypiRIKvL-fWMopYvoz57W8G6ow
Forensics original snapshot #2 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Gmy9RUawaLKcpeFJ1m0ftRHWVuVieN2_
Wayne Madsen Report on racial profiling Assault and judicial tyranny, by X-NSA past state operative Wayne Madsen http://waynemadsenreportnwaattack.blogspot.com/
Roche Tasse Past President International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group: Advocacy with respect our ordeal http://rochtasse-iclmgbehindus.blogspot.com/ (http://bit.ly/2y8cGKy)
Original Assault: http://mothereyewitnessnwaattack.blogspot.com/ (http://bit.ly/2xe2suD)
Northwest Air Profiling Attack Part 1: http://youtu.be/9gSw-NlUfwE
Northwest Air Profiling Attack Part 2: http://youtu.be/0DC8R3TbnI8
NWA Racial Profiling Assault - in depth http://northwest-delta-air-racial-profiling.blogspot.ca/?m=0
Same officers involved in Multiple Further Airport Attacks over next several months including the assault upon the 6 Imams http://bradwingatebrutality.blogspot.ca/?m=0
The offending airline Northwest Air, worked with NASA and FBI in craft of their racial profiling pilot project introduced to Minneapolis' Bloomingdale Airport 6 months prior our arrival January 2006;
FBI/NASA Racial Profiling via DATA Mining Passenger Name Records https://epic.org/privacy/airtravel/nasa/
NWA Sued by ACLU re racial profiling: https://web.archive.org/web/20091029010849/http://www.aclu.org/racialjustice/racialprofiling/25583res20020604.html
NWA Racial Profiling Abuses History: http://nwaracialpersecution.blogspot.ca/?m=0
Minneapolis Systemic Racial Profiling Abuses Human Rights Watch http://shielded-from-justice-racism.blogspot.ca/?m=0
MPR The Color of Justice: http://news.minnesota.publicradio.org/features/200111/12_newsroom_colorofjustice/
Lawsuit against MN Police Chief Tim Dolan re KKK threats and systemic demotions of his own officers "The suit alleges that black officers have also suffered under a racially hostile environment. It says that in 1992, black officers received a hate letter signed "KKK" through the interoffice mail." https://www.mprnews.org/story/2007/12/03/copslawsuit
My video on MN Police Racism/Corruption http://youtu.be/qKe-YB7KjYg
Extra-judicial Jim Crow Persecution Suffered
* Corrupt Jury Pool Cointel Tainted
POST (Peace officer Standards and Training ) collusion with FBI 3 days prior to hearings ...they failed to reply to our compliant of police abuse, but happily colluded with FBI prior to hearings as aide and abetting of obstruction of justice;
Defense Working For Prosecution (Referenced also in FBI agent Davis' Washington Affidavit) http://defenseattorneyconspirestoaideprosecu.blogspot.ca/?m=0
Breaches in Law at Trial http://breachesinlawattrial.blogspot.ca/2006/10/?m=1
Senior District Court Judge Gladdys Kessler exposes systemic FBI corruption and taint of evidence;
Corollary examples of Jury Pool Tamper in hate based Police Brutality Assaults:
Minneapolis /Jenkins Beating:
MN based Communities United Against Police Brutality (CUAPB) "From the moment we walked into the courtroom, it was clear that the machinery of the criminal justice system has been tuned up to railroad Philander. " http://www.cuapb.org/12_30_2003_newsletter
MN Based Communities United Against Police Brutality's attest regarding Judicial Tyranny We have Endured: https://web.archive.org/web/20100305070709/http://www.cuapb.org/AaronJamesStatement.asp Govt to whom she sent Redacted but* see below:
Government to whom she sent the email 3 days prior kidnap un*redacted: http://advocacymgrosscuapb.blogspot.ca/?m=1
CUAPB "Falsifying reports and "testilying" by cops are nothing new in this town but it's rare to see it proven so starkly.
Our Analysis of Police' False Statements http://policeliesuncovered07.blogspot.ca/?m=0
MN Hennepin County Courts History of Corruption in target of people of color: "Highest rate of over-prosecution of blacks in all of the U.S." http://www.cuapb.org/12_9_2006_newsletter
Duplicate link: http://imchennepincountyjudiciarycorruption.blogspot.ca/?m=1
Corollary Example: Judicial corruption Jim Crow extra-judicial tyranny:
Milwaukee Jude Porter Case:
FBI attempt terror Patsy frame up just prior to kidnap, using exploit of my online materials through their embed of my name and website URL in extremist materials of their own manufacture : telling* is that referenced in these same materials is "John McCain" and "Winnipeg Police*** Exploitation Unit"
Part 1: CIA torture rendition victim Maher Arar's name appears in COINTEL manufactured extremist "Bushites" entrapment doc on pp 29 and 51
Google drive copy: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxWsLhhcRQRkaUdJZ2lLZm5WVmc; (http://bit.ly/2fCmB4t)
Part 2: ...Ultimately, my* name (Aaron James) would appear in later* versions of this same document bearing aforementioned references to McCain and "Winnipeg Police Exploitation Unit" - Winnipeg Police, the Canadian "Law Enforcement" agency used as proxy liaison for the United States' unlawful target of my person here within Canada;
Later revealed within Winnipeg Police notes subpoenaed in court proceedings investigating their criminal conduct and kidnap ploys, was the fact Winnipeg police had catalogued all* of my online materials, making obvious their utility of it's exploit in the FBI COINTEL/police/state manufactured extremist materials at large...Telling was Winnipeg Police notes reference "Aaron James builds AND MAINTAINS*** many websites" as obvious indication their enmesh in cointel efforts at their repeated sabotage and exploit, as afore-referenced by CUAPB (MN based Communities United Against Police Brutality);
( The Far Reach of Police State Oppression / CUAPB "His websites have been repeatedly taken down, the content hijacked, his URLs redirected to racist websites, etc...." http://groups.yahoo.com/group/stop-polabuse/message/22121
Odd/Ominous Activity Log online
by which to track and update odd occurrences in real time as they occur as deterrent against further state abuse
Thursday, 22 February 2018
Coles Notes & Links
Aaron/Linda James 204 889 9134/txt to 204 588 3281 (Note this is a Coles notes version of a much larger narrative found at http://state-abuse.blogspot.CA/2018/01/volume-one.html
*Corroborating Links particular this document, are presented collectively at the bottom
"All media of any significant influence are CIA controlled" (CIA past director William Colby)
The information you are about to view is currently being censored through international media circuits but is nonetheless, entirely genuine and authentic, vetted against the attest of Washington Affidavit, independent journalist, and multiple NGO's (as detailed in the link provided at the bottom) ...This ordeal is also one of LIFE threatening nature.
As such those who are willing and able are compelled to republish this message through all forms of social media available them in bringing forth the voice of truth past the barriers and obstacle of state despotism imposed occlusion censorahip and suppression.
1.We are the only people in the world who can say we have legal document copied before attorney general of the U.S. that is the FBI & state's signed confession of their unlawful attempt upon our cross border kidnap to harm following racial profiling assault we sustained as foreign nationals visiting their country.
2.We are the only people in the world who can show our receipt of life threatening communication sent us by U.S. intelligence copied senior U.S. officials including past presidential candidate nominees; (In addition to this we have audio recordings of their issue of assassination threats delivered face to face at our home* and during incidents of violent accost in public settings through their stalk and surveillance mechanisms.)
3.We are the only people in the world whom can say our ordeal is tied directly* to the Wikileaks Julian Assange ordeal in the synchronicity discovered of multiple active members of U.S. intelligence common to our mutual assail, and that we have spoken to the Wikileaks legal team directly in that regard.
4.We are the only people in the world as common citizens, whom are able to prove an identity theft committed against them by a major television broadcasting corporation as tied the actions of the international intelligence communities - one that was effected immediately subsequent their first of multiple attempts upon my kidnap to the U.S. as means by which to whitewash our ordeal;
The evidence of these state abuses is vetted not only through the aforestated Washington affidavit, threatening electronic communications, independent journalist witness and audiotape records, but also through court documents and police notes records subpoenaed from Police which they had attempted to withhold* - records that reveal the enmesh of local acting Winnipeg Manitoba Canada Police with Canadian government, Interpol and multiple U.S. state and federal agencies including U.S. marshals, FBI, Minneapolis Police - in collective target of my person and our family with aim at my extraordinary render (kidnap) cross border from Canada to the U.S. These records are explicit in making these objectives clear.
The Winnipeg Police were acting under then Winnipeg Police Chief Keith McCaskill, in his duplicitous role as President* of the Northwest Chapter of Associates FBI, constituting innate criminal* conflict of interest in his utility thereof in the target of a CANADIAN* citizen while representative of CANADIAN 'Law' enforcement! McCaskill was also active on the board of Canadian National Intelligence to suit further his heinous unlawful and clandestine target of our family. Accomplice to agent* McCaskill? None other than FBI PERPETRATOR ROBERT MUELLER whom was acting FBI director at the time. (Believe me when I tell you - Mueller has no interest in impeaching Trump - he is good* friend to James Commey - the person first and foremost responsible for getting Trump into office to begin with through timely sabotage of the Democratic campaign in sensationalist tabloid style regurgitation of the already closed-case Clinton emails issue; (I am personally no fan of Clinton given she and her husband's contribution to the mass incarceration of people of color under Bill's oversee and tenure - but I do* recognize fundamental breach sabotage and obstruction of the democratic electoral process when I see it - and this particular sabotage suited the racist CIA and FBI COINTEL designs to a tee - in bringing in the icon of bigoted hate based despotic moral depravity in one Donald Trump...
Mueller will go after Trump's minions such as Paul Manifort - Mueller will charge members of Russian Intelligence whom are far and away oversees and out of reach - Jared Kushner will get his perfunctory slap on the wrist security clearance access to classified records removed- Mueller will put on a brilliant show of stage theatre in placating to and pacifying a weary angry public seeking justice - and the theatrical fanfare illusion* of Mueller's justice will be served unto many - but like a wantonly poor litigious marksman by design - never unto Trump - ... #NeverTrump.
"...there are literally countless legal reasons for the successful impeachment and guilty verdict in the impending trial of the forty-fifth President of the United States. Trump is an admitted sex criminal , with any number of open complaints against him that he hasn't yet admitted to (or bragged about) on tape. He has repeatedly worked to violate the civil rights of transgender soldiers , foreign-born permanent residents, and legal immigrants (to say nothing for the human rights of undocumented persons ). Donald Trump continues to profit from dealings with foreign governments, an apparently too overt of a violation of the emoluments clause of the US Constitution to matter to, I don't know, anyone. Then, on what we might find out to be in two or three dozen cases, Donald Trump and his immediate staff have committed various forms of obstruction of justice and/or perjury, including, though certainly not exclusively, the firing of controversial former FBI Director James Comey for his (ostensible***) pursuit of the then fledgling Russia election interference/Trump campaign investigation.
Make no mistake - when it comes to matters of state agenda - 'all the world's a stage' and what you see before you in past FBI director (and kidnap coadjutor) Robert Mueller's so called investigative committee is nothing less than Broadway performance to suit those unacquainted with their FBI COINTEL history ; As revealed in documentary title 'FBI COINTEL's War on Black America' during the height of the civil rights movement FBI Police and KKK worked hand in glove in suppress of the movement with aim at preventing black activists from connecting with black leaders in Africa - using the tactics of British Brigadier General Frank Henry Kitzen, FBI COINTEL employed the tactics of infiltration, submergence and insurgency and the use of extralegal force and violence including murder* by which to keep the status quo. The CIA was also heavily involved in aid of the FBI thereto, utilizing infiltration of the movement through agents of note such as CIA special operations officer Everet Ross. With Trump's placate to and provision of platform for Neo Nazi
White Supremacist uprisings - with recent incident and documented revelation of coadjute and collusion between California Police and violent White Nationalist protesters in advances against anti-racist protesters - clearly very little has changed at present day and the FBI and CIA have achieved exactly* what they sought in Trump's rise to position of power.
For those uninformed: The FBI and CIA have a long history of partisan allegiance to the Republican party - in the case point example of Commey's obstruction of the constitutional electoral process, it clearly shows, as it does within the harrowing detail of our unlawful cross border partisan U.S. intelligence and state affliction as detailed in due course.
To partisan presidential election meddler and saboteur FBI Cointel asset James Commey and his very good friend - central kidnap coadjutor antagonist past FBI director Robert Mueller - mission accomplished - Trump is in - but your designs are transparent to scrutiny of the informed*.
Returning to the saliant matters particular our ordeal:
Local police notes subpoenaed also evidenced the fact that as extension of their unlawful enmesh, they had catalogued and recorded all of our online materials we had written in protest of the original racial profiling assault. Additionally, they had exploited some of these materials to their personal advantage by retroactively placing some of the URL's particular our materials, in the leading section of extremist Jihadist documents of their own manufacture - documents that have subsequently been traced back to association local acting CSIS operative Harry Held, an individual amongst local acting members of state who's assassination threats we have recorded to audiotape. The presence of tongue and cheek captions such as "Winnipeg Police Exploitation Unit" and coy references to John McCain, in the content of the offending constructs, made the partisan state COINTEL collusion obvious and transparent.
Where my name was found present within these same COINTEL constructs, we discovered earlier versions of these same documents where the name of CIA extraordinary torture rendition victim Canadian citizen Maher Arar's name had been present instead. We had contact with the Arar family in the months prior the state's multiple attempts upon my kidnap, during his wife Monia's Canada wide tour in discussion of the kidnap of her husband Maher.
Speaking further to the CIA Arar extra-ordinary torture rendition synchronicity: Following the original assault the Canadian Consular office failed in their lawful obligation by which to provide visitation and well being check - instead I was cast to the vices of tyranny with Consular representative Estelle Aranud Battahdier's whimsically indifferent words of disbandon issued me by phone, "Let us know if they torture you or force you to commit indecent acts yet we will not be involved - this is a U.S. affair"; COROLLARY to this we have the audio recordings of rogue acting local agents amongst Canadian intelligence in their threats that I will ultimately be " kidnapped tortured and terrorized" in their black site prisons abroad, while police notes subpoenaed in court reveal the culpable enmesh of Canadian officials and agencies in the affair (as was the case with the CIA extraordinary torture rendition particular Maher Arar.)
As reflected in the minutes of court proceedings, Police had not only constructed these 'terror patsy' documents but had also sent belongings of mine - both physical and intellectual property - to the United States - and unlawfully so, as extension of their warrantless raid upon my home concurrent with their first of multiple attempts upon my cross border kidnap to the U.S. Our attorney properly remarked that these spurious and unlawful tactics were reflective of their efforts at leverage of false evidence and argument for my rendition where kidnap had failed!
5. The motivation for this unprecedented degree of unlawful state abuse is because of the fact that the airline on which my mother and I were racially profiled and viciously assailed as Canadian Foreign Nationals visiting the U.S. was to be official campaign carrier for Republican Presidential campaign nominee John McCain in his bid for Presidency within the 2008 presidential elections; Northwest Air was principle campaign lobbyist and financial contributor while past Northwest CEO Fred Malick was to be McCain's campaign co-chair.
Perhaps never moreso does the partisan alliance of FBI Cointel and CIA reveal itself as by example of our ordeal, and the Republican Party's use of overtly partisan members of U.S. intelligence in their send of assassination threats copied senior U.S. Republican figures of state during onslought of the many attempts upon my abduction that occurred during the John McCain presidential campaign and election year;
One of the central offending agents - FBI agent Steven Davis - sent us threatening correspondence amidst the aforestated multiple attempts upon my kidnap, that he copied to the attention of Republican*Sen. John McCain FBI and other interested state bodies involved in clandestine coadjute particular my kidnap to the U.S. Davis' father was senior geologist under past Republican* president Eisenhower and heavily connected to through the CIA therein, while agent Davis is past close Whitehouse associate to past Republican* president Ronald Reagan (photographs of agent Davis seen alongside Reagan in the oval office during any one of his many visitations thereto, are available online as are the details of agent Davis' boasted direct* ties and ensconces with any number of today's most world renown U.S. political figures including 2012 Presidential Republican* Candidate Mitt Romney (for whom past Northwest Air director David A Brandon was campaign co-chair*), past U.S. attorney general John Ashcroft, pro-torture Republican* Senator Kit Bond and past Bush administration U.S. Senate Judiciary President Republican* Sen Orrin Hatch - who's brother Glendon Hatch is a senior acting board of directors member serving offending FBI agent Davis' multimillion dollar Kanko Corporation mining outlets.
Both agent Davis and his father Clyde, have vast connections through both the FBI and the CIA, and through the later, into the sordid ranks of international organized crime syndicate and it's deadly operations.
Not only did agent Davis send us threatening communications copied McCain and other interested rogue acting state bodies but he also threatened my kidnap and my mother's assassination by way of phone call made Feb 05/2008 in the weeks subsequent the state's first of multiple attempts upon my kidnap to the U.S., and he did so against reference to his standing within FBI and his "good friendship" and association Romney and John McCain*.
Davis threatened further that U.S. Marshal Kelly Mutschler had been "working eagerly with the Canadian government to see about my 'delivery' (unlawful kidnap/extraordinary render) to the U.S." COROLLARY to that, the names U.S. Marshal Mutschler and FBI agent Rensch appear within the construct of rogue acting Police notes subpoenaed in court, evidencing their FBI COINTEL enmesh particular my abduction to harm. The fact these same names - Mutschler and Rensch - appear within the construct of agent Davis' Washington affidavit, dating months in advance of disclosure particular the aforementioned police notes, evidences agent Davis' insider* knowledge as a person complicit in the crimes against democracy enacted upon our family.
Speaking further to the terror patsy entrapment attempted by the international intelligence communities and state, in the exploit of my online materials, and the fact that these COINTEL constructs point to subterfuge involving senator John McCain, FBI and local rogue acting Winnipeg Police: There is an exhaustive body of evidence thereto that I explore in brief herein;
First and foremost is the aforestated tongue and cheek references to John McCain and "Winnipeg Police Exploitation Unit" found within the body of the documents; then there is the fact that the stage name author of the documents, Johnny Wizard, was revealed to be associate of local CSIS operative agent Held, one amongst a number of active COINTEL who's assassination threats we have recorded to tape; but this is really just the tip of the iceberg as far as the evidence presents:
Looking deeper, we observe that the timing of the construct of the first set of COINTEL constructs in exploit of my materials, was dated Feb 13/07 only two weeks subsequent McCain presidential campaign lobbyist Rudy Guliani went out of his way, in coming to my home town of Winnipeg Manitoba Canada, by which to see about the impertinent task of a U.S. state representative in working with local Winnipeg Canada Police in foment of their online cyber tracking mechanism dubbed "Crime Stat"; Of course, the fact all of my online materials had been arbitrarily catalogued and recorded to their files yet in stark absence of any charges against me or investigation, made clear the primary spurious partisan utility of entrapment and criminal use of their so called " Crime stat" vehicle, for the unlawful exploitation and assault of political targets;
Speaking further to the stark evidence of Crimestat's egregious use as utility of my unlawful target and the culpability of parties therein; FBI agent Davis' affidavit before Washington's U.S. attorney general not only admits of their multiple attempts upon my kidnap, but also of their concern over investigations before the Winnipeg Manitoba Canada law courts, into the criminal activity of offending local acting Winnipeg Police' in their dereliction of duty and violation of International Law particular aid and abet of U.S. federal agencies in covert attempt at my forcible kidnap and extraordinary render to the U.S. Concordantly, and by particularly* conspicuous design - it was precisely* one day prior the commence of these same said hearings, as of Feb 12/2008, and following multiple unsuccessful last ditch covert efforts and attempts upon my cross border kidnap, that acting Winnipeg Police Co-Cheif Menno Zacharias announced his effective immediate stepping down and resignation from the Winnipeg Police force; Crimestat had been a joint project between McCain campaign lobbyist Guliani, the Winnipeg Canada Police and local Winnipeg Mayor Sam Katz, whom had hosted discussions concerning it's foment at city hall;
Again, by particularly conspicuous design, Katz was sure to give a lengthy flattering narrative of Zacharias concerning his untimely departure, and stated that "the decision had come without any notice" - that "Menno had ambitions of becoming Winnipeg Police Chief" and "would be sorely missed";
Our family had approached Mayor Katz subordinate local Winnipeg Manitoba Canada city hall councilman Harvey Smith over the violent unlawful assaults metered us through rogue acting police; on several occasions his office had tried to dodge and duck our approach including one instance in which I recorded a conversation with his staff assistant Kyle, in Kyle's false claims that a bi-law freshly issued by all city councilors - including Mayor Katz he was sure to emphasize* - now prevented councilors from assisting those outside their ward. Councilor Smith ultimately denied the existence of such bi-law when I called from a different number by which to make it through his screening process; Harvey had met with Winnipeg Police Chief McCaskill, and claimed McCaskill stated he had no knowledge of my person or our ordeal - this despite the Winnipeg Police' personal hand written signature on a refusal of Freedom Information Act Request returned our attorney, our attorney whom Chief McCaskill had dodged and duck of his own accord as aided and abbetted thereto by none other than Councilor Smith himself; Following a slew of multiple attempts on my abduction executed by police and witnessed by family July 05, 09, 10/2008, our attorney had arranged meeting to be held between he, councilor Smith, Winnipeg Police Chief McCaskill, and member of my family by which to discuss the need for intervention against their unlawful actions; the day prior meeting councilor Smith contacted our attorney to cancel the meeting with advise that he and the Winnipeg Police had met in our absence; Harvey postured that Chief McCaskill has sent in an underling in his place whom had come to his office to discuss the matter without notice, leaving him no opportunity to accomodate our attendance to the meeting; I later scheduled subsequent meeting with councilor Smith - a meeting which he did his best to avert; I contacted him by phone by which to schedule the meeting meeting; Councilman Smith stepped away from the phone by which to consult with other members of his staff in scheduling the meeting; I had been recording the call; Smith is an old forgetful man and forgot to put the phone on hold while conspiring against my mother and I with staff and planning hostilities; caught to tape are councilman Smith's self incriminating words : "Kev get me my calendar - they're gonna play this time and I want you present - and they need to be F*UCKED - SO WE'RE CLEAR!!" (City Hall is just kitty corner across the street from Headquarters to the Winnipeg Police, the agency then led by FBI Northwest Chapter of Associates President Winnipeg Police Chief McCaskill, with whom Councilor Smith Mayor Katz and McCain campaign lobbyist Rudy Guliani had been so deeply and criminally enmeshed in their partisan hate based target of my person for kidnap to the U.S. - in their maddened and politically driven quest by which to silence by means of violence, the voice of our online protest against the original hate based violence they had committed against us as Canadian visitors to their country, to begin with; One violence and injustice compounded by yet another and another atop it; the name Mayor Katz would come up yet again, amongst one subsequent instance of many such incidents of stalk surveillance and threatening accost my mother and I continue to endure under the shroud of state induced media-black-out enabled silence and conceal; For McCaskill's part, his direct enmesh is made transparent on any number of levels including our tape recorded approach by local activist circle infiltrator and Winnipeg Police undercover Ashok Salwan (one of many* such infiltrators amongst him) whom at one point bore gnarled piece of paper in his hand containing the personally ink and hand written signature of the FBI tainted Winnipeg Police chief, in attempt to entice me into unmonitored meeting with the police chief, whom had dodged and ducked our attorney, as mechanism designed at my kidnap. Agent Salwan's role later made itself further transparent with his issue of assassination threats at our door in context his associates within Police and state - threats we anticipated and recorded to tape without his knowledge at the time;
The enmesh of state particular the Winnipeg Police/Katz/McCain-Lobbyist -Guliani-enabled "Crimestat", their COINTEL contrived terror patsy constructs and their exploit of my materials thereto, extends still much further by evidence of central antagonist FBI agent Steven C. Davis' role thereto, same said federal agent whom had sent our family life threatening communications copied McCain during onslaught of the multiple attempts upon my kidnap during the election year;
Immediately upon my discovery of the offending cointel entrapment materials online, I contacted both MN based Communities United Against Police Brutality President Michelle Gross and Canadian capitol Ottawa based International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group then president Roch Tasse, in making my formal disclaimer against association the materials for which Roch Tasse bore notary public witness with written reply; I also placed a formal disclaimer thereto online, against my association these same extremist COINTEL construct exploits; However, the international intelligence communities hacked and cyber-sabotaged my online disclaimer thereto as well as subverting one of my websites in exposé of police state crimes which was now tainted with extremist doctrine of its own accord; As witnessed by members of the activist community, both of these occurrences took place on the same day Feb 05/2008, only one week prior to commence of hearings in investigation of the Winnipeg Police particular my kidnap, and concurrent with the timely date of FBI agent Steven C. Davis' first life threatening entry on scene, whereupon, by way of phone, he had threatened my kidnap and my mother's assassination against his association FBI Romney and John McCain; Following an email circulated widely throughout the activist circle copied Davis, in which Davis was named likely culprit, the very next day my online materials were restored; As a result of these coordinated efforts against the COINTEL, documents subpoenaed in court the product of their Canadian state accomplices in rogue Winnipeg Police, conspicuously state "James builds AND MAINTAINS*** many websites' as their self signed confession and acknowledge of their fervent efforts by which to exploit and sanitize our works.
As of October 10 2008 with sensitivities particular the election at their height, and the election year drawing near to close - and with WINNIPEG POLICE IN CONTEMPT OF COURT for failure in the ordered* return of belongings unlawfully seized (and how could* they return that which they had already sent to the U.S.? - and how could* they formally admit so without declaring of their U.S. state enmesh?) Winnipeg Police effected final attempt upon my kidnap to the U.S. which came concurrent with a number of layers of COINTEL collusion including sabotage and destruction of my website Aaronjamesstory on October 04/2008 by which to remove the public spotlight of scrutiny upon their actions, and, agent Davis' further send of threatening communications as well as the removal* of my name from FBI.gov where it had been so egregiously placed all the while to suit agenda at character assassination; Concurrent with the date of Winnipeg Police final attempt upon my kidnap of October 10/08, came an October 10/2008 posting on AboveTopSecret that threatened CIA were attempting to sanitize all references and traces of our ordeal prior to coming back to assassinate*. The post was traced back to Denver Colorado based CIA Counterterrorism operative Timothy Patrick White, a close cohort to FBI agent Davis, and the true identity behind Julian Assange's online cyber stalker Embassycat (We have contacted the Wikileaks legal Team in its entirety apprising them thusly)
As of February 2008, Immediately subsequent agent Steven Davis' first threatening present on scene, and only months following the state's onset of multiple attempts upon my kidnap throughout the election year, agents White and agent Davis had exchanged emails copied our family that were meant to threaten and intimidate - emails in which agent Davis underscored I had every reason to fear for my life, threats which agent White amplified and reinforced with the recurrence of all caps statements emphasizing that I was the central target of the CIA; Come near the end of the election year, agents White Davis and CIA agent Barbara Hartwell, (Hartwell yet another amongst a vast circuit of international intelligence tasked with target of our family) all coordinated their efforts in their stalk and target of my person, synchronous with the aforestated CIA state driven sanitize of my online materials and local rogue acting Winnipeg Police final attempt upon my kidnap of the election year.
The reason and rationale behind the overwhelming evidence of McCain accomplice agent Davis and McCain lobbyist Rudy Guliani's use of cyber bullying tactics in our assail gets back to the draconian power and control seeking tactics of Senator McCain of his own accord; Following McCain's proposed draft of the Enemy Belligerent's act, a Talkingpointsmemo article highlighted and underscored the danger inherent within the bill, with caption stating "McCain attacks political free speech Bloggers in Danger" The proposed bill, a throwback to the Bush administration's egregious torture abetting Enemy Combatants Act, would give the state the authority in the use of law enforcement and indefinite detention targeting dissident U.S. bloggers and activists alike, and squelching one of the foremost central underpinnings of democratic process in and of itself - freedom of speech.
Against Northwest Airlines notorious history of abuse and poor customer service as reflected in the example of past dissenting websites such as Johnathon Riley's NorthworstAir.org, Northwest Air, the flagship carrier of McCain's presidential campaign, adopted similarly authoritarian officious doctrine of its own in its hostile means by which to stifle the voice of online dissent. Quoting from an article from Businessweek.com which read "Northwest Air Plays hard ball with customers" Johnathon Riley's NorthworstAir.org captioned the article under title "Northwest Air Sends Goon Squad to Silence Cyber Critics" Indeed, as detailed in the Businessweek.com review, Northwest Air had adopted E-Bay Skinner's cyber tracking PR utility by which employed the use of both ISP's and even law enforcement in revealing the real identities behind the avatars of dissenting online posts and following through with arbitrary orwellian like punitive and unconstitutional measures of retaliation.
Concordantly, it was not only at the hands of McCain lobbyist Rudy Guliani's Winnipeg Police "Crimestat" cyber stalking mechanism, that our family was targeted, but also under McCain campaign flagship Northwest Airlines cyber tracking PR utility; The evidence thereof is as plain as day, with our family's receipt of threatening communications (forensically archived) posted to our blog posts and youtube accounts from self identifying agents of both FBI and Northwest Airlines - within days of our first having gone public online in our protests of the original assault. True to form of the Airlines' cyber tracking mandate, the posts threatened their contact of both ISP* and law* enforcement in silencing our voice of protest and ironically against the unlawful* hate based assault that they had carried out against our family to begin with; ultimately their despotic international-law defying threats would be executed in the United States' multiple attempts at my cross border kidnap from Canada to harm and unknown ends in the U.S.
Firstly, it must be made clear these COINTEL crafted constructs the product of the twisted insipid designs of McCain minions Guliani Katz and police, contained both extremist Jihadist rhetoric and a call for the assassination of then President Bush in context thereof; Recall the aforestated efforts of the state by which to build fraudulent retroactive case for my lawful render to the U.S. in wake of their failed attempt at kidnap, through the send of my thieved physical and intellectual property to the U.S.; obviously a successfully executed frame up of my person in false association their own extremist COINTEL drawn diatribes, would lend further to their attempt at argument for legal process in my render where unlawful actions and the thuggery of attempted kidnap had failed.
Why the use of attempted frame up and paint with the brush of terrorism and extremism? The Republican party and in particular, shamelessly rogue acting members thereof such as Ted Cruz, Newt Gingrich and Senator John McCain, have always demagogued themselves on the false diatribes and fear mongering particular George W Bush's so called War on Terror, as means of political jockeying for position before an uneducated public ignorant of the truth.
Indeed it was Sara Palin and her group of violent racial epitaph spouting campaign followers known as the McCain Palin Mob in many social circles, that took the charge of suggesting that presidential candidate elect Barack Obama had began his political career in the home of a domestic terrorist, accusations cast against the KKK leader's calls for his assassination in the event of his successful candidacy;
As glaring COROLLARY it was McCain campaign lobbyist Minnesota Gov Tim Pawlenty - an individual seen alongside McCain in the splash cover of Northwest Air's pre-election edition in flight magazine World Traveller - whom caught flack for an attack add depicting foreign nationals as potential terrorists with the sensationalist visage of an expired visa against backdrop of an exploding car bomb that argued for foreign nationals' mandatory display of their visa expiry dates on their license plates. Of course today the GOP has upped the ante and emboldened itself much further under Trump's KKK adulating leadership with the mass deportations of the dreamers, and previous unconstitutional attempt at the Muslim travel ban.
"George W. Bush is a terrorist! He's instilled fear into the hearts of the people - and in the dictionary someone who does that is called a terrorist!." (Harry Belafonte) George W. Bush's War on Terror was a trillion dollar blood soaked oil grabbing lie; Today we know this to be true against the overwhelming body of evidence to support it. It was none other than Bush administration Federal Reserve Director Allan Greenspan whom signed their collective criminally culpable self confession thereto with his candid televised words, "I regret to inform you but the Iraq War was largely about oil."
'What about the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait?" some might ask. Challenged on the incriminating candidacy of his open admission particular the oil driven reason and rationale behind the war in Iraq, a flustered stammering Alan Greenspan retorted defensively, "what I'm saying is that Saddam Hussein had a choke hold on the straights of Kuwait (and was controlling the flow of Oil)!"
Oil Indeed: as revealed in publications such as CIA operative John Perkins "Confessions of an Economic Hitman" the international banking cartels and controlling monetary stakeholders of the world (of which Greenspan's Fed Reserve is* one) such as the IMF (International Monetary Fund) AIG, Goldman Sachs, World Bank and Rockefeller JP Morgan Bank, have exploited the false pretense stage theatre of the so-called "war on terror" by which to rape pillage and plunder third world countries of their oil and other mineral resources in exchange for very low return stocks and bonds that never mature and are the essence of globalist international highway robbery;
"...but what about George W. Bush's freedom mission for the people of Iraq?' some might argue;
Rest assured* - The United States, a country that has habitually invaded by which to displace democracy with the pangs of self serving dictatorship (the case of Pinochet's U.S. Kissinger aided topple and murder of Chilean democratic elect Salvador Allende as just one of many examples) cared and cares nothing about amnesty respite or defending the flag of freedom and quite the contrary; During the war in Iraq the United States deliberately targeted highly civilian populated regions such as Falujah, and engaged in the wanton mass killings of millions as means of psychological warfare by which to bring about military demoralization in the topple of Iraq. Their weapon of choice: depleted Uranium based missiles, which left crippling disease in the wake of death and destruction - and sewed the seeds of cancer for generations to come;
"Freedom mission" indeed - nothing could be further from the truth:
it was none other than presidents George W Bush, Ronald Reagan and the Queen of England, whom willfully sold Saddam Hussein low grade Biological weapons with which he gassed his own people; "He was no saint no aggregarian reformer" stammered past CIA director George Tennet during interview. "He was a real SOB" Tennet implied - but the scandalous detail Tennet was so very careful to omit was the fact that Saddam Hussein was their* SOB - a product of none other than the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency in and of itself; In 1921 a compliant puppet King Faisal was propped up into power and position in Iraq by the controlling British Commonwealth by which to ensure the steady flow of oil and resources from Iraq to the U.N. - an international organization primarily controlled by Britain and the United States; in 1941 an uprising of the people of Iraq was crushed with the direct aid of none other than the CIA in and of itself* in preserving their vested interests; "It was a major victory for the CIA" boasted CIA director Tennet before the camera; Come 1971 new leadership was sought in Iraq ~ someone equally ruthless and diabolical as was the CIA by whom they could effectively conduct their business: they would find that man in none other than then Iraqi B'Ath party leader Saddam Hussein, whom the CIA propped up into power and position as their new stake hold player in Iraq;
Of course the war in Iraq needed to be sold in the hearts and minds of the western world if it was to take flight, and the oil grabbing venue concealed;
Senior military PR advisors made it clear to the state that selling a war wouldn't fly with the public if the operation was seen as nothing more than oil grabbing venue under cloak and cover veil.
Further, from a moral perspective little argument could be made under auspice of preserving and reinstating democracy for a people oppressed: saving Kuwait even from the likes of the notorious Saddam Hussein, had little meaning given the hard-line dictatorial nature of the ruling oligarchy and Emir of Kuwait in and of itself, which as of 1986, had tightened its iron grip rule in disbandon of it's token democratic National Assembly, intimidating and censoring journalists and drawing resource from foreigners forced to work in near slave-like conditions;
The CIA's weapons of choice in the lies and false propaganda by which to sell the war would ultimately present itself in the incubator reuse with false postured tales of Iraqi soldiers tipping over incubators in Kuwaiti hospitals and spilling the children out onto the cold barren floors thereof ~ to die; The outrage and public call for action was just what Bush needed to justify his launch info war, a lie fed to a public unaware that the so-called Kuwaiti nurse Nayirah, whom had demagogued herself as witness to the atrocities, as it turned out was actually Nayirah al-Sabah, daughter of Saud Nasir al-Sabah, Kuwait's Ambassador to the US., and was ultimately discredited against the facts that surfaced to the fore thereafter, revealing no such atrocities had taken place.
Corollary to the fallacious ill-contrived CIA incubator story agitator propaganda and lies by which to launch themselves into war was George W. Bush's infamous weapons of mass destruction nuclear missiles fable;
Laying aside for a moment the bitter irony and hypocrisy in the United States - the only country that feels itself singularly entitled in possession of weapons of mass destruction and at once, also the only country ever to have deployed them to the cost of millions of lives (Hiroshima/Nagasaki): Putting the lie to the argument of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq as justification for launch into war, ONSCOM (Office of National Security Commission) had officially given Iraq a clean bill of health free from possession of any such weapons of mass destruction back in 1998. The only weapons found were the low grade biological weapons which central COINTEL antagonist agent Steven C. Davis' personal White House crony Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush, had provided Hussein through the CIA;
But regardless of these facts the oil driven agenda was not to be denied and Bush Secretary Donald Rumsfeld - having amicably met with Hussein on numerous occasions through their CIA black operations, insisted he knew where the weapons of mass destruction were to be found - on the West Bank so he claimed ~ a wanton lie* (they never were). "Our history in Iraq long predates that of Saddam Hussein", uttered past CIA director George Bush senior before the microphone and camera - his words had laid bare to plain sight the sordid oil driven hidden agendas at hand, were it not for a misinformed public naively trusting in the lies of state and ignorant of the greater truth at hand.
The public relations state propaganda campaign by which to foster false pretense justification for war in Iraq, which had involved everything from George W. Bush's genocidal "peace mission" to false tales of babies tossed out of incubators and nebular non-existent weapons of mass destruction, also involved the utility of bribes given Iraqi journalists by which to create false narratives about how well the war was going and its benefit to the people of Iraq; Collectively, these public relations disinformation campaigns became known as the Iraq War Good News Psyops - a CIA driven operation by which to sell the war;
The CIA driven Iraqi War Good News Psyops was passed down from the CIA through the Pentagon, to the Lincoln Group, whereafter it finally landed in the lap of Charlie Black, senior financial advisor to John McCain in his 2008 presidential campaign;
Whom was Charlie Black, but none other than founder and a senior executive of corporate outlet BKSH, amongst it's principle clientele, Bush administration CIA Counterterrorism and Blackwater director Coffer Black's XE services and Occidental Petroleum one of the larger oil manufacturers of the West...Counterterrorism and oil ...motive and opportunity quickly became clear against the disturbing synchronicities of these corporate-political ties.
Among BKSH's other top listed clientele is listed CIA-senior-intelligence-officer-Steve-Izakowitz-directed Lockheed Martin, Lockheed's sister corporate outlet none other than corporate CIA data mining enabler NASA, NASA's chief of external relations Patrick Templeton also listed BKSH & Associates senior consultant. It was central offending airline Northwest Air that had worked in joiner with both NASA and the FBI in craft of the egregious 'War on terror' based unconstitutional and human rights violating racial profiling programs under which my mother and I were racially profiled and I, viciously assailed as Canadians visiting the U.S. for purely medical reasons.
The CIA enabled Iraqi war good News psyops was a joint project involving both Charlie Black and John McCain, central CIA enabled war crimes coadjutors at large. Amongst McCain's seedy lobbyists, which included offending Northwest Airlines, and Burmese dictator Myanmar, was also CIA backed Iraqi National Congress weapons of mass destruction bamboozler Ahmed Chalabi, whom had been a supporter of McCain going all the way back to McCain's prior 2000 presidential campaign; The Iraqi National Congress had been a CIA backed Iraq based radical group seeking overthrow and topple of the Iraqi government, while in John McCain, Chalabi saw the man best suited to meet his agenda;
"Maybe a hundred" touted McCain when asked how many years the U.S. would stay in occupied Iraq; "We are winning in Iraq" demagogued McCain from his high post pulpit of perjury; A proper paraphrase could well have read "I - John McCain - am personally reaping great financial dividends off of the eugenics driven genocidal CIA IMF World Bank British-U.S. oligarchical rape pillage plunder and devastation of an entire nation."
The threats stalk surveillance and targeting has been chronic and lasting and persists to present day.
Our ordeal is universally* unique across the world - our suffering has been just as singularly horrific. That* is why a media outlet of good acting conscience must see it vital the broadcast of our ordeals because what they, the CIA, feel they can accomplish in the target of one - the CIA will hone* and perfect* in their utility by which to target others*. (First they came...)
A media blackout is currently in effect as referenced in journalist Lesley Hughes' article on our ordeal entitled "The Media Gag" "All media of any significant influence are CIA controlled" (CIA director William Colby)
Perhaps this will help you to see the compelling qualities and urgency of our ordeal with greater clarity. For the betterment of not only our family - but moreover, the world* - It must not be concealed.
Further detail can be found at http://state-abuse.blogspot.ca/2018/01/volume-one.html
FBI and CIA are working steadfastly to try and conceal and suppress and have targeted my online materials for sanitation (as referenced immediately below) ...as such, some of the sub* links within the materials referenced below, and perhaps some of the links themselves, have been sabotaged* by the international intelligence community;
Reference: MN CUAPB "The Far Reach of Police State Oppression:... "His websites have been repeatedly taken down, the content hijacked, his URLs redirected to racist websites, etc...."http://groups.yahoo.com/group/stop-polabuse/message/22121
FBI agent Steven Davis' Washington Affidavit before 81st U.S. Attorney General of the United States, admits* Police/FBI kidnap collusion and fundamental miscarriage of justice violation international law, violation Geneva Convention, U.N. Declaration of Human Rights;
The wording of agent Davis' Washington affidavit, while extremely damaging to the FBI, in revealing their crimes and violations of international law committed in context our family's extrajudicial target, is also deliberately clouded with multiple layers of deception as designed to distort and conceal certain aspects of state malfeasance; As example, within construct of his Washington submission, while Davis admits fully to the clandestine joiner between Canadian and U.S. intelligence, in seeking my unlawful render to the U.S., Davis is careful to insert fabricated suggestion of the presence of lawful warrant for extradition when in fact, as evidenced through local court documentation and proceedings here within Canada, no such warrent existed and the actions of the state remain entirely unlawful in every context. Telling and transparent to the greater gravity of truth at hand, is the fact that within the construct of agent Davis' affidavit, and as completely contrary to his aforesaid false pretense posturing on the legality of state actions in context warrent, Davis states explicitly, the fact that U.S. Marshals and FBI grossly overstepped and violated the boundaries of the law in the pursuit of a Canadian having visited the U.S. for medical reasons.
CUAPB M.Gross re FBI kidnap efforts: "THE FAR REACH OF US POLICE STATE REPRESSION" "Apparently the feds have way too many agents and not enough real crime to worry about. While some agents were busy <http://www.truth-out.org/raids-activists-may-indicate-fbi-abuse-power64028>abusing their power against our local activists, others were working in cahoots with the Winnipeg police department to continue the ongoing harassment of Aaron James. Aaron...has endured multiple warrantless raids on his house, arrests, and attempts to abduct and forcibly extradite him to the US. Http://Groups.Yahoo.Com/Group/Stop-polabuse/Message/22121
Threatening email correspondence from offending figure FBI agent Steven Davis, particular the state's intended longterm take of aim upon our family toward advent my kidnap to the U.S.: said communication references Republican Ron Paul and is copied to central offending state figure Arizona state senator John McCain ( a communication sent amidst onslaught of multiple unlawful state executed abduction ploys targeting our family during the 2008 John McCain presidential campaign.)
Introductory Article (http://bit.ly/2x92Clh)
(Copy) http://policecollusionusacanada07.blogspot.ca/?m=0
Corollary Point Form Introduction: http://canadauscrossborderattack.blogspot.com/#pointformsummary. (http://bit.ly/2w2nhro)
Kidnapping Efforts (http://bit.ly/2ha8IhB)
Court Documents Folders Online
Google Docs - http://bit.ly/hkCWkn
Google Drive http://bit.ly/2hkMg1l
Scribd https://www.scribd.com/user/7847758/John-983
Twitter Dialogue
Our ordeal as tied Julian Assange Wikileaks ordeal: same nest of CIA target both of us - detail in these 2 links
https://twitter.com/jimfree22/status/913566688041406464 (http://bit.ly/2gSSplS)
Our ordeal as tied Arar http://bit.ly/2fumUxM
Prime Minister Trudeau's silence in our ordeal http://bit.ly/2hAAAvw
Government abandon
Spot light foreign Affairs/ACLU abandon http://bit.ly/2xTRqrs
Media censorship/suppression (media blackout CIA* controlled) http://bit.ly/2yXnWy4
Other Independent Reports:
Lesley Hughes Canadian Dimension: http://canadiandimensionmagnwaattack.blogspot.ca/?m=0 (http://bit.ly/2f3gxkV)
The hardcopy Snapshot contained in the article above is illegible. As such, proof* of authenticity of Lesley's article on our ordeal is provided in forensics from Highbeam Media Research archive as follows:
Lesley Hughes Canadian Dimension Article Partial Archive at Highbeam Research: (snapshot forensics)
Snapshot View#1 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1NqJCCd-8z9NRKQygQlssoMp0dggFZrLC
Snapshot View#2 with URL: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1oYuMPWypiRIKvL-fWMopYvoz57W8G6ow
Lesley's same article as archived by Highbeam Research: https://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-173102394.html
Lesley Hughes Rabble.ca Article PDF Archive:
Forensics original snapshot #1 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1oYuMPWypiRIKvL-fWMopYvoz57W8G6ow
Forensics original snapshot #2 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Gmy9RUawaLKcpeFJ1m0ftRHWVuVieN2_
Wayne Madsen Report on racial profiling Assault and judicial tyranny, by X-NSA past state operative Wayne Madsen http://waynemadsenreportnwaattack.blogspot.com/
Roche Tasse Past President International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group: Advocacy with respect our ordeal http://rochtasse-iclmgbehindus.blogspot.com/ (http://bit.ly/2y8cGKy)
Original Assault: http://mothereyewitnessnwaattack.blogspot.com/ (http://bit.ly/2xe2suD)
Northwest Air Profiling Attack Part 1: http://youtu.be/9gSw-NlUfwE
Northwest Air Profiling Attack Part 2: http://youtu.be/0DC8R3TbnI8
NWA Racial Profiling Assault - in depth http://northwest-delta-air-racial-profiling.blogspot.ca/?m=0
Same officers involved in Multiple Further Airport Attacks over next several months including the assault upon the 6 Imams http://bradwingatebrutality.blogspot.ca/?m=0
The offending airline Northwest Air, worked with NASA and FBI in craft of their racial profiling pilot project introduced to Minneapolis' Bloomingdale Airport 6 months prior our arrival January 2006;
FBI/NASA Racial Profiling via DATA Mining Passenger Name Records https://epic.org/privacy/airtravel/nasa/
NWA Sued by ACLU re racial profiling: https://web.archive.org/web/20091029010849/http://www.aclu.org/racialjustice/racialprofiling/25583res20020604.html
NWA Racial Profiling Abuses History: http://nwaracialpersecution.blogspot.ca/?m=0
Minneapolis Systemic Racial Profiling Abuses Human Rights Watch http://shielded-from-justice-racism.blogspot.ca/?m=0
MPR The Color of Justice: http://news.minnesota.publicradio.org/features/200111/12_newsroom_colorofjustice/
Lawsuit against MN Police Chief Tim Dolan re KKK threats and systemic demotions of his own officers "The suit alleges that black officers have also suffered under a racially hostile environment. It says that in 1992, black officers received a hate letter signed "KKK" through the interoffice mail." https://www.mprnews.org/story/2007/12/03/copslawsuit
My video on MN Police Racism/Corruption http://youtu.be/qKe-YB7KjYg
Extra-judicial Jim Crow Persecution Suffered
* Corrupt Jury Pool Cointel Tainted
POST (Peace officer Standards and Training ) collusion with FBI 3 days prior to hearings ...they failed to reply to our compliant of police abuse, but happily colluded with FBI prior to hearings as aide and abetting of obstruction of justice;
Defense Working For Prosecution (Referenced also in FBI agent Davis' Washington Affidavit) http://defenseattorneyconspirestoaideprosecu.blogspot.ca/?m=0
Breaches in Law at Trial http://breachesinlawattrial.blogspot.ca/2006/10/?m=1
Senior District Court Judge Gladdys Kessler exposes systemic FBI corruption and taint of evidence;
Corollary examples of Jury Pool Tamper in hate based Police Brutality Assaults:
Minneapolis /Jenkins Beating:
MN based Communities United Against Police Brutality (CUAPB) "From the moment we walked into the courtroom, it was clear that the machinery of the criminal justice system has been tuned up to railroad Philander. " http://www.cuapb.org/12_30_2003_newsletter
MN Based Communities United Against Police Brutality's attest regarding Judicial Tyranny We have Endured: https://web.archive.org/web/20100305070709/http://www.cuapb.org/AaronJamesStatement.asp Govt to whom she sent Redacted but* see below:
Government to whom she sent the email 3 days prior kidnap un*redacted: http://advocacymgrosscuapb.blogspot.ca/?m=1
CUAPB "Falsifying reports and "testilying" by cops are nothing new in this town but it's rare to see it proven so starkly.
Our Analysis of Police' False Statements http://policeliesuncovered07.blogspot.ca/?m=0
MN Hennepin County Courts History of Corruption in target of people of color: "Highest rate of over-prosecution of blacks in all of the U.S." http://www.cuapb.org/12_9_2006_newsletter
Duplicate link: http://imchennepincountyjudiciarycorruption.blogspot.ca/?m=1
Corollary Example: Judicial corruption Jim Crow extra-judicial tyranny:
Milwaukee Jude Porter Case:
FBI attempt terror Patsy frame up just prior to kidnap, using exploit of my online materials through their embed of my name and website URL in extremist materials of their own manufacture : telling* is that referenced in these same materials is "John McCain" and "Winnipeg Police*** Exploitation Unit"
Part 1: CIA torture rendition victim Maher Arar's name appears in COINTEL manufactured extremist "Bushites" entrapment doc on pp 29 and 51
Google drive copy: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxWsLhhcRQRkaUdJZ2lLZm5WVmc; (http://bit.ly/2fCmB4t)
Part 2: ...Ultimately, my* name (Aaron James) would appear in later* versions of this same document bearing aforementioned references to McCain and "Winnipeg Police Exploitation Unit" - Winnipeg Police, the Canadian "Law Enforcement" agency used as proxy liaison for the United States' unlawful target of my person here within Canada;
Later revealed within Winnipeg Police notes subpoenaed in court proceedings investigating their criminal conduct and kidnap ploys, was the fact Winnipeg police had catalogued all* of my online materials, making obvious their utility of it's exploit in the FBI COINTEL/police/state manufactured extremist materials at large...Telling was Winnipeg Police notes reference "Aaron James builds AND MAINTAINS*** many websites" as obvious indication their enmesh in cointel efforts at their repeated sabotage and exploit, as afore-referenced by CUAPB (MN based Communities United Against Police Brutality);
( The Far Reach of Police State Oppression / CUAPB "His websites have been repeatedly taken down, the content hijacked, his URLs redirected to racist websites, etc...." http://groups.yahoo.com/group/stop-polabuse/message/22121
Odd/Ominous Activity Log online
by which to track and update odd occurrences in real time as they occur as deterrent against further state abuse
FBI and CIA are working steadfastly to try and conceal and suppress and have targeted my online materials for sanitation (as referenced immediately below) ...as such, some of the sub* links within the materials referenced below, and perhaps some of the links themselves, have been sabotaged* by the international intelligence community;
Reference: MN CUAPB "The Far Reach of Police State Oppression:... "His websites have been repeatedly taken down, the content hijacked, his URLs redirected to racist websites, etc...."http://groups.yahoo.com/group/stop-polabuse/message/22121
FBI agent Steven Davis' Washington Affidavit before 81st U.S. Attorney General of the United States, admits* Police/FBI kidnap collusion and fundamental miscarriage of justice violation international law, violation Geneva Convention, U.N. Declaration of Human Rights;
The wording of agent Davis' Washington affidavit, while extremely damaging to the FBI, in revealing their crimes and violations of international law committed in context our family's extrajudicial target, is also deliberately clouded with multiple layers of deception as designed to distort and conceal certain aspects of state malfeasance; As example, within construct of his Washington submission, while Davis admits fully to the clandestine joiner between Canadian and U.S. intelligence, in seeking my unlawful render to the U.S., Davis is careful to insert fabricated suggestion of the presence of lawful warrant for extradition when in fact, as evidenced through local court documentation and proceedings here within Canada, no such warrent existed and the actions of the state remain entirely unlawful in every context. Telling and transparent to the greater gravity of truth at hand, is the fact that within the construct of agent Davis' affidavit, and as completely contrary to his aforesaid false pretense posturing on the legality of state actions in context warrent, Davis states explicitly, the fact that U.S. Marshals and FBI grossly overstepped and violated the boundaries of the law in the pursuit of a Canadian having visited the U.S. for medical reasons.
CUAPB M.Gross re FBI kidnap efforts: "THE FAR REACH OF US POLICE STATE REPRESSION" "Apparently the feds have way too many agents and not enough real crime to worry about. While some agents were busy <http://www.truth-out.org/raids-activists-may-indicate-fbi-abuse-power64028>abusing their power against our local activists, others were working in cahoots with the Winnipeg police department to continue the ongoing harassment of Aaron James. Aaron...has endured multiple warrantless raids on his house, arrests, and attempts to abduct and forcibly extradite him to the US. Http://Groups.Yahoo.Com/Group/Stop-polabuse/Message/22121
Threatening email correspondence from offending figure FBI agent Steven Davis, particular the state's intended longterm take of aim upon our family toward advent my kidnap to the U.S.: said communication references Republican Ron Paul and is copied to central offending state figure Arizona state senator John McCain ( a communication sent amidst onslaught of multiple unlawful state executed abduction ploys targeting our family during the 2008 John McCain presidential campaign.)
Introductory Article (http://bit.ly/2x92Clh)
(Copy) http://policecollusionusacanada07.blogspot.ca/?m=0
Corollary Point Form Introduction: http://canadauscrossborderattack.blogspot.com/#pointformsummary. (http://bit.ly/2w2nhro)
Kidnapping Efforts (http://bit.ly/2ha8IhB)
Court Documents Folders Online
Google Docs - http://bit.ly/hkCWkn
Google Drive http://bit.ly/2hkMg1l
Scribd https://www.scribd.com/user/7847758/John-983
Twitter Dialogue
Our ordeal as tied Julian Assange Wikileaks ordeal: same nest of CIA target both of us - detail in these 2 links
https://twitter.com/jimfree22/status/913566688041406464 (http://bit.ly/2gSSplS)
Our ordeal as tied Arar http://bit.ly/2fumUxM
Prime Minister Trudeau's silence in our ordeal http://bit.ly/2hAAAvw
Government abandon
Spot light foreign Affairs/ACLU abandon http://bit.ly/2xTRqrs
Media censorship/suppression (media blackout CIA* controlled) http://bit.ly/2yXnWy4
Other Independent Reports:
Lesley Hughes Canadian Dimension: http://canadiandimensionmagnwaattack.blogspot.ca/?m=0 (http://bit.ly/2f3gxkV)
The hardcopy Snapshot contained in the article above is illegible. As such, proof* of authenticity of Lesley's article on our ordeal is provided in forensics from Highbeam Media Research archive as follows:
Lesley Hughes Canadian Dimension Article Partial Archive at Highbeam Research: (snapshot forensics)
Snapshot View#1 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1NqJCCd-8z9NRKQygQlssoMp0dggFZrLC
Snapshot View#2 with URL: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1oYuMPWypiRIKvL-fWMopYvoz57W8G6ow
Lesley's same article as archived by Highbeam Research: https://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-173102394.html
Lesley Hughes Rabble.ca Article PDF Archive:
Forensics original snapshot #1 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1oYuMPWypiRIKvL-fWMopYvoz57W8G6ow
Forensics original snapshot #2 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Gmy9RUawaLKcpeFJ1m0ftRHWVuVieN2_
Wayne Madsen Report on racial profiling Assault and judicial tyranny, by X-NSA past state operative Wayne Madsen http://waynemadsenreportnwaattack.blogspot.com/
Roche Tasse Past President International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group: Advocacy with respect our ordeal http://rochtasse-iclmgbehindus.blogspot.com/ (http://bit.ly/2y8cGKy)
Original Assault: http://mothereyewitnessnwaattack.blogspot.com/ (http://bit.ly/2xe2suD)
Northwest Air Profiling Attack Part 1: http://youtu.be/9gSw-NlUfwE
Northwest Air Profiling Attack Part 2: http://youtu.be/0DC8R3TbnI8
NWA Racial Profiling Assault - in depth http://northwest-delta-air-racial-profiling.blogspot.ca/?m=0
Same officers involved in Multiple Further Airport Attacks over next several months including the assault upon the 6 Imams http://bradwingatebrutality.blogspot.ca/?m=0
The offending airline Northwest Air, worked with NASA and FBI in craft of their racial profiling pilot project introduced to Minneapolis' Bloomingdale Airport 6 months prior our arrival January 2006;
FBI/NASA Racial Profiling via DATA Mining Passenger Name Records https://epic.org/privacy/airtravel/nasa/
NWA Sued by ACLU re racial profiling: https://web.archive.org/web/20091029010849/http://www.aclu.org/racialjustice/racialprofiling/25583res20020604.html
NWA Racial Profiling Abuses History: http://nwaracialpersecution.blogspot.ca/?m=0
Minneapolis Systemic Racial Profiling Abuses Human Rights Watch http://shielded-from-justice-racism.blogspot.ca/?m=0
MPR The Color of Justice: http://news.minnesota.publicradio.org/features/200111/12_newsroom_colorofjustice/
Lawsuit against MN Police Chief Tim Dolan re KKK threats and systemic demotions of his own officers "The suit alleges that black officers have also suffered under a racially hostile environment. It says that in 1992, black officers received a hate letter signed "KKK" through the interoffice mail." https://www.mprnews.org/story/2007/12/03/copslawsuit
My video on MN Police Racism/Corruption http://youtu.be/qKe-YB7KjYg
Extra-judicial Jim Crow Persecution Suffered
* Corrupt Jury Pool Cointel Tainted
POST (Peace officer Standards and Training ) collusion with FBI 3 days prior to hearings ...they failed to reply to our compliant of police abuse, but happily colluded with FBI prior to hearings as aide and abetting of obstruction of justice;
Defense Working For Prosecution (Referenced also in FBI agent Davis' Washington Affidavit) http://defenseattorneyconspirestoaideprosecu.blogspot.ca/?m=0
Breaches in Law at Trial http://breachesinlawattrial.blogspot.ca/2006/10/?m=1
Senior District Court Judge Gladdys Kessler exposes systemic FBI corruption and taint of evidence;
Corollary examples of Jury Pool Tamper in hate based Police Brutality Assaults:
Minneapolis /Jenkins Beating:
MN based Communities United Against Police Brutality (CUAPB) "From the moment we walked into the courtroom, it was clear that the machinery of the criminal justice system has been tuned up to railroad Philander. " http://www.cuapb.org/12_30_2003_newsletter
MN Based Communities United Against Police Brutality's attest regarding Judicial Tyranny We have Endured: https://web.archive.org/web/20100305070709/http://www.cuapb.org/AaronJamesStatement.asp Govt to whom she sent Redacted but* see below:
Government to whom she sent the email 3 days prior kidnap un*redacted: http://advocacymgrosscuapb.blogspot.ca/?m=1
CUAPB "Falsifying reports and "testilying" by cops are nothing new in this town but it's rare to see it proven so starkly.
Our Analysis of Police' False Statements http://policeliesuncovered07.blogspot.ca/?m=0
MN Hennepin County Courts History of Corruption in target of people of color: "Highest rate of over-prosecution of blacks in all of the U.S." http://www.cuapb.org/12_9_2006_newsletter
Duplicate link: http://imchennepincountyjudiciarycorruption.blogspot.ca/?m=1
Corollary Example: Judicial corruption Jim Crow extra-judicial tyranny:
Milwaukee Jude Porter Case:
FBI attempt terror Patsy frame up just prior to kidnap, using exploit of my online materials through their embed of my name and website URL in extremist materials of their own manufacture : telling* is that referenced in these same materials is "John McCain" and "Winnipeg Police*** Exploitation Unit"
Part 1: CIA torture rendition victim Maher Arar's name appears in COINTEL manufactured extremist "Bushites" entrapment doc on pp 29 and 51
Google drive copy: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxWsLhhcRQRkaUdJZ2lLZm5WVmc; (http://bit.ly/2fCmB4t)
Part 2: ...Ultimately, my* name (Aaron James) would appear in later* versions of this same document bearing aforementioned references to McCain and "Winnipeg Police Exploitation Unit" - Winnipeg Police, the Canadian "Law Enforcement" agency used as proxy liaison for the United States' unlawful target of my person here within Canada;
Later revealed within Winnipeg Police notes subpoenaed in court proceedings investigating their criminal conduct and kidnap ploys, was the fact Winnipeg police had catalogued all* of my online materials, making obvious their utility of it's exploit in the FBI COINTEL/police/state manufactured extremist materials at large...Telling was Winnipeg Police notes reference "Aaron James builds AND MAINTAINS*** many websites" as obvious indication their enmesh in cointel efforts at their repeated sabotage and exploit, as afore-referenced by CUAPB (MN based Communities United Against Police Brutality);
( The Far Reach of Police State Oppression / CUAPB "His websites have been repeatedly taken down, the content hijacked, his URLs redirected to racist websites, etc...." http://groups.yahoo.com/group/stop-polabuse/message/22121
Odd/Ominous Activity Log online
by which to track and update odd occurrences in real time as they occur as deterrent against further state abuse